People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 63 Mystique's Strange Ability! Sabretooth Roaring Hands!

In the Ark Base, the Mutant practice school.

After Lin Feng answered the children's questions, they spent this unique interactive class in contemplation. Until the second cultural class teacher came, many children were still reluctant to part with it.

After seeing off the children and the culture teacher, at the warm invitation of Luo La, he went to the staff dormitory to inspect the implementation of the living conditions of the teachers.

James smiled helplessly, and said to Aesir Zuo and Raven.

"Okay, it seems that Dad has other things to do, so I will take Raven to go through the admission procedures, Aesir will help you go together or..."

Aesir interrupted James without waiting for him to finish speaking, and said to Raven graciously.

"I don't need this old man's help. I am very familiar with Mutant Practice School. Principal Hanks is my good friend. Raven, I will take you directly to his office!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to pull Raven, and James shook his head at the frizzy movement.

After all, he was too young, and his method of chasing girls was too rough, he bet that Aesir would hit a wall.


Raven gently patted Aesir's hand away, and said to James with a smile.

"James is bothering you, let's go there together."

Aesir bared his teeth at James, but the latter ignored him and nodded.

"Then come with me. He is in the principal's office on the 6th floor of the teaching building. Every student who enters the school must be screened by him to see which class is suitable for admission.

After James finished speaking, he took Raven to the teaching building.

Aesir let out a snort, and followed them with his mouth curled up, his tail flicked vigorously in the air, making a snapping sound.

In this Mutant practice school, more than 200 children, teenagers, and young people have been enrolled in "493", and they are divided into different classes according to age, ability category, and psychological state.

The school's faculty members are divided into 5 types. The culture class and psychology teachers are from the elite teachers of various disciplines recruited by the Lin family. The martial arts class teachers are from Shenwuwei. The skill class teachers are from top experts in various industries. Most of the interactive class teachers are these An adult Mutant subjugated by the year.

Raven listened carefully to James' explanation, and felt more and more that his decision to surrender was correct. Judging from the teacher resources equipped in this school, as well as the courses and skills taught, it was all for Mutant to be able to behave like Common humans. live in this world.

In her many years of career as a hand killer, she has seen many Mutants being tortured by the hands of Common humans. Mutants with deformed bodies and weak Ability were sold to circuses and became gimmicks for curious guests. They were whipped like Beasts. Next, the guests made a lot of laughs by pretending to be ugly and good-looking; the Mutant, who is strong and has a special ability, was either treated as a demon and chased and killed Tianya by the demon hunter, or fell into the hands of an organization such as the Hands. After being brutally tortured and having a mental breakdown, he was brainwashed and became a killing tool that only knew how to obey orders.

The Mutant practice school founded by Lin Feng is like the dawn that breaks through the darkness, giving the Mutants in the school the hope of peaceful coexistence with Common humans and the power to freely choose their way of life in the future.

Along the way, Raven saw that in the classrooms on both sides of the aisle, many Common human teachers taught Mutant children knowledge and abilities with a smile on their faces, and the children also studied hard and got along with the teachers very intimately and harmoniously.

James observed her surprised and longing expression from the corner of his eye, and a strong sense of pride surged deep in his heart.

This is the courage and means of his foster father, who built the Ark base at any cost in advance, and recruited a large number of scientists and educational elites, in order to give Mutant a comprehensive education and promotion. Prevent them from becoming fools who are dazzled by power and hatred, killing everywhere for no reason and intensifying the contradiction between Mutant and Common humans.

In the future, more Mutants will come here to learn how to develop and control their Abilities, and use them on the right path of creating value for human society or punishing evil and promoting good, and establishing a positive image of Mutants.

Let Common humans understand that Mutant is not a natural villain, but a member of human beings who have the same wisdom and restraint as them.

It is the most correct choice for the two sides to join hands to create a more splendid human civilization, but mutual hostility and killing is the most stupid choice.

"Hi! James, you are here, Aesir assists you, but you rarely come here."

Principal Hanks of Mutant Practice School embraced James warmly.

He learned Wuji Zhengong from James, and James is his master in a sense.

The relationship between the two is very special, and they are also teachers from each other.

"Who is this?"

After greeting the two, he looked at Raven beside Aesir and asked suspiciously.

"This lady Hanks is my friend Raven. She has the ability to imitate the appearance of others. My adoptive father calls her Mystique."

Aesir Zuo opened his mouth first, and said happily.

James shook his head helplessly, squeezed his fists and cracked them.

What should I do if my brother is not good again?

One beating is fine, if not, two beatings!

"Aesir, have you finished your babbling? Leave aside, Hanks is going to investigate Raven's Ability and help her with the admission procedures."

He stretched out his hand to press Aesir Zuo's shoulder, and the majestic innate strength penetrated into his body. With a light lift, he was thrown to the other side like a doll, and introduced to Raven.

"This is Hanks, the principal of the Mutant Practice School I mentioned earlier. He has a special sense, and he can see the focus of Mutant Ability mutations. According to different mutations, the focus of Mutant Ability mutations is different, and the students who enter the school are divided into different types. class."

Hanks looks ten years older than James, but in fact he is too young for James' grandson. He has short gold hair and neat glasses. He looks very gentle with flat glasses.

"Hello, Principal Hanks, I will trouble you in the future!"

Raven took the initiative to reach out, this time to study at the Mutant Practice School, she still needs the care of Principal Hanks, and the other party gave her a strong feeling of strength.

Hanks gently shook her hand, the pupils in his eyes turned dark gold, and his sharp eyes seemed to penetrate Raven's flesh and blood to see the origin of her mutant Ability.

"A very special variant Ability, between the body and energy, or a bridge connecting the variant Ability of the flesh and the variant Ability of the energy. It is really amazing "Your potential is very


"In terms of combat power, you are at the Beta level (B), but the Ability category is very special, and you can also be classified as Alpha level (A) in terms of potential. After practicing Wuju Zhengong in the future, it is very likely to break through to the Omega level (Q) ."

"Raven, you and Aesir stay here for a while, I need to discuss it with James!"

The golden light in Hanks' eyes disappeared, he gave a warning, and then took James to the study in the back of the office.

The Hand London Branch.

In the dark hall of the underground base, there are five seats arranged in a semicircle in the middle, surrounded by rows of steps and simple stone benches.

The four corners of the entire hall are lit with kerosene lamps, which is quite unbelievable in this era of electric lighting.

On the main seat in the middle sat a short and thin old man, who was holding a cane taller than himself, staring coldly at the people in the two seats next to him.

Under the flickering yellow kerosene lamp, the faces of several people in the seats were hidden in the light and shadow.

"Madam Gao, your subordinates have failed. It has been two days and no news has been sent back. The employers are very unhappy and want to withdraw the order. The business of 1 million pounds has failed. You should give the organization an account!"

The old but powerful scolding sounded from the mouth of the old man in the middle seat, with a strong oriental accent, which was very uncomfortable to listen to.

Apparently this old man came from the headquarters of the Hand Association in the East to hold him accountable, no wonder his attitude was very strict.

"Mr. Botu, you should understand that there is no general who never loses a battle, and there is no assassin who never misses! Especially this time, the target is the mansion of the Great Shadow Emperor of Ghana. No organization in the world dares to guarantee that it can Smoothly steal what the employer wants from there!"

Mrs. Gao argued neither humble nor overbearing, caressing a sharp dagger with her fingers, she was a little absent-minded.

Hearing this, Bo Tu sneered, his eyes fixed on the dagger in her hand, wondering what he was thinking.

The scene fell into a deathly silence, and the person in the other seat had nothing to do with himself, and had no intention of speaking at all. The accident happened to the London branch, and it had nothing to do with his Paris branch.

A moment later, the sound of hurried footsteps came from the depths of the passage outside the hall.

Tread, tread, tread!

The frequency of footsteps is very fast, far exceeding the frequency of Common people running.

The figure quickly entered the hall, Bo Tu got up and walked down the steps, facing the anxious figure.

"Baga! What happened to make you so flustered! The young people of the Hand are really inferior to each other, especially the London branch, Madam Gao, how did you train your subordinates?

The man froze for a moment, and looked at Mrs. Gao for help.

Unexpectedly, when Botu jumped up, he slapped him, his short and thin body burst out with great force, and slapped the man hard on the face.


Loud applause echoed in the hall.

Mrs. Gao's face was gloomy, and the corners of her mouth twitched a few times.

But in the end, he still held back and didn't speak, and watched helplessly as his subordinates were blown away, hit the wall of the hall and hung for a while, then slid down against the wall and spewed out a mouthful of blood and a few teeth.

"Botu-sama, you are angry and angry, why don't you let Noda-kun tell you what happened?"

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting more and more tense, the figure who had been silent stood up and stopped Botu.

He was still sitting on the seat when he spoke, and after he finished speaking, he had already crossed tens of meters, and raised his hand to catch Botu's slap.


The two palmed each other, the surging qi and blood collided, and the dark energy penetrated into the meridians of the other's arm to wreak havoc.

"Huh! Murakami, your kung fu has improved again, no wonder you dare to take care of the old man's affairs!"

After all, Bo Tu was getting old, and he took two steps back to relieve his strength and snorted angrily with blood on the corner of his mouth.

Murakami moved his hands tremblingly to his back, the power of Qi and blood in his body washed away the dark energy that penetrated his body, constantly wearing away the Lihuang raging in his meridians.

"Bo Tu is absurd, you are always strong and I am an opponent, you are always giving way to me!"

He also didn't want to get into a stalemate with the other party, so he praised sincerely.

Botu slammed his walking stick, smashed a few Qingshi boards, and released the dark energy that entered his body.

Only then did Mrs. Gao slowly come to the injured man, took out a blood-red bullet and threw it in front of him, saying coldly.

"After taking this blood essence pill, your injury will be fine."

The man picked up the bullet in surprise, stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it a few times and swallowed it. His pale face became rosy to the naked eye, and the internal injuries from the violent impact also healed a bit.

"Tell me, what happened to make you so panicked! Jiro Okamura, you are also an elite of the organization. You have experienced dozens of fights, how could you lose your composure?"

Mrs. Gao's words were beautiful, even if she comforted her subordinates, she also gave Botu a few words in a neutral manner, but she didn't completely tear her face.

Okamura Jiro knelt on one knee, bright red blood dripping from the wound on his chest, as if remembering something terrible, he said tremblingly with fear in his eyes.

"As soon as my subordinates received warning information from the Ghana stronghold, they were approached by mysterious people.

As for the attack, each of them is extremely skilled, and most of the moves they use are the boxing techniques of the Daxia people. More than 20 Chunin in his subordinate team were slaughtered in the blink of an eye. Fortunately,

Jonin Apei Shinji spared his life and used the Mad Demon Pill to stop several strongest masters, so that his subordinates could escape back to the branch by luck. "

Hearing what he said, Murakami asked eagerly.

"How many people are there, and what level of strength are they?"

Okamura Jiro didn't know why, he was taken aback for a moment and replied honestly.

"There are more than 10 people who shot, and the strongest ones should, shouldn't be much worse than Mr. Botu."

Murakami's face turned purple with anger, and Langlang kicked him in the chest.

Amidst the sound of cracking bones, Okamura Jiro flew upside down and hit the wall, forcibly smashing the blue brick wall into a depression.

"Idiot, a complete idiot! Even if Ampere Jiner took the Mad Demon Pill, he would at most be on par with me. If the effect of the medicine wears off within 10 minutes, he would surely die."

"The enemy's strength is 3.5, how could he hold you back? Isn't that the way to let you come back and lead them the way?"

Bo Tu and Mrs. Gao also changed their expressions, obviously they also understood.

"Hehe, Japanese people are also smart, but it's a bit late to understand."

A dozen or so figures silently walked into the passage, and the leader said with a cold smile.

"The Hand would dare to take action against the Lin family's property. It's a bear's heart and a leopard's guts! I heard that you can resurrect the decedent. Today, I, Victor, want to see it. I will tear it to pieces and burn you to ashes."

Can it be revived!"

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a dozen Shenwu guards behind him quickly surrounded the hall, surrounded Botu, Mrs. Gao, and Murakami, and looked down at them indifferently.

Murakami's eyesight is much stronger than that of Okamura Jiro, seeing the opponent stepping forward and coming to his side, it is like a supernatural power that shrinks the ground to an inch, and he knows that the opponent's martial arts cultivation is far superior to his own.

He glanced at Gangmura Jiro bitterly, this guy is not only blind but also fucking blind.

Forcibly speaking of Dan Jin and even Gang Jin fighters in Legendary, he is similar to him as Hua Jin fighters, against the shadow-level powerhouses of the Standard Hand Association.

"Hold on, my friend. Have we misunderstood? If the Hand has offended you, I can compensate you on behalf of the Hand. You can set a price for money or treasures!"

Victor glanced at him in surprise, laughed loudly and said to the Shenwuwei who surrounded him.

"It's the first time I've seen people who want to buy Shenwuwei with money and treasures. These rubbish dare to insult our Shenwuwei. We must not let them die too easily!"

He bluffed his hands and shook them violently, ten black and sharp nails popped out, and rushed towards Murakami, the hatred in his heart would not be dispelled if he didn't tear this fellow into pieces. .

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