People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 65 Immortal Thought Stamp! Primal Demon Beast!

The underground base of the Hand branch.

Viktor stood in front of Iron Fist, braving Red's blood and flames all over his body, and said firmly with bloodthirsty desire flashing in his eyes.

"No one can decide the life and death of Shenwuwei, not even gods and demons. Their lives belong only to the master. The master will not let them die, and no one can take their lives casually.

Iron Fist froze for a moment, and the dragon shadows on his hands flickered.

All warriors who can cultivate Danjin are people with Extraordinary natural endowment, not to mention there are a few strong warriors among them. Such strong warriors are quite conceited and proud, and they rarely become others' subordinates.

what did he hear now

It is inconceivable that there are more than a dozen Dan Jin and Gang Jin warriors in front of them who can make them swear to die.

"But once the evil spirits devour their souls and occupy such a powerful body, they are likely to completely recover from the long river of time, and slaughter wantonly in the world to sacrifice to their masters."

"Besides, they are loyal servants of the 'beast'. They will definitely find ways to guide his real body to descend into the world. When the time comes, a catastrophe will really come, and billions of people around the world will be killed by the 'beast'.

Under the influence of human beings, the degenerates are willing to be driven by the seven original sins and become a shameless and righteous carnal puppet. "

The more he spoke, the more excited he became, clenched his fists and roaring in the air, approaching the struggling Shenwu guards step by step.

Victor's pupils shrank slightly, his fingernails swelled, and he frowned and scolded.

"Stop! If you dare to take a step forward, don't blame me for being ruthless."

The flames of Red's qi and blood seemed to perceive the changes in his emotions, and they rose three feet higher like fuel on the fire, and the billowing heat wave swept the space in the hall.

Iron Fist's expression changed slightly, but he didn't speak, he didn't even take a step back, he just looked at him indifferently.

"Sorry, in order to save the world, even if I have to stain my hands with the blood of innocent people, I will go forward and be willing to bear all the sins on my shoulders!"

Just when the two were about to fight, dots of sparks appeared in the void, and a circular space passage appeared, and a tall, handsome mixed-race man stepped out of it.

His three-dimensional facial features have a strong three-dimensional sense and inherited his mother's advantages, but Black's hair, eye pupils and yellow skin have inherited his father's inheritance.

"Victor don't do anything, and this Kunlun's iron fist, the evil spirit entering the body is not hopeless, leave this matter to me!"

The space passage that suddenly appeared in the hall, and the mixed-race man who stepped out of the passage, stopped the two people who were tense with a smile.

Iron Fist looked dignified, looked at the space channel thoughtfully, and nodded slightly when he thought of the identity of the visitor.

"It turned out to be the Mage of Kamar-Taj. Since you are here, the Supreme Mage must have known about it. If she takes action, these evil spirits will not be difficult to deal with.

Vik 400 breathed a sigh of relief, dissipated the last trace of the power of the 'Explosive Pill' secret technique, and his feet softened and he fell to the ground.

"Master An Yao, you are here, please take them to Kamar-Taj as soon as possible, and ask the Supreme Mage to help drive out the evil spirits. I'm afraid they won't last long."

Lin Anyao was wearing Kamar-Taj's Mage suit. He tilted his handsome and flawless cheeks, and still calmly smiled at Victor, drawing circles in the air with his left hand with Sling Ring.

"You all guessed wrong. Master just asked me to organize your fights. As for the evil spirits in the body of the Shenwuwei, she didn't say that she would take action. She just asked me to take you back to Lin's Manor. It seems that I think the old man has a way Destroy the evil spirits!"

During the conversation, more than a dozen space passages with sparks appeared under the feet of everyone. Victor and Iron Fist were unprepared, and their feet were empty. The feeling of weightlessness came to their hearts.

As soon as the iron fist landed, the dragon shadow exploded on both fists, wanting to rush towards Lin Anyao.


A powerful big hand pressed on his shoulder, like a mountain pressing down on the top, the iron fist that was suppressed in an instant could not move, and the majestic Qi in his body was firmly blocked by the more vast and powerful Xiantian.

"Young man, don't be so impetuous, my son is just joking with you, please don't care about it!"

A magnetic baritone came from behind him and patted him on the shoulder.

Iron Fist turned his head and saw a Daxia man in his twenties, looking at him with a gentle smile, and beside him stood a western demon with red skin.

Victor stepped forward to salute respectfully, and Lin Antu also bowed slightly and said in unison.

"I have seen the master!"

"Greetings to father!"

It was Lin Feng who came. After receiving the notice from Lin Anyao, he appeased the newly married Laura, and asked Aesir to teleport him back to Lin's Manor. Unexpectedly, he was slower than them.

Alcohol misleads people, quit drinking today!

"Father, this is Iron Fist from Kunlun. When my son went to the London Hand Association stronghold. He wanted to kill Shen Wuwei, who had entered the body with evil spirits, and was confronting Victor."

Lin Anyao stepped forward to introduce to his father, pointing to Iron Fist and Victor, and explained the matter.

Lin Feng nodded, and saw a superhero in his memory before time travel, a Daxia man who was relatively rare in Marvel movies, but he didn't know which generation of Iron Fist he was.

It's right to want to eliminate demons and defend the way, but not to move your own people!

"Mr. Iron Fist came from a long way, An Yao, take him down to rest first. Just leave the matter of the evil spirits to me. If they dare to devour the soul of Shenwuwei, they are really not afraid of death!"

Shenwuwei's souls all have their own ideological seals. Evil spirits dare to devour their soul fragments, which is no different from luring wolves into a house. Once integrated into their spiritual bodies, the ideological seals will also be branded on the evil spirits' spiritual bodies. .

If it weren't for these gods and guards who have been with Lin Feng for decades and have a deep emotional bond with each other, he would not have lost anything if he let it go. The left and right are just evil spirits replacing the original soul, and under the influence of the ideological seal, they still remain. will be loyal to him.

Lin Anyao nodded slightly, and said politely.

"Mr. Iron Fist, please, I will take you to the Siyi Hall to rest. My father wants to expel evil spirits for these uncles, and the secret is inconvenient for outsiders to know."

Iron Fist shook his head, his resolute face showed the will to die, and he pointed at the Shenwu guards who had entered the body with evil spirits.

"I know that Mage, you and your father are extremely powerful, but the ancient evil spirits cannot be dealt with by common means. I want to watch them be wiped out, even if I offend you two and die, it will not change my will!"

After all, he clenched his fists tightly, wanting to mobilize the Qi in his body and activate the Shenlong Zhili.

But as soon as the qi in the dantian came out of the acupoint, it was as if it had hit a copper wall and an iron wall. The shaking dantian was extremely painful, and the dragon shadow disappeared in a flash and could not condense.

Lin Feng put his hands behind his back and scolded sharply.

"There is an old saying in Daxia that the guests do as they please. Mr. Iron Fist, don't rely on the guest from Kunlun to deceive the owner. Come to my Lin Feng's territory. It's a dragon, you coil it up for me, or you lie down for me, a tiger

"An Yao, take him away, and let him come after I get rid of the evil spirit."

Lin Anyao sighed softly, admiring Iron Fist's courage.

It seemed that the other party not only had fists as hard as iron, but also his head was as hard as iron. He hadn't seen anyone who dared to refuse his father's order for a long time.

Draw a circle in the air with one hand, and step into the space passageway with a stern iron fist with the other, entering a guest room in the Siyi Pavilion.

"Mr. Iron Fist, take a good rest here. The qi and dragon power in your body will be unlocked in 24 hours. Before that, you may not even be able to beat the old man who is guarding the door. He is a master of strength. Don't lose it." Asking for trouble."

After exhorting, Lin Anyao used space magic again to come to an underground palace with huge amounts of it. This is his father's practice secret room, where his father will definitely expel evil spirits for his uncles

Sure enough, when he stepped out of the space passage.

I saw Lin Feng sitting cross-legged on the ground, surrounded by Shenwu guards.

The situation of Shenwuwei at the moment is very bad, their faces are distorted and roared silently, it can be seen that the evil spirits have already robbed the control of the body.

With the help of the thought seal in Shenwuwei's soul, Lin Feng's vast and incomparably condensed spiritual will jumped out of his body, and there was a sound like glass breaking in the void, as if even this space could not bear his huge spiritual power.

Boom boom boom!

In the world of the souls and spirits of the Shenwuweis, the heavens and the earth are about to shatter violently. Every evil spirit that is wantonly devouring the souls of the Shenwuweis is horrified to find that an infinitely taller figure taller than a mountain has descended in front of it. .

Lin Feng lowered his head, looking down at the evil spirit who was as small as an ant, his voice shook the world.

"You are quite courageous. You dare to devour the souls of my subordinates. Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you! Experience the 18 kinds of torture hidden in the ideological seal!"

He stretched out his hand and pointed, and the evil spirits were horrified to find that a mark containing weak immortal power emerged on his body, enveloping their spiritual bodies in an instant.

This is the soul fragments of Shenwuwei devoured by evil spirits. After the hidden thought steel seals are activated, they quickly erode their spirit bodies and imprint the orders loyal to Lin Feng on them.

The spiritual body power of the evil spirits has integrated with the thought seal, and they can't get rid of it even if they want to get rid of it. A boundless and terrifying coercion hits from the thought seal.

They felt as if they were involved in a meat grinder, their spirit bodies were divided into countless parts in an instant, and the severe pain that directly hit (chba) their souls made them howl in pain.

"Self-exploding spirit body, we cannot be controlled by humans!"

One of the evil spirits couldn't bear it anymore, and exploded with a loud roar, and the spirit body exploded into thousands of pieces.

"Want to die? How can there be such a cheap thing!"

Lin Feng sneered, and activated the thought seal, and those shattered spirit body fragments, under the power of the thought seal, once again condensed the spirit body of the evil spirit.

The other evil spirits seemed to sense the crisis, and the strange and terrifying methods of the people in front of them were no different than those of the 'beast'.

What kind of method is so evil?

Even if they self-detonate their spirit bodies, the thought stamp will not disappear, and they will help them gather their spirit bodies and continue to endure the torture.

Cruel punishments such as burning the body with fire, piercing the bones with ice, piercing the heart with thousands of arrows, and dismembering corpses into thousands of pieces, tortured the evil spirits over and over again.

And in the endless torment, that majestic body was deeply imprinted in the soul of the evil spirits. This is a terrifying and powerful man, and they cannot deal with it.

At this moment, the evil spirits hated the Hand that summoned Hei Kong very much. If they hadn't caused trouble to provoke this terrifying powerhouse, Master Hei Kong would not have come and sent them to fight with Shen Wuwei, thus falling into a situation where life would be worse than death .

After an unknown amount of time, the minds of the evil spirits completely collapsed, and an inexplicable will came from the imprint of their minds.

"Surrender! Surrender!"

"Surrender with all your heart, and you will be free!"

The evil spirits seem to be greatly stimulated by the shock of the spirit body, and want to succumb to the inexplicable will that resounds through the spirit body.

"Great strong man, please stop, we are willing to surrender to you!"

Faced with the irresistible strong, the evil spirits had no choice but to beg for mercy.

However, Lin Feng ignored them and continued to activate the thought stamp, using different torture methods to torture the evil spirits in turn.

These ancient evil spirits are so stubborn that they dare to deceive him even in such a situation. If they really surrender, they should take the initiative to separate the soul fragments of the devoured Shenwuwei and cancel the soul contract signed with the "beast" .

After experiencing countless tortures and reincarnations, the evil spirits raised their heads weakly and glanced at the incomparably tall figure.

Immediately, they endured the pain of tearing their spirit bodies, and separated the devoured soul fragments of Shenwuwei from their own bodies. Once the soul fragments were separated, they returned to the souls of Shenwuwei under the attraction of the source, and put the defective The source of the soul has been restored.

The pain of splitting the spirit body cannot be compared with the torture suffered. The evil spirits actually felt unspeakably relieved in the pain of splitting the spirit body, because the endless torture finally eased a bit.

Now that a choice has been made, the evil spirits are also very decisive.

The soul contracts used by the 'beasts' to control them are bound to the core of the spirit body. The evil spirits made a determined effort to dig out the core of the spirit body, and flew into the air with the core of the spirit body attached.

Lin Feng looked at the clusters of incomparably small spirit cores in front of him. The huge spiritual power turned into sharp blades and pierced into the cores, cutting off the connection between the soul contract of the 'beast' and the cores.

Billowing black mist gushed out from the core of the spirit body, and more than a dozen streams of black mist converged into the image of an orc with horns on the top of its head. It had a green face, long fangs, thick nose and wide mouth, and its muscles protruded like rocks. It roared angrily with its eyes wide open.

"Damn human, you dare to plunder my servants and break God's contract! This is a blasphemy against God, and you will surely fall into hell and never be reborn!"

"How dare you betray me, and when my real body arrives, I will send your spirit bodies to hell and be burned by demon fire for thousands of years, so that you...

The orc cursed Lin Feng and the evil spirits who betrayed him endlessly. Every soul contract entrusted a trace of its soul. Originally, it had no spiritual intelligence, but after gathering more than a dozen souls, it naturally gave birth to spiritual wisdom.

"I have always been looking forward to meeting higher-level beings. After seeing you who call yourself a god, I realized that the so-called gods and demons are just more powerful creatures. You can't even control your emotions, just like a defeated dog. The barking of the dog expresses some kind of extreme emotion."

"I am deeply disappointed in your performance. The evolution of life is not only about the body and strength. If the mind cannot be sublimated, your so-called god is nothing more than that. The long life has consumed your will and wisdom, and you are loved as much as the common life. Affected by emotions such as anger, sorrow and joy.”

"So it is you who should be afraid, primitive demon and beast. You have gone further astray on the road of life evolution. And I will learn from your lesson and embark on the correct evolution path."


The giant hands covering the sky and the sky grabbed the tall orc soul duplication, and crushed it into pieces. The boundless and powerful spiritual force repeatedly grinds every piece of fragments, obliterating the will of the "beast" and leaving the purest memory .

"God! Although the 'beast' has only a trace of divine soul duplication, and its power is less than one billionth of its main body, it is still at the level of a god, but it has no power to fight back in the hands of its master."

The evil spirits looked up at the one-sided crushing situation in the sky, and the spirit body, which was purely composed of soul power and energy, felt a sense of tension.

They are very glad that they surrendered quickly enough, persisted in resisting without a head, and knew that Lin Feng did not destroy them before, just to protect the soul fragments of the Shenwuwei from harm.

When the will on the fragments of the beastman's soul was completely wiped out, in the unknown space of unknown dimensions, the primitive demons and beasts that filled the entire space slowly woke up, and the blood-red vertical pupils that were as huge as planets shot out red light. To the most special planet in the dimension of reality.

"Human beings also want to become gods, hehe, what a fool's dream!"

"The wastes of the Hand Society, after hundreds of years, I still can't let me come down. Maybe it's time to change to a capable subordinate, occupy that planet earlier, devour the Celestial larvae in the star core, and I can break free from this situation. Damn cage!"

He integrates with the dimensional power, and although he has obtained eternal life and boundless power, all of this depends on this dimensional space full of dark, evil energy and magic power

In the dimensional space, he is the undoubted master, but at the same time, the real body is also trapped in it and cannot be free.

Once he enters other dimensions, or the foundation and origin of the infinite dimension of the universe—the real dimension, he will be suppressed by most of his power, and even on that special planet, there is still a law imprisoned by the God Group, which will go further Suppress higher life forms that are not on this planet.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help wanting to descend with his real body even more eagerly. The creature who dared to plunder his servants made progress too fast, and he had to destroy him before the other party became a god. .

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