People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 76 Infighting In Wakanda! My Rules Are The Rules!

Hundreds of fully armed Shenwuwei came out in the space passage, and Lin Anyao followed them out of the passage.

As soon as he got a firm foothold, Aesir Zuo complained endlessly.

"Father, you are not mean enough. How could you not take me with such an interesting thing as fighting? If An Yao hadn't come to find me, I would have missed this opportunity."

Lin Feng flicked his finger, and a beam of innate truth hit him on the head.

Aesir Zuo's head was smashed to the side, and the golden light flashed under the skin, which was hard to shake off the innate truth.

"Shut up, I only brought these few atomic fission bombs, go back and get them soon!"

Hearing that Lin Feng was angry, Aesir quickly covered his mouth with his hand, teleported away with black smoke rising from his body, and teleported back holding a few atomic fission bombs after a while.

After several repetitions, dozens of atomic fission bombs were added to the jungle, and hundreds of Shenwuwei tied up the Wakanda soldiers.

Azuri's face was almost green, and only then did he understand the restraint in his father Azula's words.

The strong man who is about to become a god in front of him is as strong as anyone under him, and he can't even defeat any of them without armor.

And that guy with Red skin that looks like a demon actually has the ability to teleport through space. Even if he doesn't give in, I'm afraid Wakanda's protective shield won't be able to stop him.

Coupled with the dozens of atomic fission bombs piled up not far away, it is enough to destroy Wakanda several times. When did the outside world become so dangerous?

"Let's go Azuli, take off your helmet, and lead us to Wakanda. These fission bombs and my Shenwuwei should be able to convince those elders that "let them understand that there is no shame in submitting to the Lin family!"

"As for these atomic fission bombs, they are just a means of deterrence, unless they would rather die than surrender, otherwise I will not use them.

Lin Feng saw his hesitation, and said calmly.

I believe that those tribal leaders will definitely make the right choice.

Azuli's "540" hesitantly took off the leopard-head bite helmet, and his brain memory was instantly read by his heart.

"Well, the leopard god Buster really appeared, and I don't know what Zhu Mingwei said to him to persuade Buster not to intervene. He even asked Azuli's father to come forward and persuade him to surrender to himself! "

"However, it seems that Azuli still has some reluctance in his heart. This is not good! It seems that he needs to use some methods to train him before he can completely subdue Azuli."

Lin Feng flipped through the memory in Telepathy and thought.


Capital - Bernin Zana!

With the king Azuli leading the way, all the Wakanda patrol Warriors who met along the way saluted respectfully, looking suspiciously at the many outsiders behind but did not dare to stop them.

However, in private, a few Warriors secretly notified the leader of their own tribe using Wakanda's unique contact method.

When Lin Feng and the others came to the king's palace, Queen Nunnally and Dora's guards were confronting several tribal leaders.

From this, we can also see the uniqueness of Wakanda. The technology has been ahead of the world for hundreds of years, but the customs and habits still maintain the traditions of primitive tribes, which can be described as the coexistence of advanced and barbaric.

After entering Bernin Zana, Lin Feng read the memories of many people through Telepathy, and gained a better understanding of the various tribal forces in Wakanda.

Among the people who confronted Queen Nunally with their personal guards, the most arrogant was Mbatu of the White Ape Tribe. His physique was a circle larger than that of other tribal leaders, and his arms were as thick as the thighs of Common people. A strong man who can stand on human arms and run a horse.

There are many tribes in Wakanda, large and small add up to about 20 tribes, not counting the tribes of Black Panther Azuli, there are 5 tribes with the strongest strength.

Azuri leads a tribe that believes in Black Panther Buster, and is represented by Gold in charge of the throne of Wakanda, and is also the royal family that has occupied the throne for the longest time.

The Black Panthers of the past dynasties all came from this tribe. They are also called the Black Panther tribe within Wakanda. The priests who control the heart-shaped grass and worship the leopard god are basically from the Black Panther tribe.

As the name suggests, the border tribes have lived on the border of Wakanda for a long time, hunting and planting with primitive means, deceiving other countries and outsiders who accidentally wandered here, and concealing the true situation of Wakanda's technologically developed country, rich and powerful. They believe in the rhinoceros god, and they are the ones who ride rhinoceros to fight in the movie, and the representative color of the tribe is Blue.

The river tribe is rather peculiar. When the throne is challenged in the movie Black Panther, the person with the plate in his mouth is the river tribe. They are responsible for guarding the rivers in Wakanda, especially the longest river Armas is their settlement. This tribe believes The one is the crocodile god, and the representative color of the tribe is Green.

The mine tribe is Wakanda's military factory. They live near the Vibranium mine and are responsible for mining various minerals in Wakanda. Since they are responsible for mining, transportation, and forging, they are also the tribe with the most Vibranium storage except the Black Panther tribe, and their representative color is Red.

The merchant tribe is composed of Wakanda's merchants and craftsmen. It is responsible for all trade activities, including the transportation and distribution of goods. They often wear masks to conceal their true identities during transactions. They control the economic lifeline of Wakanda. There is no fixed belief due to the mixing of members. , there is no representative color.

Finally, the White Ape Tribe, also known as the Alpine Tribe, lives on the mountainside of the highest peak of the Jabari Mountains. They are an autonomous tribe in Wakanda, dissatisfied with the Black Panther tribe's long-term hold on the throne.

They often wear thick fur coats, live in high mountains and snowy ridges, and believe in the White Ape God.

"Mbatu, you White Ape tribe, are you going to rebel?"

Azuli dashed forward, rushed in front of the queen with a few strides, blocked several tribes besieging Nunally, and yelled at the leading white ape tribe.

Mbatu of the White Ape Tribe snorted coldly, pointed at Lin Feng and the others and asked loudly.

"It was you who betrayed Wakanda in Azuli. You brought these foreigners back. Have you forgotten your father's lesson?"

"13 years ago, Crowe from Holland broke into Wakanda with soldiers. I wanted to kill all of them so as not to reveal the secrets of Wakanda. But your father released those soldiers. Later, those soldiers led the army many times, Come to find the existence of Wakanda.

"If it wasn't for your father, we wouldn't have to worry about the invasion of outsiders. Now you don't learn your lesson, and bring outsiders into the capital even more. I and the leaders of the major tribes think that you are no longer suitable to be the king of Wakanda!"

He had been dissatisfied with Azuli for a long time, and he finally got hold of him. He could severely reprimand Azuli in front of many tribal leaders and suppress Azuli's prestige.

Azu's face was serious, he scanned the many tribal leaders, and found that they were all nodding in agreement, he asked calmly with some perturbation in his heart.

"Do you all think so? Let these people enter Wakanda, the Oracle of the Panther God Buster, do you want to defy the will of God?"

His continuous rhetorical questions brought out the leopard god Buster, and the faces of the tribal leaders on the opposite side changed drastically. Several people left the team one after another, and stood not far away to remain neutral.

Mbatu sneered and glanced at those people with disdain.

"Don't tell me the Panther God Buster, he's just the god of your Black Panther tribe, and he doesn't control our other tribes. Now, in the name of the leader of the White Ape tribe, I request the convening of the Wakanda elders meeting to abolish the Azuli kingdom. Wang Quan bit!"

Lin Feng used mind control to plant psychological hints on all the Wakanda people, causing them to ignore the existence of his party and not immediately stop Mbatu's actions. If he wants to completely subdue Azuli, he must reach out when he is most desperate. Help.

It is far from the fire now, if you act rashly, not only will the other tribes hate you and others, Azuli will not be grateful and surrender from the heart, just like boiled eagles, you must be patient to subdue the unruly eagle.

So Mbatu, who became more and more noisy, and the tribal leaders who were excited, gradually reached a consensus and held a Wakanda elders meeting to vote.

Completely oblivious to the culprit that caused them to gather and demand the abolition of the Azuri throne.

In the meeting hall of the palace, Azuli and the leaders of the five major tribes sat around the round table, and the leaders of other tribes sat behind the side they supported.

Lin Feng took Aesir Zuo and others, and sat on chairs from a distance, watching the tribal leaders having a noisy meeting.

Mbatu was the first to stand up, pointing at Azuli and speaking to everyone.

"Azuli can bring outsiders into Wakanda today, and dare to give our treasure Vibranium mines to outsiders tomorrow. I think abolishing his throne is our only choice!

"As for who will be the king in the future, you can hold a challenge to the throne, and the leaders of all tribes can participate. Who is against my proposal and who is in favor of it?"

His eyes were shining brightly, staring at the other tribal leaders.

As long as Azuli's throne is abolished, Mbatu is absolutely sure to defeat others and ascend to the throne of Wakanda king, and now he is saying this just to entice other tribal leaders to agree with his proposal.

Sure enough, when they heard that all tribal leaders could participate in the throne challenge, the leader of the border tribe raised his hand to express his support. The leader of the mining tribe hesitated for a while and then raised his hand.

Azuli's face changed color. Three of the five major tribes have already agreed. Will the remaining merchant tribes and river tribes vote against it?

The leader of the merchant tribe glanced at him guiltily, and slowly raised his left hand. Even if he had a good relationship with Azuli, he had no choice but to abandon this friend.

The leader of the River Tribe didn't hold on for long, and Mbatu sighed and raised his hand as his eyes became more and more murderous.

"Hahaha! Azuli, you have seen it, this is a united effort to abolish your throne! Since everyone agrees, then Azuli, please hand over the king's scepter and the key of the intelligent center, and don't force me to do something embarrassing of!"

Mbatu laughed triumphantly, and said to Azuli in a sinister tone, his eyes also aimed at the queen Nunnally, and the young child T'Chaka behind her.

His personal guards raised their spears knowingly, and the faint blue energy luster shone on the spearheads, as if they would attack at any time.

Although Azuli had expected it a long time ago, when he saw the situation of betrayal, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and walked to the wall where the portraits of Black Panthers of the past were hung.

I stretched out my hand and pressed the mechanism, a hidden compartment popped up on the wall, and inside was a golden scepter.

Mbatu looked at the scepter with fiery eyes, wishing to grab the scepter immediately, but he looked at the border tribe leader who was also ready to move, and suppressed the impulse in his heart.

Azuli picked up the king's scepter, and untied the smart center key worn at his waist, but instead of walking towards the conference round table, he came to the most marginal corner.

"Azuli, are you out of your mind? Hand over the king's scepter and the key to the intelligence center here, and now our elders will be in charge temporarily!"

Mbatu cursed loudly in dissatisfaction, thinking that the opponent's nerves were abnormal after being hit.

The corners of Lin Feng's mouth curled up slightly, this rebellious eagle was finally about to bow its head.

Azuli walked in front of him, knelt on both knees, held the King's Staff and the Smart Central Key above his head, and said with a wry smile.

"Azuli represents Wakanda and surrenders to the Lin family! Please also suppress the rebellion and protect my family!"

with one's own eyes

Seeing that the five tribal leaders betrayed him one by one, he couldn't help but feel helpless and frustrated. It would be better to let Wakanda fall into the hands of the brave and foolish White Ape tribe.

Let the strong man in front of you decide the fate of the country.

Reaching out to take the Gold scepter, Lin Feng could feel that there was a trace of divine power in it. It should be the leopard god Buster who stayed in the scepter to demonstrate the authority of the king's scepter.

Infused with the scepter, the power of the leopard god instantly pounced on it like a beast that had invaded its territory, and the ray of innate true energy retreated slowly under the pressure, until he injected three times the scepter

Only Tian Zhengang maintained a balanced situation.

The collision of the two forces made Lin Feng realize that his own strength was slightly inferior to that of the Panther God Buster, and he also understood why there was such a big gap.

The difference is that the divine power carries the breath of law, with the blessing of the priesthood and the belief of believers.

Definitely, if it was a life-and-death struggle, the Panther God Buster might not have won. His power is not endless, and it is definitely no more than 48,000 Fixed Stars and a small universe.

Lin Feng returned the scepter to Azuli, picked up the smart central key and put it into the space ring.

Compared with the scepter, the symbol of the throne, this thing is more valuable to the Lin family.

"Azuli, you have to know that if you surrender to me and then betray you, the consequences will be more serious than now. Not only your family, but the entire Wakanda [will recover in my anger]


"Are you still willing to surrender to me now?"

The expression on Azuli's face remained unchanged, still flat and terrifying.

"Yes, I, Azuli, surrender to you, and in the name of the Panther God Buster, I will never betray you!"

Dare to swear by his own beliefs, it seems that he is completely disappointed in other tribes.

"Hahaha, very good! Welcome to the Lin family. From now on, you and your descendants will be the permanent royal family of Wakanda!"

Lin Feng lifted the psychological hint to everyone in Wakanda while speaking.

His words also reached the ears of the leaders of the five tribes.

It was only then that the crowd discovered that outsiders were actually present in the conference hall, and they even brazenly let the Azuli family inherit the throne, breaking the tradition of Wakanda since ancient times.

Tearing air sounds hit, the cold light tore through the air, and the spear streaked across a silver light, piercing Lin Feng's heart.

Lin Feng didn't change his expression and didn't move. Lin Zhenglun behind him stepped forward with one step, and slashed out with his left hand.


Amidst the huge amounts of metal crashing, the spear was raised by his palm, and Mbatu took two steps back with a gloomy expression.

"2.8 Dare to sneak attack the master, you are tired of life!"

Lin Zhenglun glanced at the Vibranium spear in his hand, and snorted disdainfully.

Holding the spear, Mbatu slammed his feet on the ground. Huge amounts of force shattered the floor, passing by at an astonishing speed, and rushed in front of him in the blink of an eye.

Lin Zhenglun raised his head to avoid the spearhead, his waist was like a soft satin, a standard iron bridge came up, and at the same time his left leg kicked him hard on the side of the waist, the congenital essence penetrated into the body and exploded.


Mbatu flew upside down, spewed out a mouthful of blood,

Everyone was horrified to see a fist-sized hole in his left waist, and the wriggling internal organs could be seen from the wound.

After landing, Mbatu rolled a few times to remove the huge amounts of strength, stood up holding the spear, glared at Lin Zhenglun, and shouted to the stunned tribal leaders.

"Aren't you still doing it? If you don't eliminate the invaders, Wakanda will be enslaved by them in the future, and it will be too late for you to regret it!"

The leader of the frontier tribe was ready to move. The long Vibranium knife in his hand had just been pulled out of its sheath.

"Don't be impulsive, that lord is a great being who is about to become a god. If you offend him, we will all die! This is what Buster, the panther god, asked my father to tell me.


His voice was so loud that the leaders of the Mining Tribe, River Tribe, and Merchant Tribe all heard them, looked at each other and put down their weapons.

Before Mbatu wanted to say something, Lin Zhenglun had already rushed over and punched him hard in the chest.

The majestic Xiantian Zhengang pierced through his body instantly, and the explosive force blasted Mbatu into a bloody mist.

"Is there anyone who disagrees with my words now?"

Lin Feng looked down at the crowd, and the power that exploded with all his strength changed the color of the world.

Everyone in Wakanda bowed their heads, and under the leadership of Azuli, they knelt down and worshiped.

"From now on, Wakanda will do as I say, remember only my rules are rules!",

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