People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 85 "Law On The Protection Of The Rights Of Special Groups"! Mutant Academy's

"Master's blood orchid potion starts to be injected, and there may be some physical discomfort. Please bear with it. This is the potion repairing worn-out telomeres at the genetic level, and it won't last long."

Olevis D. Spencer said to Lin Feng lying on the console.

"No problem, let's start."

Lin Feng nodded and said with a relaxed smile.

Aoweilaisi pressed the switch, the needles on several mechanical arms pierced into the blood vessels, and the light red blood orchid medicine was slowly injected.

He kept observing the vital signs detector on the side, and the various physiological characteristic curves on the screen fluctuated slightly, without much fluctuation.

"No, the heart rate and brain waves fluctuated greatly when the monkey was used for the experiment. Why is it different when it comes to the human experiment?"

"The genetic difference between humans and monkeys is less than 2%, logically there shouldn't be that much difference!"

After hesitation for a while, Orville asked subconsciously.

"Master, do you have any discomfort? The medicine is about to take effect, but it seems that it has not achieved the expected effect. Do you need to increase the dose?"

Lin Feng, who was lying on the instrument, frowned, and Telepathy probed his memory.

In the last experiment with a monkey, its heart rate soared to 300/min, and its brain wave amplitude reached 13, but its own heartbeat hardly changed, and its brain wave amplitude only reached 5

"Is it because my body's evolutionary level is too high after practicing Wuji True Kungfu, and the blood orchid potion is basically useless to me? This is not possible, and I have to play a wave."

Lin Feng controls the endocrine system in the body, generating some adrenaline, and the heart beats rapidly in an instant, the heart rate quickly reaches 350, and the brain wave amplitude exceeds 22.

Olavis's brows stretched out, the data slightly exceeded the previous record, but fortunately the range was not large and within the safe range.

After seeing that all the medicine in the syringe had been injected, he pointed to his watch and said to everyone.

"Wait for about five minutes, and you will see the "-zero" miracle happen, and the master will really rejuvenate."

King George VI, his wife and President Raymond were very excited, looking at Lin Feng on the instrument with great anticipation, rubbing their fingers nervously.

Five minutes later, just as Olavis said, Lin Feng's body had a weak reaction, and a warm current slowly emerged from the depths of his body, but it was absorbed and disappeared within ten minutes.

Knowing that the blood orchid was not effective enough, Lin Feng continued to direct and act on his own, slowly releasing the restrained Qi and blood.

George VI, his wife and President Raymond watched helplessly. His shriveled muscles gradually plumped up, his loose and wrinkled skin slowly recovered firmness and elasticity, and his white hair gradually turned black from the roots.

"Oh my God, what a miracle!"

Elizabeth yelled excitedly, George VI was a little hurt when pinched by her little hands.

President Raymond also opened his mouth wide, mumbling to himself in disbelief.

"It's incredible, this is a leap forward in human technology!"

After an hour or so, judging from his appearance and posture, Lin Feng seemed to have stepped back in time and returned to his youth in his 20s.

"Sir, do you feel uncomfortable?"

Olavis stared at him with bright eyes, and at the same time manipulated the instrument to loosen the restraint belt.

Lin Feng was only wearing a pair of underpants, revealing his graceful muscles. After stepping off the test bench, he changed into another outfit, and replied with a smile.

"It's a very good experience. I think I can live another 100 years! You are a genius scientist, Olavis. If this medicine is not too amazing to be announced to the public, the next Nobel Prize in Biology must be yours." !"

Hearing his praise, Olevis shrugged and said indifferently.

"I don't care for that kind of boring show. If you can give me more money, sir, so that I can search for these magical plants all over the world, I will create more miracles.

The George VI couple and President Raymond who were on the side finally recovered from the shock, walked quickly to Lin Feng's side, and looked around him carefully.

"Dear Mr. Lin, even if I saw it with my own eyes, I still can't believe it. The blood orchid potion can really make people return to youth. This is too unscientific!"

George VI sighed, and his words caused Elizabeth and Raymond to nod again and again. They are still emotionally agitated and unable to calm down, shocked by the scientific miracles they saw before them.

Olavis snorted dissatisfiedly. As the developer of the blood orchid potion, he hated people saying that his invention was unscientific, so he pushed his eyes and said.

"The length of human lifespan is actually determined by genes, to be precise, by the telomeres located at both ends of DNA. As we age, the length of telomeres becomes shorter and shorter, and when the cells cannot be separated, Life is coming to an end. The function of the blood orchid potion is to repair the worn-out telomeres, and even lengthen the telomeres, so that after the human life expectancy is greatly improved, more than 100 years old is only equivalent to middle age."

"As for the master's ability to return to his 20-year-old state, it should be related to his practice of ancient oriental martial arts. The body's functions are beyond ordinary people, and the effect of the blood orchid potion is so remarkable."

He popularized the principle of blood orchid potion to everyone on the spot, and he also responded to the unscientific casual statement of George VI just now.

Lin Feng glanced at the few people who were convinced by Olavis, and he was more confident in his plan to take the opportunity to promote the concept of Ghana's treatment of Mutant and create a favorable public opinion atmosphere for the large-scale emergence of Mutant in the future.

"His Majesty King George, Queen Elizabeth and President Raymond, you have also seen how amazing the effect of the blood orchid potion is, now let's talk about its value, shall we?

"There is an old saying in Daxia: Money is like dung, and friends are worth a thousand pieces of gold! I am willing to make friends with you, but only those who share the same goals can be called friends! Here is a loving cooperation plan initiated by the Lin family. You just need to sign With this plan, the blood orchid potion will be given away for free."

After finishing speaking, he beckoned, and the housekeeper Lin Beixuan came to everyone with a stack of proposals and handed them out to them.

George VI and the others didn't know why, so they opened the plan and read it carefully with some doubts.

"World Mercy Cooperation Program":

In order to further advocate the good moral fashion of helping people with genetic mutations and genetic defects in countries around the world, establish a new concept of understanding, respecting, caring, and helping these vulnerable groups, actively develop related special education, and build a harmonious, friendly, and civilized human society [The Lin family advocated that countries in the...

Countries around the world participating in the plan must establish relevant laws to prohibit the arrest and persecution of the above-mentioned people in any form, and jointly protect the human rights of people with genetic mutations and genetic defects.

Since the plan is quite long, they only read the first few pages, explaining the guiding ideology and implementation details of the plan, and a lot of doubts arose in their hearts.

"Dear Mr. Lin, I don't quite understand. Why are you strongly asking us to participate in this project? Is it overflowing with pure love?"

President Raymond was a little confused. He didn't believe that a successful person would do charity inexplicably, and there must be hidden secrets in it.

King George VI and his wife did not speak, but their facial expressions, as well as the thoughts in their brains, were no different from that of President Raymond.

Lin Feng spread his hands and gestured for Olavis to explain.

"It's like this. I just said that genes determine the life span of human beings, but you must understand that this is only the function of telomeres in genes. Human genes are composed of 23 pairs of chromosomes, mainly including 22 pairs of autosomes and one Y chromosome. Together with an X chromosome, there are 31.6 DNA base pairs."

"These DNA base pairs contain a lot of undiscovered secrets. For example, the genes in modern humans have at least 1-4% Neanderthal genes, 3%-6% Denisovan genes, Definitely the most are the genes of Homo sapiens. Those with genetic mutations or genetic defects help us to unravel the mysteries of human genes, they may be examples of evolutionary failure, or they may be the key to open the door of human evolution."

George VI frowned, and said in a cold voice with some annoyance.

"Do you mean that we should arrest them and use these people for genetic experiments? This is a very immoral thing, and I will never agree to it!"

Elizabeth and Raymond didn't react that much. There was an inexplicable light in their eyes, and they seemed to have different ideas.

Olevis didn't know whether to laugh or cry, shook his head and said.

"Your Majesty, you have misunderstood. Everything has two sides. Since there are people who fail in genetic evolution, there must be people who succeed in genetic evolution.

The reason why we haven't seen them is just because these people have seen the tragic experience of people who failed in genetic evolution, and they have a strong fear and fear of us.

What I mean is to protect those who have failed in evolution, and to care for and care for those who are deformed due to genetic defects or mutations. In this way, those human beings with benign genetic evolution will no longer be suspicious and afraid, and are willing to step forward after we show sincerity, and guide human beings on the correct path of genetic evolution.

George VI's face eased, and he said to Olevis apologetically.

"I'm sorry that I misunderstood. The British Empire will be involved. I hope that we can work together with the Lin family to promote this charity plan. Bring care and help to those unfortunate people, and hope that they can get out of despair and sadness, and use more Live with a positive attitude.”

After he expressed his position, President Raymond also agreed to represent Gaul and join the "World Mercy Project".

Lin Feng nodded in satisfaction. Under his guidance and the temptation of the blood orchid potion, two world powers have already participated, and then we just need to wait for the news to spread. "Those dignitaries will come to cooperate with them.

Soon after several people signed the plan, he asked Olavis to give them a detailed physical examination, took a few tubes of blood and spinal fluid, and did brain wave scans, X-ray fluoroscopy and other inspection items.

"After the analysis of your physical examination data, I will prepare the blood orchid potion with the most suitable ratio for you according to your Constitution. Please wait patiently for your Majesty the King, Queen, and Mr. President. You can come to the laboratory to receive the potion injection in about 6 months." up.

Olevis asked his assistant to help send the collected samples for testing, and he explained to King George VI and his wife and President Raymond.

After getting his promise, King George VI and the others left the laboratory with satisfaction, and Lin Feng personally sent them on a special plane before returning to Lin's Manor...

"Six months later, both the British Empire and Gaul will issue the "Special Population Rights Protection Act". With their example, this law will be popularized to all countries in the world sooner or later. By then, those organizations that use Mutant for experiments in the movie will all It has been characterized as an anti-human organization."

"Although it is difficult to prevent people from taking risks in private and arresting Mutants for human experiments, at least it is justifiable to send troops to attack them when the time comes. Governments in various countries will also act in accordance with the law, such as the Mutant Wilhelm Stryker The main enemy, it will be difficult to get the support of the official government in the future."

"This is only the first step of my plan to create a politically correct atmosphere of caring and helping Mutant in Europe and the United States. Those politicians who are hostile to Mutant will not be able to gain public support.

Then push the state power to promote the Mutant extermination plan!"

Lin Feng sorted out the thoughts in his mind, thinking about the timing to promote the next step.

After most of the world's powerful countries join the "World Compassion Project" and issue the "Special Population Rights Protection Act", it is time to establish an international law enforcement agency to combat the worldwide persecution of Mutant incidents and forces.

While he was thinking hard about the future of Mutant, in the Ark base in the Rocky Mountains, the Mutant Practice School was carrying out the Ability Test for graduates, which will determine the future occupation and job nature of the graduates.

In the Ark Base, Mutant Practice Academy.

Since the Lin family has never stopped to rescue Mutant, more and more Mutants came here, and the college has been expanded twice to meet the regular teaching work.

"Everyone! After entering the training area, everyone follow your teacher. You will enter different training rooms to test the results of your practice over the past few years."

Hanks stood at the door of the training area and spoke to the students who were about to graduate.

"Next, please follow me into the training area. This is not the first time you have come here. Don't use your variant Ability to interfere with the work of the security personnel!"

After instructing the students, he walked to the gate of the training area and greeted the security personnel familiarly.

"Hi! Wesker, hurry up and open the door, our graduation test today is very important!"

Every July of the Mutant Practice Academy is the test time for graduates, which is equivalent to the college entrance examination, which is generally the top priority of the Ark Base.

"Oh, it's the graduation season again, how time flies!"

A strong and strong man walked out of the guard room next to the gate of the training area, and he came to Hanks with a thin instrument in his hand and said with emotion.

"Hanks, you came so early, it's not even eight o'clock. Tsk tsk, there are more than 100 students who are about to graduate. They're all good guys and girls.

"Well, show your ID card, sign here and press your fingerprint."

He called up the entry and exit records of the training area, asked Hanks to sign, and then pressed his finger on the screen to scan the opponent's fingerprints and bone texture, and recorded it into the data Curry.

"OK, I have been authorized by the brain, Hanks, you can bring the students in. Oh yes, "Don't forget to ask them to swipe their student ID cards!"

Hanks nodded, and when the gate opened, he stood aside and reminded the students to swipe their cards.

"Hey Rosetal, your student card was not swiped, try it again!"

"And you Robert, you took your brother's card again, so hurry up and change it! 10.7

After entering the training area, a group of Fox Hunting Corps soldiers with live ammunition came to them and said solemnly.

"Young people, don't be nervous, we will take you into the training area. There are too many people today, and the situation is a bit special, but please relax a little and get good results in the test!"

Hans nodded with a smile, understanding their duty, he calmed down the students with a few words.

The Mutant Practice Academy and the Fox Hunting Legion are both under the command of the Lin family, and they have a good relationship with each other.

Among the many students, a student with blue skin is obviously taller than the others. She is Mystique Raven, who was brought to the Ark Base by Lin Feng and introduced by James.

"Phew, I'm a little nervous. I heard that those scientists have created a lot of testing instruments. Our group of graduates is really unlucky to meet them."

"Who said it wasn't? I heard from the former seniors that their tests were very simple at that time. The strength test used a hydraulic press, the agility test used a sonic velocimeter, and the destructive force test used a titanium alloy doll. Force skill tests, energy intensity tests, and more.”

Raven listened to the discussions of the classmates around him, and his heart, which was originally calm, became a little nervous.

Her variant Ability is to change her own cells and tissue structure, and change into anyone's appearance, including iris, fingerprints, voice texture, voice and even gender, even clothing, glasses, hairpins, etc. can be imitated and changed.

Such an ability that focuses on the physical side allows her to practice boxing and Wuji true kung fu with half the effort. At present, boxing has entered the early stage of dark energy, and Wuji real kung fu has cultivated to the second level, far ahead of others.

She is not worried about the tests of strength, agility, nerve response, and force-exerting skills, but she is a little guilty about the destructive power test and energy intensity test.

"Hey Raven, look here!"

A familiar frivolous voice sounded, and Raven followed the voice to look over. .

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