People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 88 Young Black Bat King And Medusa! The Inhuman Royal Family Divides!

Inhumans and Mutant have similarities and differences, both of which are derived from the genetic modification of Homo sapiens on ancient Earth by outsiders.

Mutant's Ability Awakening is mainly self-Awakening, as long as humans with the X gene have the right opportunity, they can self-activate the Mutant Ability.

But it is different for the Inhumans. The Ability Awakening of the Inhumans cannot be completed by self-Awakening. It must be combined with Terrigen Crystal at a suitable temperature and water to produce Terrigen Mist. The Inhumans can pass through Awakening Ability can only be obtained after fog.

It is worth mentioning that unlike the Mutant Awakening process, which is mostly a gradual evolution process, Inhumans using Terrigen Mist Awakening is a drastic mutation. For Inhumans who have undergone Terrigen Mist mutation, the There will be unpredictable changes in form.

Most of the Inhumans have strange appearances, even weirder than the deformed Ipsilon class among the low-level Mutants.

Some Inhumans even lost their human forms and took on the appearance of other species.

For example, Tetanus was originally a lovely child, a member of the royal family with pure blood. After experiencing the fog of Terrigen, he became ten tengu with Telepathy and teleportation ability.

In addition, the genes of the Inhumans have the Ability restrictions created by the Cree. Although various abilities can be Awakened by the Terrigen Mist, these Abilities are all in the Ability Creation System set up by the Cree.

In this Ability system, the birth of each Ability must be accompanied by another Ability that is mutually reinforcing and mutually restraining. At the same time, the Awakening Ability of the Inhumans is not natural and random, but is adjusted according to the Ability vacancy in the group.

Once the number of Inhumans with powerful Abilities reaches the genetic limit, it is likely that the new Awakening Inhumans will have almost no changes at all, at most enhancing their physical fitness or improving their physical defense Ability.

After all, the original intention of the Cree to create the Inhumans was to have a powerful and controllable unit to help them suppress the other high-level civilized Sitrus in the dead universe. They didn’t want too many strong people in the Inhumans to turn hostile and threaten their own. status and security.

Later, for unknown reasons, the Cree workstation established on Pluto in the solar system was abandoned, the Cree organization that created the Inhumans was banned, and the Inhumans were forgotten to fend for themselves on the earth, developing over a long period of time. Out of its own social structure and technological civilization.

There is a strict hierarchy between them. According to the strength of the 840 Awakening Ability, the level of Awakening determines the status in the ethnic group. It is hard to imagine that the Inhumans, who have the high-tech heritage left by the Cree and have a highly developed civilization, actually implement it in their own city. What is the feudal hierarchy.

In the mountains stretching for thousands of miles in the Himalayas, a black smoke dissipated to reveal three figures.

Lin Feng's gravity control ability allows the three of them to easily suspend in the air.

Aesir Zuo also let go of the hand that was holding Dad and Lin Hao's shoulders. Apparently, he used space teleportation just now, and traveled more than 1,000 kilometers in an instant to the mountain where the world's highest peak is located.

"Are you sure you are in this place? Uncle Hao, are you confused? There is nothing here!"

Looking at the empty col, Aesir asked strangely.


As soon as he finished speaking, he was hit on the head, Lin Feng put away his hands and scolded angrily.

"Don't talk nonsense, I apologize to Uncle Hao!"

Aesir bowed his head obediently and said to Lin Hao.

"Uncle Hao, I'm sorry, I shouldn't offend you rudely!"

Lin Hao waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

"It's okay, it's okay, Master Aesir Zuo is outspoken, and his subordinates won't take it to heart.

Hearing what he said, Aesir whispered softly.

"I'm not wrong, there is nothing here!"

Lin Feng gave him a hard look, and didn't argue with him any more.

"It may be that your probing behavior has aroused the vigilance of the Inhumans. They turned on some kind of optical instrument, distorting the nearby light or simulating the surrounding environment, so it seems that there is nothing here."

As he spoke, he flicked his fingers, and a seemingly inconspicuous zhenqi shot out.

The true energy shot out less than 100 meters away, suddenly it seemed to hit an invisible obstacle, and exploded into a cloud of gorgeous light rain.

There was a loud cracking sound, and faint ripples appeared in the void, like ripples on the calm water surface being hit by stones.

"This is similar to Wakanda's energy shield, which also seems to have a simulated environment and strong protection.

Aesir saw at a glance that this was a technology very similar to the Wakanda city shield, and it possessed advanced concealment and defense functions compared to Earth's current technology.

"You're right or wrong, the Inhumans have inherited the technology of the Agod people, and the defense of this protective shield is far stronger than the current protective shield of Wakanda.

Lin Feng's eyes moved slightly, and he explained to his adopted son.

The energy strength of the zhenqi he just ejected is around 3000, which is equivalent to the explosion of 3000 kilograms of standard TNT explosives, but the shield only has a little ripple

It is estimated that the atomic fission bomb is also very difficult to explode.

If this true energy explodes on the Wakanda protective shield, at least it will cause some waves. From the perspective of defense performance, the performance of the Inhumans' protective shield is much better.

The Cree technology owned by the Inhumans is also one of the reasons why Lin Feng came to Attilan. Definitely the main reason is to form an alliance with the Inhumans. After all, the two races are too similar

In the eyes of Common humans, they are all heterogeneous.

After a while the ripples disappeared, and the Inhumans didn't respond, neither came out nor fired weapons to drive them away.

"Father seems to be disrespecting us and ignoring us. At any rate, he should come to someone to ask us why we are here. The local aliens are really rude!"

Aesir Zuo came to the place where the ripples appeared just now, reached out and knocked on it, turned his head and complained to the old man dissatisfied.

Lin Feng couldn't be bothered to talk nonsense anymore, he raised his right hand and condensed a huge amounts of energy ball, smashing it hard forward.

Aesir was so frightened that he teleported away immediately, appeared behind his father, and patted his chest in fear.


The moment the energy ball collided with the protective cover, a large number of cracks appeared on the thick protective cover, and there was a crackling sound in the air.

A huge city suspended in mid-air, or a floating island appeared in front of the eyes of the three of them. A thick protective cover 360 degrees covered the island, including the anti-gravity devices and propulsion engines to the bottom, without a trace exposed. Achilles' heel on the outside.

This time there was too much movement, and the threat of that energy ball made the Inhumans unable to sit still. Who knows how many more such energy balls the relaxed Lin Feng can release.

The Attilan guards drove the spaceship, flew out of the city through the hole opened by the protective cover, and came in front of the three of them. After the spaceship exited, the hole in the protective cover was immediately closed, not giving them any chance to sneak in.

Seeing the small movements of the Inhumans, Aesir laughed out loud. After the appearance of Attilan, the protective shield was useless to him, and the space teleportation could directly enter Attilan.

"Mighty Mutant, please leave immediately, otherwise I will regard you as an invader, and once the war starts, you will face a devastating blow from the Inhumans!"

A cold female voice came from the spaceship and said very bluntly.

Her identity must be very honorable to dare to declare war on behalf of the Inhuman Race, and the person Lin Feng can think of is Medusa, the wife of Black Bolt.

She can control the density of the hair, making the hair harder than steel, and can also control the growth rate of the hair, extending or spreading it arbitrarily, and can also use the mind to control the movement of the hair even if the hair is cut off, it can still be manipulated to attack.

It's worth mentioning that Medusa can communicate with Black Bolt's brain waves. She is responsible for interpreting her husband's body language and conveying his instructions to govern the Inhumans. But that is not a special ability of Awakening. It can only be said that she has a good understanding Special induction.

"Don't think, I'm here to make Attilan uneasy; I'm not here to make Attilan uneasy, but to bring peace to Attilan! Because I'm here to form an alliance with the Inhumans on behalf of Mutant to deal with this Dangerous and changeable world. You should understand that the earth is not the only one with intelligent life in the universe. For example, the Cree who created you live on the Hala planet in the Perma galaxy of the Large Magellanic Cloud.

"Do you really think the Kree have completely forgotten about you? Sooner or later they will remember the super soldiers they created in the distant past [alien race with Kree genetic modification!"

Lin Feng's voice not only reached Attilan's palace through the spaceship, but also resounded in the sky above Attilan, reaching the ears of all the Inhumans.

This is a very inconspicuous one of his many variant abilities, which can transmit his voice to a very long distance, and can also pass through the barrier that isolates Common sound waves.

In Attilan's palace, the young Black Bolt looked at the three outsiders suspended in the air on the screen, and his wife Medusa was waiting for her husband's decision.

There were several members of the royal family under the throne, and Maximus sat on the first seat on the left. He was a radical in the Inhuman royal family.

"Bu Laike Cadbert, what are you worried about, let the spaceship fire to destroy the invaders, and the secrets of Attilan must not be known to outsiders!"

His cousin Gorgon glared at him, and shouted angrily.

"Shut up! Maximus, you are not the king, and you have no right to force the king to do anything. Don't you see the opponent's strength? He casually attacked our protective shield and damaged it. Do you think we can easily defeat us? Such a powerful Mutant?"

After he finished speaking, he bowed his head to the Black Bolt King and said in a gentle tone.

"Your Majesty, I think we can talk to them, as this person said, it would be a good way for our two races to be so similar and form allies to deal with the crisis together.

Gorgon accepted Terrigen Mist's Awakening when he was a teenager, and his physical fitness has been greatly increased. His feet have been transformed into hooves, which can create high-strength Vibes. He is second only to Black Bolt King in the Inhuman race. One of the strong ones.

His words are highly authoritative among the Inhumans, and even Maximus could only shut up obediently after being reprimanded by him, but there was a gloomy look in his eyes.

Tritan, who was wearing a special respirator, had a different opinion. He stood up and said loudly to Black Bolt.

"I don't agree to form an alliance with Mutant. In the historical records of the Inhumans, there was once a powerful Mutant who tried to rule the world, and he coveted Attilan. If our ancestors hadn't let Attilan transfer in advance, our ancestors would have changed become his slave, his name in the records is En Sabah Nur, you should have not forgotten it!"

Afterwards, Cui Tan faced the royal family members present and continued to ask them back.

"Who of you can guarantee that the person who came this time is not an ambitious man like En Sabah Nur! Let me say that Maximus's proposal is very good, and using the anti-matter annihilation cannon in the palace may not kill him!"

Under his questioning, even Gorgon hesitated to speak. After all, he didn't have mind reading skills, and he couldn't figure out the real intention of the visitor.

But one person stood up slowly, first saluted the black bat Wang, then came to Tri Tan, stared into his eyes and said seriously.

"Dear big brother, you are right. No one can guarantee the intention of the visitor. But you know my ability, and you can see the weaknesses of many people, including the great king. But among the visitors, There is one person whose weakness I can't see,

And he was the guy who damaged the shield by throwing the energy ball casually.

"As the royal think tank of the Inhumans, I suggest meeting and talking with them, which is much better than going to war with them! Your Majesty, please seriously consider a Priest and a philosopher


Black Bolt sitting on the king's throne glanced at the crowd, but did not speak. His Ability is too powerful, and he can release devastating onomatopoeia through sound, even a whisper

The energy released by whispering is quite terrifying.

Because he emits pseudosonic waves instead of sound waves, he can also make sound in a vacuum, so he will keep silent on most occasions and his wife Medusa will convey his meaning on behalf of him.

From her husband's expression and eyes, Medusa understood what her husband wanted to express, and said to the members of the royal family who were divided into two factions underground.

"His Majesty the King has decided to meet with the other party to discuss cooperation and alliance matters, and can make concessions in terms of interests if necessary."

As the king of the Inhuman Race, Black Bolt King is also the most powerful person. No one dares to defy his decision.

Soon the female voice on the spaceship outside the protective shield sounded again.

"Respected strong, please board the spaceship. The guards will bring you to the palace to meet and talk with His Majesty the King!"

A satisfied smile appeared on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth, he waved his hand and took Lin Hao and Aesir Zuo aboard the spaceship.

After entering the spacecraft, they are first disinfected in the isolation cabin before entering the cockpit.

This is because the Inhumans have many genetic defects after undergoing a genetic upheaval catalyzed by the Terrigen mist, and too many germs on the earth can kill them.

When he saw that the person driving the spaceship was a horse-headed humanoid creature, Aesir looked around him with great interest. He hadn't seen a guy who was weirder than himself for a long time. much like

The image of a bull's head and a horse's face in the oriental mythology that my father said.

Lin Feng slapped him hard on the head, and only then did the curious guy sit down quietly.

After the spacecraft turned around on the spot, it entered the mobile city of Attilan through the passage opened by the protective cover. .

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