Chapter 94 Sentinel Plan!!

“So what rank is our Captain Marvel ‘Ms. Carol?” Is the third level ‘Genshin’? ”

General Erwin, who was wearing three silver stars, continued to ask.

“And that one, and what level of his power? You must know that before he left Earth, he was known as the strongest person on Earth. ”

S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury was silent for a moment, and then replied seriously: “Carol’s upper limit of strength has not been fully evaluated, but I speculate that she should be at the fourth level of the ‘God King’ level. ”

“As for that man, his strength cannot be measured at all with current instruments and technical means, and we cannot judge the level he is at all, however, I can confirm that he must have surpassed the ‘Lord of the World’ stage of the fifth level, at the sixth level, or even higher.”

None of the people present mentioned the man’s name, but it was clear to everyone who ‘that man’ was referring to.

He was once the strongest humanoid weapon that shocked the entire world, and he once crushed a country with the power of one person.

In 1971, country M fell into the quagmire of the Annan War, and the then President Nikesong personally visited the house and asked the man to fight, and he destroyed all resistance in the enemy country in only one week, ended the war, and let the ruler of Annan sign the treaty, since then, Annan has become the 51st state of the country He is the strongest superhero owned by the country before the appearance of “Captain Marvel” Carol, relying on his power, the country once dominated the whole world.

Until 1985, he left Earth and went to Mars alone, and for more than 30 years, he never returned to Earth and stayed on Mars.

At this time, President Robert Redford suddenly turned his head and asked Homeland Security Commissioner David Eitson: “Are the results of the investigation into the squid attack that occurred in the New York neighborhood last week come out?” Is there a connection to that attack 30 years ago”? ”

David Itson did not expect that President Redford would pay attention to the terrorist attack, and he pondered for a moment before replying: “We extracted the genes of the squid in this attack and compared them with the genes of the giant squid 30 years ago, and the current results show that the genetic sequences of the two basically coincide.” ”

David Eitson paused before continuing: “This means that there is a great possibility that we will face a second attack by the squid monster. ”

30 years ago, the mysterious giant squid fell from the sky, it attacked many cities around the world, resulting in the death of millions of people, although this matter has passed for decades, but until today, as long as the squid is mentioned, everyone will first think of the terrorist attack 30 years ago.

David Eitson doesn’t know why the squid reappeared this time, or why the squid that appeared this time became smaller, but he had a strong premonition that the crisis of that year might come again.

After listening to David Eitson’s words, President Robert Redford was silent for a moment before he slowly spoke: “The time of peace is really short, 40 years ago, that man helped us win the Vietnam War, 30 years ago, the squid attack unexpectedly ended the Cold War, and now, the crisis has returned again, but this time, we can only rely on ourselves.” ”

President Redford turned around, pointed at a dwarf-shaped man sitting in the corner, and spoke, “I don’t think I need my introduction, everyone should know Dr. Trask.” ”

The dwarf-shaped man wore an old-fashioned tweed suit, two dark brown beards above his lips, and a pair of heavy, somewhat outdated black-framed glasses on the bridge of his nose.

He didn’t look good, but everyone in the room looked at him in awe.

He is the founder of Trasker Industries, Bolívar Trask, the world’s top weapons scientist, roboticist and geneticist, since the Cold War, he has served as a senior security adviser to the White House, advising successive presidents, and there are shadows behind the secret plans that the country has developed.

“In view of the current security situation, I have agreed to Dr. Trask’s request to restart the Weapons Lab, and at the same time, I have granted him special authority to allocate a special defense budget to begin the development of the second phase of the Sentinel program.”

President Redford said slowly.

“What? Restart the ‘Weapons Lab’ and ‘Sentinel’ programs? ”

Homeland Security Administrator David Eitson was taken aback, he knew very well that in order to develop the Sentinel’s robot, Trask had captured, dissected and killed a large number of mutants, which provoked the mutant community to revolt, almost triggered a full-scale war, and finally, in order to calm the situation, the White House ordered the Sentinel’s program to be stopped.

“Dr. Trask, what else do you need to assist with this project?”

President Redford looked at Trasker sitting on the couch.

“I had completed the prototype before the Sentinel ‘program was aborted, and now my plan is to build a more powerful and versatile second-generation Sentinel’, which I call an omega-level Sentinel, so my only request is that all of you here provide me with omega-level mutants.”

Trasker, with his heavy southern accent, spoke his demands unhurriedly.

“Omega-level mutants? Are you crazy? The strength of these people is enough to destroy a city, and if you want to catch mutants of this level, it is difficult to do so even if you send an army. ”

A general spoke.

“In addition, I need two mutants with extremely special abilities.”

Trasker ignored the general’s words and continued to speak of his demands.

He took two photos from the black briefcase next to him and placed them on the table in front of the sofa, showing two women.

One of the women was blue with thin scales, while the other had red hair and white hair at the corners of her forehead.

“The two of them, one named Annamari, nicknamed ‘Rakshasa Girl’, and the other named Raven Darkholm, nicknamed ‘Witch’, they were key to the development of the second generation of Sentinel’s robots, and I need your full assistance in catching these two women.”

Trask’s gaze swept over the four generals in front of him, as well as S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury and Homeland Security Director David Eitson.

“I can assure Mr. President and all of you that once the Omega-level Sentinels are developed, we will once again have the power to dominate the world and will no longer need to fear any enemies, including the so-called gods.”

Trasker said slowly.

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