People In Marvel: My Wife Is The White Queen

Chapter 122 The Fate In The Dark 【Please Subscribe! ! 】

With the progress of time and the evolution of the people's thinking, we found that the galaxy where the tree of life is located is only a corner of the universe, and the patriarch decided to open the door to the universe with his own hands.

However, the complexity of the matter is far beyond our imagination————Whenever a tribe leaves here and wants to explore the universe, it will be sent by some unknown force to a civilization that cannot be controlled by us. in the understood spatial dimension.

We cannot accept such a loss, so the patriarch decided to close the entrance. "

"Missing inexplicably?" Li Feng frowned, and asked, "Since you are all capable, why didn't you try to find it?"

"Do you think the Patriarch and the others haven't tried it?" Asgardian said with a sad face, "Unfortunately, the size and danger of this universe is beyond our imagination. When the Patriarch came back from the outside, he was covered in blood. Trauma. Not long after, he sat under the tree of life, turned into a bone, and left 07 Beyond Protoss forever."

"What?" Li Feng couldn't believe it, and made a sound.

Since he can be sure that the Transcendor is a clansman who surpassed the Protoss, the guy who is the first patriarch should be much stronger, right?

Could it be said that in this unknown universe, there are more terrifying existences than the Transcendent Protoss?

And, regard their clansmen as hunting targets?

This thought made Li Feng break out in a cold sweat.

If this is the case, perhaps the decline of the Transcendent Protoss is not without trace.

"Fortunately, the patriarch gave birth to a baby with the life girl before he died—" Asgardian's eyes lit up, he stared at Li Feng, and said, "This baby has directly possessed billions of ancient energy from the moment it was born The fluctuations even made the tree of life grow a bit. It was a strange scene worth remembering.

Li Feng opened his mouth slightly, but closed it again, with a look in his eyes, he understood the meaning of Asgardian's words.

"Since the team leader disappeared, his baby is the strongest existence in the entire Transcendence Protoss. However, his birth is actually the way to the destruction of the Transcendence Protoss." Asgardian panted as if recalling something extremely painful They all hurriedly said, "We tried our best to conceal the secrets of this unknown universe, but he finally discovered it."

"He left?" Li Feng said.

"Yes." Asgardian nodded and said, "He knew that his power could not be restrained by this universe, so he opened the passage hidden by the tree of life privately and left this piece of King Jing."

"What happened later?" Li Feng asked, "Why did the Transcendent Protoss go into decline?"

"Before he died, the patriarch understood that the tree of life could not endlessly breed divine babies, it also needed nutrients, and once its own nutrients were out of balance, the divine babies bred would no longer be called divine babies, but It's some kind of defective product." Asgardian hesitated, "So the patriarch came up with another method - clansmen intercourse with clansmen, and then wasting the essence of the tree of life, so as to continue the bloodline beyond the gods.

When this plan was first implemented, no trouble was found, until tens of thousands of years later, the blood in the bodies of all the clansmen began to gradually fade away.

In order to solve this problem, we spent countless hours and finally figured it out - only the existence of the patriarch can give birth to the perfect baby that makes the tree of life more and more prosperous, and the other clansmen are basically life How can it continue the bloodline?"

"I understand what you mean—" Li Feng suddenly realized, "That is to say, only the baby who left can give birth to perfect blood offspring?"

"That's right." Asgardian nodded slowly, staring into Li Feng's eyes, and said, "His departure is equivalent to unintentionally taking away the future beyond the Protoss. We don't blame him, because this is the only one of the patriarch. Descendants."

"Then how do you know that he was not taken away by the force you mentioned like other clansmen?" Li Feng asked puzzled.

"Because..." Asgardian raised the scepter in his hand and waved it lightly at the top of his head.

Then, the branches and leaves of the tree of life approached, forming a light mist, and the picture emerged.

Seeing this, Li Feng's pupils shrank slightly.

The person in this picture, Hao Ran, is wearing white clothes, with one hand behind his back, floating on the surface of the earth—the Transcendent!

His eyes were deep, with endless brilliance, as if he was thinking about something.

Ten seconds later, a ball of light flashed above his head, and the person in the ball of light was the one who had traveled from the Otherworld—— Li Feng!

Seeing this scene, the transcendent seemed to feel something, he raised his finger, and towards the landing point where Li Feng was, a silk thread popped out and penetrated into the latter's brain.

At this point, the screen clicked and disappeared.

Asgardian smiled, looked at Li Feng, and did not continue speaking.

However, Li Feng's heart was turned upside down.

It turned out that everything was doomed.

It turned out that it was no coincidence that he fell to the earth.

This is all the result of manipulation by the transcendent!

He, from the very beginning, picked Li Feng!

"The scene I saw in the dark space of Asgard back then, I'm afraid you did it on purpose. 560" Li Feng sighed in his heart, and muttered to the body of the transcendent, "I didn't expect that you would still have such The past. And you chose me, is it because you want me to help you change the mistakes you made?"

"This picture is the picture he sent back to the Tree of Life before he died. Therefore, I will leave a duplication of my soul on the earth and let him follow your way.

Asgardian repeated what he had said to Li Feng, "There is no doubt that you are his successor, the survivor of his blood."

"Has my destiny been controlled by him from the beginning?" Li Feng clenched his teeth, squeezed his fist, and said to himself, "But this kind of me is not me.

"No, survivor." Asgardian said slowly, "Beyond the protoss is the pinnacle of evolution, a level beyond the reach of countless creatures. He was able to select you and hand over his inheritance to you because he recognized everything about you, On top of him. You, see what I mean?"

Hearing this, Li Feng suddenly realized.

Yes, why didn't I think of it?

The transcendent is tired of the days when no one can fight, and chooses to kill himself, which is actually a way of relief.

Using his own power, he explored a trace of the secret and saw a corner of the future. .

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