People In Marvel: My Wife Is The White Queen

Chapter 130 One Finger, Destroy Galaxies! [Please Subscribe! ! 】


Li Feng snorted coldly and shook violently, all the black bugs burned out of thin air and were incinerated.

But from the ovary in front of him, a huge amount of worm-shaped monster rushed out, tens of millions of feet high, breaking through the atmosphere of the giant spirit star Ata!

Looking at the guy in front of him who was countless times bigger than him, Li Feng~ frowned.

Just now he clearly felt that there was a mysterious force in the ovary that changed the mechanical bug.

"Is this the source of the power of the giant spirit star clan..."

Li Feng had a rough estimate in his heart, but he didn't pay too much attention to it.

He just held one hand behind his back, and instantly appeared on top of this huge worm-shaped monster.

The disgusting black aura erupting from the worm makes the sound of gears turning and shakes the entire galaxy!

It spit out a strong corrosive liquid from its ferocious giant mouth, swallowing the surrounding undeveloped planets, making its body bigger again!

There is no doubt that if it is allowed to continue like this, its size will increase to an unimaginable level!

It is even possible to break through the boundary wall between galaxies.

Unfortunately, it was unlucky and met Li Feng.


Li Feng didn't show any mercy, he let out a weak drink, all the strength in his body leaned out from his hands, aiming at the big guy's head out of thin air.


A violent explosion sounded, unexpectedly, Li Feng's attack only caused the mechanical bug's head to be scratched a little, and some parts were dropped, it didn't cause a devastating blow at all.

This made him show a surprised expression. Just now to save trouble, he directly used 20% of the transcendent's power, but he didn't expect to cause no harm to this thing at all.

Sure enough, the creatures in the unknown universe are not fuel-efficient lamps.

However, in Li Feng's eyes, these are just ants that can't be put on the table.

He raised his hands again, carrying endless killing intent, which could gradually condense in his hands.

The huge amounts of mechanical bugs finally set their target on Li Feng's body. It let out a roar, and its whole body became transparent. Any substantial attack would be ineffective against it.

Seeing this change, Li Feng paused for a moment, retracted his hands, twitched the corners of his mouth, and said, "It's really troublesome."

Since physical attacks are ineffective for you, try mental attacks.

Li Feng raised the corner of his mouth, and slowly closed his eyes, his body became transparent like this huge amount of bug.

This is the state of his soul body. In the past, he could only use the power of the Steppenwolf template to soul astral and achieve the effect of mental attack, but the physical body was a big problem.

Without the existence of the soul, the physical body is just a shell to be slaughtered, which has many inconveniences.

Now that he has 50% of the power of a transcender, he can switch to the soul body state to fight anytime and anywhere, which is extremely convenient.

Then, the transparent Li Feng stretched out a finger, and the majestic soul power slowly condensed behind him, forming a sword spear with huge amounts of dark blue, exuding a divine power capable of crushing everything!


Li Feng snorted lightly, and waved his hand lightly.


The sword and spear mercilessly cut the huge transparent insect shadow into two halves.

Then, countless sword blades appeared in thousands, cutting its body into tens of thousands of pieces in an instant, and the black mucus was sprayed in the galaxy space, condensing into a foamy liquid, giving birth to one after another small Insect body.

"This kind of creature is really tenacious. Not only can it transfer the host, but it can also split and regenerate..."

Li Feng squinted his eyes, it seems that the biological definition of the known universe does not work here.

Then, he sighed: "Now it seems that I have no choice but to do this..."

After the last word fell, Li Feng raised his right hand, stood in Mo Anglier's galaxy, and played...

Snap your fingers.

Tens of seconds later, the entire Moenriel galaxy was filled with intense white light, as if a bomb had been dropped on the surface of calm water——

Collapse, split.

None of the creatures in this galaxy survived, including the worms that were split from the mechanical bugs.

None survived.

Since then, the Moanglier galaxy has completely disappeared from the unknown universe, and has been reduced to a huge amounts of crimson black hole, exuding a strange aura.

this battle,

No, perhaps it cannot be described as "war".

It should be said - this massacre by Li Feng has come to an end.

He did not expend much effort,

0...seeking flowers...

Even more precisely,

He only used three tricks,

The entire giant spirit star clan,

With the Moenlier galaxy,

total destruction.

If such achievements are passed to the ears of creatures in the known universe, it is hard to imagine what kind of reaction they will have?

However, Li Feng is not interested in these things, he does what he wants to do, why bother to announce it to the world after doing it, to make a sensation?

Exterminating the Giant Spirit Star Clan is his first step to become the patriarch beyond the God Clan, and there will be a second and third step after that.

Until, the entire unknown universe is flattened.

However, his current focus should obviously be on the known universe.

Because, today's earth has undergone radical changes.

After leaving the Moanglier galaxy, Li Feng was brought back by the tree of life.

He saw an astonishing scene——Asgardian was leading all the clansmen to sit upright at the root of the tree of life. Their bodies glowed with a faint golden light, just like the immortals in the novel who were about to become immortals.

Moreover, the aura on their bodies also began to rise gradually, one by one far surpassing the original's strength.

"Patriarch, you are back." Asgardian was relieved to see Li Feng appearing in front of him suddenly safe and sound, bowed respectfully, and asked, "It seems that the situation is not bad.

I am all ears. "

"From now on, the Moenlier galaxy will be removed from the unknown universe." Li Feng said this lightly, regardless of Asgardian's terrified expression, he changed the subject and asked his own people, "They What are you doing? It seems that the momentum is not the same as before."

The Asgardian took a deep breath to calm himself.

Although this is what he expected, even he knows that if he does it by himself, exterminating the Giant Spirit Star Clan can only be done with a little effort.

But what he didn't expect was that Li Feng would directly destroy the entire Moanglier galaxy.

This is too powerful, right?

Asgardian coughed, recovered his calm expression, and explained: "When our people were sleeping, they accumulated hundreds of millions of years of accumulation, and now they just released it with the opportunity of resurrection. Unsurprisingly, they will Directly become a creature of the ancient level, and its strength is almost equal to mine."

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