People In Marvel: My Wife Is The White Queen

Chapter 133 You Should All Be Damned! [Please Subscribe! ! 】

However, Hela, as the king of the new nine worlds, does not end there.

She completely released the power of Asgard, sheltered the land of Asgard with her divine power, enveloped those people, and protected them from the destruction of Sirte flame.

In addition, she even blocked the seven major races from the city of Asgard with her own power and the hundreds of billions of night sky blades.

It's a pity that Sirte's power is too strong, the number of Giants of Jotunheim is too large, and Asgard, which has lost Odin and lost many soldiers, is no longer able to compete with the seven major races attacking by the whole family.

Even today's Hela is as powerful as Odin.

But she still couldn't deal with all the gods of the seven races while distracting herself from protecting the whole of Asgard.

This war lasted for nearly half a year.

And Hela also exhausted all her divine power, and kept the seven races out.

It's a pity that with the appearance of a huge amount of mechanical gods, this war completely took an unimaginable reversal.

So, that scene appeared——

Hela was put on nearly a hundred chains of order, no matter the body or soul, they were all locked up.

And above her head, the patriarchs of the seven major races, with a proud attitude of victory, officially announced the fall of Asgard.



"God of Death!"

"The Slayer of the Nine Realms!"

"Your end will come!"

Sirte's thick and endlessly fiery divine voice sounded.

"Asgard will be judged by the seven races!"

"From then on, the Nine Realms will be formally merged into the Cosmic God Group, and will be governed by the members of the sacred God Group!"

"As for the Odinsen family, there is only destruction."

Giants of Jotunheim, Proxima Midnight elves and other clans also echoed.

Hela, who was entangled in chains all over her body and without any trace of divine power in her body, raised her brows struggling, looking at the patriarchs of the seven major races who had been trodden by Odin—— at last, a trace of spirit appeared on her face. Exhausted exhaustion.


Before their invasion, the White Queen was sent back to Earth.


Couldn't see him for the last time.

In the final analysis, he was too conceited.

If they don't protect the people and cities of Asgard, and fight these foreign invaders freely, they will have no chance of winning at all.

But in that case, the family that Odin took tens of thousands of years to build will be completely destroyed.


Don't want to see this.

"If you were alive, you would choose this way, right∥~?"

Hela looked at the broken Bifrost under her feet and muttered to herself.

"In the name of the trial of the Tenjin Group—"

"We will bring down the blade of judgment and take Hela's head!"

A deafening voice of indifference sounded, and then a gray and white figure appeared above Hela's head. He was holding a giant sword nearly ten thousand feet high in his hand, and was about to swing it down towards Hela's head.

But at this moment——

A figure wrapped in dazzling white light suddenly appeared above Hela's head, raised a palm, and slapped the giant sword lightly.


The great sword dissipated.

The flames dissipated.

The frost dissipated.



Only, independent.

The scorching sun of Asgard seemed to be under the control of this figure, and it surfaced again.

next second——

The figure raised his head, looked at the leaders of the seven major races above his head, and said like an ice cellar:

"You all deserve to die!"

The last word fell, and above the sky of Asgard, there suddenly appeared a huge amount of palms. Each of these palms was as thick as a pillar, as if they had drilled out of the clouds. They are included.

"This... what kind of power is this!?"

"It's's just too powerful!"

"no, do not want..….."

"Let us go, let us go!"

All the creatures of the seven major races were full of despair.

And the group of leaders, almost without a chance to react, was smashed into pieces by the white figure that suddenly appeared in front of them, raising their hands, and completely reduced to nothingness with the rippling of divine power.

But that's not all.

The giant palm that descended from the clouds seemed to control everything, and under the snap of the fingers of the white figure, it suddenly became like a clenched fist!

next moment--

All Asgard, glowing white,

However, in this white light, there are green star dots, like stars falling, covering every inch of Asgard.

The citizens hiding in the Asgard castle felt a wave of warm rippling air spreading around them. After tens of seconds, the originally collapsed buildings

The gunpowder smoke all around was restored under this piece of green starlight.

Half a minute later, those Asgard troops who died in the flames of war and disputes also came back to life from this familiar and warm land.

Even the Bifrost, which is connected to the entire Nine Realms, is also under the influence of this white light, repairing itself at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The Time Gem combined with the power of the transcendent made this "farce" that should have turned into a pity, and finally stopped.

The clouds above the head gradually spread, and the creatures of the seven major races turned into countless water droplets, which merged with the sea area under their feet. The breath of outsiders disappeared completely, and Asgard also restored its original tranquility.

And that white light finally revealed its true face.

"Li Feng!"

When Hela saw the man's face clearly, her beautiful eyes, which had never shed a single tear since she was a child, instantly turned red as if filled with endless grievances.

But Li Feng, who solved "Ragnarök" in just two minutes, after hearing this call, he appeared in front of Hela without the slightest majesty, and gently hugged her into his arms

(Qian Nuozhao) In an instant, the hundreds of chains that bound Hela were all broken.

"Don't be afraid, I'm always here."

Li Feng said softly.

Hela buried her head in her arms, lost her former heroic appearance, and let out a grievance in her heart.

"I'm not around these hours, what happened?"

Li Feng stroked her back lightly, the murderous intent still mixed in his tone that had not completely subsided.

There is no doubt that if he is one step behind, Asgard will surely fall into ruin.

And Hela... country...

The head will also be taken away by that gray and white figure.

It is impossible for Ji Feng to accept this kind of result.

"You've been away for almost a year." Hela complained in her tone, "I've been waiting for you in the God's Burial Garden for a long time but I haven't waited for you to come out. It is only because of the invasion that we have the current situation. I have resisted for half a year. I thought that victory was in sight, but I did not expect..."

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