People In Marvel: My Wife Is The White Queen

Chapter 146 Annihilation? Yizhangerer [Please Subscribe! ! 】

In the blink of an eye, all the alien legions in this area were included.

Those indestructible Chitauri legions were quickly melted under the soaring red energy.

Not even a single part or wreckage remained.

All were blasted into air by the energy.

The dark matter ball thrown by Li Feng exploded with energy, as if dropping a large-yield nuclear bomb, causing far more damage than all other superheroes combined.

When the red energy fell silent and stopped expanding, all the Chitauri legions above the capital of the country disappeared.

Almost at the same time as Li Feng's energy erupted, everyone in the city raised their heads.

Then, people could clearly see a dark red sun rising above the clouds.

The originally gloomy sky was reflected in dark red.

As if the end is coming, that is the best description.

"What the hell happened there...?"

Captain America and other Avengers members were shocked.

They had never seen such a big scene.

"Could it be that the military used nuclear weapons?"

This was Tony's first thought.

07 He felt that such a terrifying momentum could only be achieved by nuclear bombs.

Definitely, it could also be a new weapon developed by Nick Fury using Tesseract.

"That figure..."

"Could it be...?"

After all, Thor is considered a half-god, and the guess in his heart is different from everyone else's, and he immediately thinks of Li Feng.

In fact, among the Avengers, the only one who can be said to know Li Feng's strength is Thor.

He had seen how Li Feng slapped the Celestials and Odin.

You must know that the two existences of the Celestial Race and Odin are almost all powerful beings who have survived from ancient times in the Nine Realms, but they are both powerless to fight back, and they were easily beaten by Li Feng.

It is normal for him to cause such a big movement on the earth.

This guess can be said to make Thor very excited.

If Li Feng made the move, then what are these Chitauri?

In fact, not only the capital of the United States, but even the entire Ministry of Defense of the United States have noticed Li Feng's energy explosion this time.

When they saw the terrifying energy fluctuations rising from the communication screen, they were almost stunned.

What's the situation?

I don't understand!

The Department of Defense has neither launched a nuclear bomb nor used a superweapon.

So, who caused this movement?

Could it be this group of foreign invaders?

Obviously, unlikely.

As for the Ancient One magician who is far away, At the moment is also standing on the holy place, watching all the events in the United States through his own dark magic, with a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth.

She originally planned to do it herself to block the space wormhole opened by the Tesseract with her own magic. Although she could not completely close the Tesseract with her power, it could at least reduce some deaths.

But at this time, Li Feng made a move.

So, she was relieved.

After seeing that Chitauri who landed was at least half dead, Li Feng looked at the fleet on the other side of the space wormhole that dared not continue to land, and couldn't help curling his lips.

That's it?

on this level?

Really vulnerable.

However, despite killing so many Chitauri, the anger in Li Feng's heart still did not abate much.

After possessing the power of a transcendent, his sensitivity to the universe has become stronger and stronger, and he has naturally become more sensitive in terms of cause and effect.

Although he didn't anticipate the appearance of Annihilation, one of the five creation gods, he still had some inexplicable premonitions.

He knew that the recovery of the Transcendent Protoss would spread throughout the known universe in a short time.

The appearance of annihilation is just one step.

"Oh, right."

"There is also a purple sweet potato essence, I almost forgot."

He sneered.

In the original Marvel plot, a large part of the reason why the Chitauri star invaded the earth under the cooperation of Loki's inside and outside was that Ba was instigated behind the scenes.

So, will the appearance of annihilation be related to this purple sweet potato essence?

Thinking of this, Li Feng knew that he had to take a chance and talk to Thanos, the mastermind behind the scenes.

Or, why not just slap her to death?

Save this guy thinking about doing things all day long.

After a moment of hesitation, Li Feng's eyes burst into a fierce light, and he teleported towards where Tesseract was.

Behind him, followed by a cloud of huge amounts of sonic boom.

A series of piercing roars + Li Feng landed on the top of the Stark Building like a comet.

He ignored the passing Chitauri, but set his sights on the Tesseract.

The sudden appearance of this figure naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Thor instantly recognized Li Feng who was surrounded by white light!

"I knew it!"

Seeing Li Feng who descended from the sky and came to join the battle regardless of his body, Thor was extremely excited.

Although with his power of Thor, he barely achieved brilliant results in this war, but after all, two fists are no match for four hands.

But if Li Feng is added as a strong support, everything will be different.

Thor even inexplicably gained a surge of confidence.

He felt that as long as he joined forces with Li Feng, those Chitauri on his head would come and kill one by one, as many as there were!

However, what made Thor a little dumbfounded was that Li Feng obviously had no intention of cooperating with the Avengers alliance for a win-win situation, but stood in front of the Tesseract hesitation for a second 693, and suddenly got into the huge amounts of wormhole In the storm!

Those Chitauri legions who were about to come out of the space passage had eight lifetimes of bad luck.

Before they could even take a look at the world of the earth, they were completely destroyed by the white light that suddenly rushed in front of them.

Li Feng at this moment is no longer Li Feng, but coming together.

One is enough to destroy all light.


"What flew in just now!?"

"I seem to vaguely see a figure!"

Panting, Tony stopped beside Thor, asking inexplicably.

"I don't know either"

Thor shook his head, but did not reveal Li Feng's identity.

He has also come into contact with some superheroes, and he knows to some extent that people on earth are very strange creatures.

Many superheroes like to do good deeds in silence.

He guessed that Li Feng might be such an existence.

"All right."

"Thor, you have to cover me. I will find a way to close the passage above, so that we have a chance of winning."

Tony didn't dwell on it for too long, the top priority was to prevent the Chitauris from continuing to land on Earth.

Otherwise, they will still come out in an endless stream.

But the two people who were talking didn't realize at all that there were no Chitauri people coming out of the space channel above their heads.

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