People In Marvel: My Wife Is The White Queen

Chapter 152 A New Attempt 【Subscribe! ! 】

Including Mjolnir, which Thor used before, and Hela's night sky blade, all have dwarf stars.

Therefore, Nidawi's dwarf family was learned, and it was Asgard who suffered the most.

"Damn five generals of Obsidian, you're really tired of living."

"This kind of offensive behavior will never be tolerated by this king.

"Even if you are hiding in the corner of the universe, I will make you pay in blood!"

Hela gritted her teeth in her heart, because her heart had already put General Black Day on the must-kill list.

From sending the Chitauri army to invade the earth, to the bloodbath of Nidawi, the actions of the five generals of Obsidian are not so much declaring war on Asgard as declaring war on the Nine Realms.

This is no joke.

At the same time, Li Feng also returned to Earth.

Looking at the surrounding villas that had turned into ruins, Li Feng scratched his head helplessly.

Although my own home was not affected, the humans in this area are probably all dead.

Clearly, there is no longer a place to stay.

Who wants to live with a group of undead?

Fortunately, Li Feng's "Marvel Pictures Co., Ltd." has completed several rounds of financing. In order to ensure the stability of his funds, his financial assistant has already invested most of the money in real industries, including several well-known companies. real estate company.

Therefore, in the United States, where Li Feng wants to live is not a problem.

He immediately explained what had happened before, and asked the White Queen for her opinion. After getting the latter's approval, the two moved to a sea view villa about 300 kilometers away from the capital of the United States. , covering an area of ​​about 10,000 square meters, is also one of Li Feng's properties.

For rich people, moving is not a difficult task, just wave your hand and say a few words, and everything will be handled by a special person.

After changing to a new villa, Li Feng naturally wants to take his wife for a walk around.

It is worth mentioning that with the end of the war, the rebuilding of the capital of the United States began in a hurry.

The largest city and the largest economic center in the world, after being horribly destroyed by the Chitauri Legion, immediately mobilized tens of thousands of construction workers in accordance with the government's request.

Not only Li Feng's construction company, almost all construction companies around the world have set their sights on the capital of the United States.

Why do you say businessmen are cold-blooded?

After the disaster, they only have interests in their eyes, and only interests.

Those lives buried in this land are actually not as useful as banknotes in their eyes.

Everyone knew that before the rebuilding of the United States capital was complete, business opportunities abounded here.

Some businessmen with active minds even set up construction companies urgently, intending to take a share of this feast of the construction industry.

Even the Stark Group, which is now transforming into energy, has urgently established a construction department.

It has to be said that Tony Stark is indeed a shrewd businessman.

He has a keen sense of smell and can smell business opportunities in a crisis.

Coupled with Tony Stark's excellent performance in this war, the Stark Group will undoubtedly become the top family group in the entire capital of the United States.

After spending a good time with the White Queen, Li Feng sent an instruction to his "Marvel Pictures Co., Ltd."—

Shoot a movie called X for Vendetta.

The theme of this movie is very simple.

Anti-hero, anti-government, reverence for freedom.

Li Feng started to convert the movie plot in his memory into a script and handed it over to his subordinates.

As we all know, "V for Vendetta" is a DC movie.

It is Li Feng's attempt to make a DC movie in Marvel.

After all, the entire United States will be in trouble with huge amounts of trouble.

SOKOVIA crisis.

Those ordinary humans will start to question the existence of the government and the danger of superheroes.

The theme of "X for Vendetta" happens to be related to this crisis.

I have to say, Li Feng (comment section) is a genius.

After explaining the matter, Li Feng is preparing to leave the earth, planning to go to Asgard to stay for a while.

The earth has experienced such a catastrophe, and it is estimated that there will be no movement for a long time.

The capital of the United States is being rebuilt, and S.H.I.E.L.D probably won't bother itself.

So, just take advantage of this time to spend time with Hela.

Besides, Li Feng went to Asgard for another purpose.

He already knew about the destruction of the dwarf star.

Compared with the barren information of the universe on the earth, the news of Asgard is much better.

He knew that Hela was very angry, because the dwarf star is the greatest race in the Nine Realms, and each of their ordinary people (note, they are ordinary people, not the dwarf army), from birth to growing up, loyally subordinated to Asgard , Forge weapons for the King of God, without any mutiny.

Therefore, their destruction is equivalent to touching the bottom line of Hela.

Then, if his wife wants to do something, Li Feng definitely doesn't want to stand by and watch.

He knew that Black Yao5 was standing behind Thanos, and with Hela's temperament, he was bound to fight against this purple sweet potato essence. According to the current strength of Thanos, this may not be easy.

Moreover, Li Feng always had a hunch in his heart that Thanos might be more difficult than he imagined.

After meeting Thanos, he felt that this guy was obviously wiser and more cautious than he appeared in the movie.

For such a time bomb, Li Feng felt that it would be better to dismantle it as soon as possible.


Li Feng arrived in Asgard and met Hela who had just returned from Earth.

Looking at the Tesseract and psychic scepter in Hela's hands, Ji Feng was not surprised.

With Hela's strength, it is very simple to get these two Infinite Gems.

Seeing Li Feng's arrival, Hela was still very excited.

When she learned that Li Feng planned to help her deal with Hei Yao Wu Jiang and Mie (Li's Hao) Ba, she became angry again.

"Those damned guys actually attacked me while I was leaving the Nine Realms."

"This is an insult to the people of Asgard who advocate fighting!"

Then, Li Feng learned the whole process from Hela.

However, what he didn't know was whether Thanos' attack on Nidawi at this time was the original plot or the butterfly effect he brought.

Li Feng no longer believes in the original plot.

Since his appearance, the entire timeline has changed Sun.

Either go faster or go slower.

Even the existence of the universe god group and the five creation gods have arrived ahead of schedule.

what else to believe

Therefore, Li Feng gradually understands that his existence is to bring the original story of the Marvel world to an unknown ending.

As for whether this ending is good or bad, Li Feng himself is not sure. .

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