People In Marvel: My Wife Is The White Queen

Chapter 159 A New Moon Is Rising! [Please Subscribe! ! 】

Although Tony was at a loss, he could only follow through.

Originally, he was very upset with General Ross, and he dared to touch his idol.

It's just that he has been restraining himself because he is concerned about the identity of the other party's high-level military.

But now that SHIELD Director is taking care of it, I'm still afraid of it.


Tony suddenly opened the mask, walked up to Li Feng, looked at General Ross with resentment, and said,

"I changed my mind, let's kill this old guy together!"

The attitude changed so quickly that no one present could react.

General Ross's face changed even more!

What is this scenario?

How dare Iron Man be so rebellious?

Before this thought came to an end, a dazzling light suddenly came from above his head, and Iron Man directly aimed the laser cannon in his hand at General Ross.

This scene made the soldiers surrounded outside the villa confused.

"Think about it, Tony!"

"I am a general!"

"If you dare to attack me, you will be the enemy of the United States!

"I'm catching criminals!"

General Ross' face twitched, and he yelled at Li Feng and Tony directly.

First Li Feng, then Tony.

These two guys didn't take themselves seriously at all.

As for whether the goal can be achieved, General Ross has given up extravagant hopes.

"I know who you are, General Ross, and you don't need to emphasize it."

"But I'm sorry, I just got orders from SHIELD Director Nick Fury to kill you straight away!"

"If you have doubts, ask Nick Fury when he's in hell too!"

Tony said carelessly to General Ross, without any respect at all.

This is the original character of Iron Man.

Seeing this scene, Li Feng didn't show any superfluous expressions.

As long as Tony doesn't stop him, we will still be good friends.

Only General Ross was still wondering why Nick Fury wanted Tony to kill him.

Now, the situation has changed.

Before General Ross came, he was full of confidence and felt that he could control all the situations.

But in the blink of an eye, he fell into a deadlock.

After seeing that his identity as a general could not stop Tony and Li Feng from killing him, General Ross panicked.

but the next second one

He gritted his teeth, took out a reagent tube containing a red amber-like liquid from his pocket, and poured it into his mouth.

This is the research result of Ross using all military resources these days.

Based on the serum of the abomination and the serum of the Hulk, a super soldier potion was developed.

He originally didn't plan to drink it so early, he also wanted to wait for a higher level serum to be researched with Li Feng's blood before taking it.

But now, it's too late.

He has no choice.

Not long after drinking the serum potion, General Ross felt a sharp pain.

It seems that the cells in the whole body are constantly dividing and regenerating at this moment, this is a pain that is more terrible than a broken bone.

He gritted his teeth and tried to hold on, but failed, and could only let out a Beast-like wail.

At the same time, his body is constantly inflating and expanding, like an inflated balloon.

His muscles began to bulge, his skin began to swell, and gradually turned dark red.

"I rely on?"

"What is this?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Tony couldn't help exclaiming.

He never expected that General Ross would become what he is now.

Who knows what General Ross drank.

But obviously, this old man's genes began to mutate.

Li Feng looked at General Ross with great interest, and did not choose to stop him.

He wanted to see what kind of existence General Ross would become in the end.

However, the venue is not here, this is my home, and I should change to a more open place.

Thinking of this, Li Feng raised his hand and rushed to General Ross at an extremely fast speed, grabbed him, and flew directly into the sky.

Then, he threw it directly to the sea outside the villa.

General Ross obviously does not have the ability to resist gravity, and after being lifted and dropped by Li Feng, he can only fall freely.

With a loud bang, General Ross slammed into the water.

There is no difference between falling into the water at this height and falling on the concrete floor.


If it was the original General Ross, this free fall would have been enough to end his life.

But now, obviously not.

Without making Li Feng wait too long, the mutation of General Ross was completed.

I saw a big guy with dark red skin, countless scales, and the same appearance as a Hulk, standing on the ground and roaring angrily at Li Feng.

0………seeking flowers…………

Seeing this scene, Ji Feng couldn't help being taken aback.

This is.....….

red giant

Before he could recover, General Ross, who had transformed into a red giant, roared directly at Li Feng, beating his chest and stamping his feet, as if in a demonstration, his face was full of madness.

Obviously, after becoming the Red Giant, General Ross's thinking has become a little confused.

However, he clearly remembered his hatred for Li Feng.

next second

The red giant squatted down slightly, and shot towards Li Feng like a fired shell.

It's not Flight, it's pure jumping power!

General Ross directly and easily jumped to a height of 300 meters, kicking the ground out of a pothole.

Such terrible power, and Hulk are almost the same.


It's a pity that the red giant's life was not good, and he met the monster Li Feng.

The red giant is very powerful, but what is it in front of the even more powerful Li Feng?

Seeing the red giant shooting towards him, Li Feng showed disdain, and stomped on it!


The red giant was stepped on the ground directly, smashing a big hole again!

But soon, he climbed up from the pit, without any scars on his body, and came to kill again.

In fact, the strength of the Red Giant is not weaker than Hulk.

In the original Marvel universe, he even killed abominations.

So in a sense, the Red Giant is Hulk's lifelong enemy.

It's a pity that the scene where the Hulk fights the Red Giant will never happen again.

"I think Hell must like a pervert like you."

Seeing the figure of the red giant gradually approaching him, Li Feng smiled faintly.

next second——

He raised one hand, and casually grabbed the air beside him!

at once--

The originally pitch-black sky flashed with a scarlet light like a crescent moon, completely illuminating the entire sea area!

At the same time, in this new moon, there is an incomparably huge figure wearing a silver-white armor and holding a giant axe, gradually solidified!

Below one

Looking at this scene, Tony and others were instantly dumbfounded.

"What... what happened?"

"Is this also Li Feng's power?"

"Why have I never seen it?"

Before he could recover, the giant ax slowly fell and penetrated the red giant's body. .

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