People In Marvel: My Wife Is The White Queen

Chapter 167 Not For Sale 【Subscribe! ! 】

"I am a princess from the Amazon island, my name is Diana, and my mother is Hippolyta." Diana didn't want to talk nonsense with him too much, she snorted coldly and said, "If this is Herme If you don’t have the space of Si, then let Hermes come out to meet me.”

"Choose one, shall we?" The man still maintained his original posture with a smile on his face.

"Pretending to be a ghost." Diana sneered, and pulled out a thick hemp rope from her body. The rope was wrapped in golden light, and wrapped around the man like a poisonous snake.

This is the fetish that the twelve main gods once left in Amazon, named "Lasso of Mantra."

However, what is surprising is that the mantra lasso passed directly through his body and swung it in vain.

"What?" Diana was taken aback, took back the mantra lasso, squinted at the guy in front of her, and said, "Are you just an illusion?"

The latter still did not respond, maintaining the original action.

"Yes or no, don't you know with your hands?"

Li Feng raised the corner of his mouth, stepped forward, bent and lifted his fingers, and shot a white light towards his body, shooting away with arrogance.

When the latter saw this beam of light, his whole face changed instantly, and his body began to gradually disintegrate, and even the surrounding desert was shattered like a shattered illusion.


Seeing this, Diana quickly hugged Li Feng to her side, and protected him in her arms.

Li Feng didn't react at all, and felt his body entered into a soft and warm embrace, which made him stunned.

Then, everything around the two of them underwent an indescribable change—

All the yellow sand disappeared completely, and the pool in front of him and the willow tree behind him disappeared without a trace.

After dozens of seconds of jet-black light enveloped the place, it suddenly changed into another scene.

This is a street in ancient Greece, surrounded by slave merchants, Han people who wholesale silk and satin, and one shop after another, selling all kinds of pottery, with camels and horses tied in front of the door.

The bustling crowd wore strange and eccentric costumes, which looked very old-fashioned.

"Here..... seems to be the birthplace of ancient Greek civilization more than 2,000 years ago`.?"

Diana tightly hugged Li Feng's arm and forgot to let go. She froze on the spot, looked around, and said, "I once heard from my mother that this is the place where the twelve main gods appeared for the first time. They hide their names, There are various identities."

"It seems that our guess is right, that guy just now is undoubtedly Hermes." Li Feng nodded slightly and said.

He turned his head, and his gaze suddenly stayed on the shop behind him, where a male boss with a gray turban on his head, an orange satin, and a precious bronze ware was standing there, smiling at him.

"Diana, come with me." Li Feng grabbed Diana's hand with his backhand and walked towards the shop.

There are ancient Greek characters engraved on the outside of the shop, which roughly means "statue store", and there are basically some exquisitely carved stone statues placed inside.

Even, there are statues of the twelve main gods placed in the corner, which are not noticeable.

"Do you two need to buy a statue?" The owner of the shop smiled and bowed to greet him.

"Just take a look." Li Feng opened his mouth and walked into the store.

Before Diana could react, she tried to pull her arm out of Li Feng's hand, but found that Li Feng's strength was even stronger than her own, which made her blushed slightly, but she couldn't help being even more surprised.

You know, what she possesses in her body is innate divine power, which is by no means comparable to the strength of ordinary people.

In the store, the lifelike statues are portrayed one by one, as if they have a charm, very delicate.

Even Li Feng couldn't help showing an expression of admiration. You must know that this kind of craftsmanship may not be possible even in his era. If you take one or two back, you will definitely be auctioned for a high price.

However, he is not short of such a little money.

At this time, the three statues placed in the corner caught his attention.

Two of these three statues are exactly the same as Li Feng and Diana, carved out of the same mold; the remaining one is a faceless statue with only outlines but no facial features.

The two also discovered this at the same time, and Diana opened her mouth slightly, with puzzlement in her eyes.

Li Feng didn't panic, but waved to the shop owner behind him, pointed at the statue of Diana and said, "How much is this statue worth?"

"A silver dollar." The store owner bent down and replied.

Then, Li Feng pointed to his own statue and asked, "What about this one?"

"This statue..." the shop owner said with a smile, "If you bought the one just now, this one will be given to you for nothing as a Rao's head."

"Free gift?" Li Feng said, "Did I hear you right?"

Yes sir, you heard me right, this statue is given to you for nothing. ’ the store owner repeated.

"Psst." Diana on the side couldn't help laughing.

"Oh, what about this faceless statue?" Li Feng pouted helplessly, pointed at the last statue, and asked, "Is it also a free gift?"

"Sorry, this is not for sale in the store." The store owner shook his head and said.

"Not for sale?" Li Feng narrowed his eyes, stepped forward to look at it, and said, "Instead of asking you to put this not for sale in the corner, how about you sell it to me at a price?"

"Sorry, I can't agree." The shop owner lowered his eyes slightly, his tone was slightly colder, and said, the two of you can look at other things. "

"What if I insist on buying this?" Li Feng put his hands on the head of the faceless statue, turned his head, stared at the shop owner with a radiance in his eyes, and said, "... Hermes?"

(paid) Bang.

The moment Li Feng's voice fell, the door of the shop seemed to be blown by a gust of wind, and it was closed tightly.

And the owner of the famous shop also changed back to his previous appearance in the pool, with a lamb on his shoulder, a snake staff hanging on his waist, and two pairs of wings growing on his feet.

A jet-black divine light radiated from him, carrying an uncomfortable power of faith, replacing all the light sources in the room.

Only when the gods appear, there is such a strange sight.

"It really is you." Li Feng raised the corner of his mouth, confirming what he thought.

"Hermes!" Diana called, taking a step forward.

"Hmm..." Hermes didn't continue to pretend, he scratched his hair in annoyance, leaned against the statue beside him, and glanced at Diana for a long time before beckoning to her. He waved and said, "Come here, my sister, let me take a good look at you.".

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