People In Marvel: My Wife Is The White Queen

Chapter 200 Casting Issues 【Subscribe! ! 】

Li Feng was very surprised, why did she have such a reaction?

In order to get an answer, Li Feng opened his mouth.

"Diana, why are you sighing again? Is there something else you haven't figured out?"

"Oh, that's not it." Diana said: "I wonder if our movie will become one of those self-indulgent works.

What Diana is sighing is actually another level of "283" problem.

It can be seen that Diana still has a lot of her own thinking about the current movie.

"Ah, I understand." Li Feng knew what she meant, so he nodded, and then said: "This movie, how should I put it... I just feel that it is definitely impossible to follow the director completely, or It is my idea to shoot. It must be combined with the current mature film creation techniques, and it must be understood by the audience."

This is obviously not an easy task.

Because if you want to cater to the audience, you can follow a routine. The audience may think that this is too routine and not innovative, but in fact they still like to watch it.

So, the problem is not big.

However, if you want to seek a breakthrough and break through the shackles of routines, then it will naturally cause very huge amounts of trouble.

For example, it may be too stream-of-consciousness or boring after shooting, making the audience feel that they can't understand or feel too boring.

This is a big problem.

Especially in those films where the director wants to express a lot of his thoughts through the film, it is even more difficult to understand how to make a choice.

After all, expressing thought-laden thoughts inherently runs the risk of failing to resonate.

Li Feng understands this very well.

He also knows how to avoid this situation as much as possible.

After all, he didn't make movies just for himself.

He hopes that everyone can appreciate it.

After all, he can only pass on the thoughts he wants to express if he has seen enough people.

That is the so-called expression of ideas in commercial films.

It's not impossible to do it—although it's generally difficult to speak very deeply.

However, all this is actually nothing.

"Diana, look over there."

Li Feng pointed to the largest building over there with a musical fountain in front of it, and said...

"That's our main office building. Let me introduce you to our film and television base from there."

"Okay, then please take me to have a good tour."

Diana said this with a smile, looking at the musical fountain, she immediately felt extremely emotional.

"This musical fountain is really beautiful, and the music is also very nice.

"Well, I think so too." Li Feng looked at the musical fountain from a distance, and said with a nod.

He couldn't be happier that Diana shared his aesthetic.

After all, although Li Feng is extremely powerful and does not need the approval of others at all, it is still very exciting to be able to be understood by others about his taste for Art 4.0.

Because, in a person's life, it can be said that it is hard to find a bosom friend.

There are very few people who can understand their pursuit of art.

Most people will only think that this musical fountain is very beautiful, but they can't say more about it.

However, she can.

Li Feng had this premonition. .

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