People In Marvel: My Wife Is The White Queen

Chapter 77 Responses From All Parties 【Please Subscribe! 】

In his eyes, this is spiritual food.

Just when the president of the United States was about to threaten those small countries to satisfy his desires through Twitter, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open by the Secretary of Defense.

"Hey, you should have knocked first!"

"Did I let you in?"

The president of the United States turned off the phone screen while swearing.

"Sorry, Mr. President, something serious has happened." The Minister of Defense took out a tablet and put it on his desktop, and said in a deep voice, "The military aviation department sent a video, I think you need to take a look."

"Ministry of Aviation? Is it the Ministry of Aviation again?" The President of the United States said with a disdainful smile, "Not long ago, these guys sent me a document, saying that there are aliens coming from outside the earth, and asked me to add it to them. Military expenditures to defend against future Star Wars, I think they have such naive ideas because they have watched too much "Star Wars!"

"The United States spends so much financial funds on the military every year. If we give these funds to those civilians and those capitalists, our country will become better and better!"

"What do you think? Secretary of Defense."

The President of the United States complained relentlessly.

"Yes, you are right."

"However, 07, I think you should watch the video first.

The Minister of Defense said with a blank expression.

"Okay, okay, isn't it just a video? Let me tell you, after I watch it, I will definitely not meet your requirements, sure and sure!"

The president of the United States picked up the tablet and pressed play.

It's just that the more he looked, the more serious his face became.

In the end, he shook his palm and the tablet fell directly to the ground.

"Quick! Notify S.H.I.E.L.D!"

"This is the end! The United States is over! The whole world is over!"

"Go! You bloody bastard!"

The president of the United States was going crazy, he couldn't believe what he saw.

It's a pity that the cruel facts are in front of him, and he can't help but not believe it.

A huge amounts of black hole is slowly approaching the earth, and has passed the sun.

Calculated according to its traveling speed, in less than two days, the earth will be completely drawn in by the gravity of this black hole, and will be ruthlessly swallowed.

This is a more terrifying disaster than the Jurassic extinction 65 million years ago.

Not just in the White House office, but Nick Fury, who was back in S.H.I.E.L.D, also got the news.

Seeing the video and report sent by the military, Nick Fury also had cold sweat on his forehead.

what is this?

end of the world

At this moment, even if Nick Fury is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D, a man with countless experiences, At the moment is completely shocked.

Those eyes that were usually full of determination were full of confusion and panic at the moment.

He didn't know what to do, he didn't know how to deal with this crisis.

The usual strategizing has now become a joke.

He has never been in such a predicament.

Although he formed the Avengers, they were no match for the Black Hole.

This kind of celestial body is the most terrifying existence in the science known to mankind.

What's more, its volume is still so large.

Not to mention him, even all the life on the earth combined, looks extremely small in front of the black hole.

This is not an existence that human beings can fight against.

At this time——

A figure suddenly appeared in Nick Fury's mind.

He ran into the office frantically, opened the safe, randomly dug out a key press, and held it in his hand.

Kree, Captain Marvel.

Currently on Earth, Nick Fury is the strongest existence known.

At the same time, it is also his greatest trump card in life and his greatest confidence.

Once used, there is no other chance.

But now, he has no retreat or choice.

Nick Fury hesitated for a long time, and finally used this keypad to send a message to Captain Marvel.

"Carol, you must come here."

Asgard, the main hall.

On the god's seat, Odin is closing his eyes and meditating, recalling his bravery in the battlefield in the past.

At the moment, Heimdall walked in briskly—

"Your Majesty, something has happened."

Heimdall's face was full of anxiety, which he rarely showed.

"What's the matter? Thor got into trouble again?"

"No, it has nothing to do with Thor."

Heimdall took a deep breath and replied,

"Galactus, one of the five gods, used his body and entered the galaxy."

"Based on his trajectory estimation, his purpose is very likely to be the planet where your son and your daughter are currently.


Heimdall's insight is naturally not comparable to that of humans.

He has the eyes of God, so he can see at a glance that the one that is constantly approaching the earth is not a black hole at all, but a more terrifying existence.

One of the five founding gods, the body of the devourer of the planet.

A guy who disgusts all races in the universe, madman.

For Galactus, his purpose of surviving in the universe is to devour those useless garbage planets in the universe.

"Galactus, didn't this guy get a warning from the OAA not long ago?"

"How dare you use your body to walk wantonly in the universe?"

Odin also narrowed his eyes and frowned when he heard the news.

This is no joke.

Although Galactus ranks last among the five gods in the universe, he has existed in the universe for nearly hundreds of millions of years.

For hundreds of millions of years, the planets it devoured provided countless nutrients for the growth of 603's body.

As the God-King of Asgard, Odin is well aware of the horrors of Galactus.

Galactus in his prime, or rather, Galactus on the way to his meal, but even he had to take a break from the limelight.

"What's wrong with this Galactus that he has thoughts about the earth?"

"The Milky Way is the most mysterious galaxy in the universe. It must have been a long time since he sent his main body over so boldly.


Odin raised the scepter, and shouted.


Heimdall bowed his head slightly.

"Use your god's eyes to see if the Cosmic Celestial Group has shown its face in the Milky Way?"

"Your Majesty——" Heimdall shook his head and said, "I have already investigated before coming, and the Cosmic Celestial Group has never appeared in the Milky Way since it appeared once 37 million years ago. "

"Are they going to watch a civilization be eaten by Galactus?"

Odin narrowed his eyes, a look of concern added to his face.

The most powerful organization in the universe, or the management group, is definitely none other than the Universe God Group.

This organization doing things everywhere, often uses the balance of the universe as an excuse to play the role of a cosmic policeman, exile those planets that do not abide by the rules and wantonly exploit the resources of the universe.

But at the critical moment, why did the members of the universe god group disappear?

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