People In Marvel, Start The Supreme Mage

Chapter 10 Vatum's Wand, Ancient One's Rich Collection! (Ask For Flower Evaluation!)

Although I have already guessed in my heart.

However, what Russell never expected was that Ancient One would put the treasure room in such a place!

In the control center of this Kamar-Taj.

Everyone's first gaze will be on the huge globe and several portals.

And no one will notice the organs hidden in it at all.

"This is the so-called darkness under the lights!"

Russell felt a little emotional.

Moreover, this small Warehouse of Ancient One is actually located in another space.

It simply far exceeded everyone's expectations!


Step into the interior of the space passage.

Russell suddenly felt his eyes light up, and his vision suddenly became clear.

Inside, the light of magic is shrouded, and the magic runes all around flicker.

If it were normal, he would definitely not be able to help analyzing the structure of these magics, trying to figure out how they work.

But now, his mind is not on this at all!

As soon as he entered the door, his gaze was attracted by the showcase in the center!

"This is... the number one artifact in the entire Marvel - Vatum Wand!!"

"Agomoto Gem!"

"There is also a prophetic artifact—the cosmic cauldron!"


The display cabinets are full of collections.

Among them, there are not a few that Russell can recognize.

Turning around in a circle, the smile on his face became brighter and brighter.

"Not bad, this Ancient One collection really didn't disappoint me!"

The richer the collection here, the more artifacts he has, the happier he is!

Because, after Ancient One left, these good things are reserved for him!

Seeing this, Ancient One smiled slightly and said,

"The reason why these things are stored here is because they haven't found a suitable owner!"

Definitely, she doesn't need it is also one of the important reasons!

In terms of her strength, these magic weapons don't have much effect on her.

After closing his eyes and meditating for a while, Ancient One spoke again,

"There is still a little time, Russell Mage, go out with me for a walk!"



Holy place periphery.

Walking on the stone road, Ancient One looked around.

A trace of nostalgia flashed in his eyes from time to time.

But soon, she shook her head and looked away,

Turning his head, he turned his gaze to Russell beside him.

"Do you know why I chose you as Supreme Mage, Russell Mage?"

"Huh?" Russell suddenly recovered from his contemplation, a little surprised and uncertain.

"I don't know!"

"Isn't it because of my powerful magical ability and strength?"

Hearing this, Ancient One suddenly burst out laughing.

"That's just one of the reasons!"

As she said that, her eyes looked towards the sky, far away and deep.

"Do you know that since your arrival, the whole world has quietly changed!"

"The timeline is in chaos, even with the Eye of Agamotto, it is completely impossible to see the exact future from it!"

? ? ?

Predict future?

"The traveler effect?" Russell murmured to himself.

"However, what does this have to do with me being the Supreme Mage?"

At the beginning, he never thought that he would take over such a mess.

As for the Supreme Mage, just leave it to Juan Fu!

This is a thankless position, where if you mess up, you will be blamed, the average person really can't take it!

Facing his puzzled eyes, Ancient One smiled slightly, but did not answer right away.

Immediately afterwards, he swiped his hands.

In front of him, a phantom like a long river suddenly spread out.

"This is the original timeline of the whole world, rushing forward all the way!"

"However, since your arrival, it has become like this!"

As soon as the words are finished.

The phantom in front of him suddenly changed.

The straight and complete river was cut off in the middle at a certain moment, splitting into countless small tributaries.

"Did the urine fork?" Russell couldn't help complaining.

Ancient One's head was covered with black lines.

God damn the bifurcation, this is obviously because the timeline is messed up by you, okay?

Although the original timeline has hundreds of millions of possibilities.

However, it is still within the predictable range.

However, the current situation is completely unpredictable!

However, it's all so obvious.

There is no need for Ancient One to say anything, Russell himself has already fully understood it.

"The future is completely out of control, that's why you chose me as the heir."

"Am I right, Ancient One Mage?"

"That's right!" Ancient One nodded, with a childish and gratifying look on his face.

"Originally there was someone else in the position of Supreme Mage, but now this happens..."


Speaking of this, it suddenly turned into a helpless sigh.

Russell understood what she meant, and couldn't help feeling pity in his heart.

Poor Juanfu, just abandoned!

"It's almost time, and it's time for me to leave here!"

"Farewell, Russell Mage!"

Ancient One's eyes flickered, and his deep eyes seemed to be looking at an unknown distance.

Then, the power of magic enveloped.

Chanting the incantation opened a deep passage in front of him.

This different portal suddenly made Russell feel something was wrong.

In it, he seemed to be able to detect some familiar breath.

"Breath of Dormammu!"

"Then behind this passage is... a multi-universe!!"

Russell was speechless for a moment.

You agreed to leave the earth, but you thought you wanted to wander around the universe!

Unexpectedly, you actually want to travel the multi-universe!

Not long after, Ancient One waved his hand with a smile, and stepped into the portal.

And it was only at this moment that Russell suddenly realized something in his heart. He remembered something and turned around and shouted,

"Wait, Ancient One Mage, leave a contact information before leaving!!"

However, it was always a step slower, and the figure of Ancient One disappeared in front of him one step earlier.

Russell suddenly felt some headaches.

What the hell, the multi-universe has no concept of time at all.

I'm afraid it will take several years to visit Ancient One!

But then again,

Can magical communication cross multi-universes and connect with Ancient One?


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