People In Marvel, Start The Supreme Mage

Chapter 116 How The Hell Have I Been Abducted For So Long? (Seeking Subscription)

"Kree Empire?"

"What kind of son do they want to punish?"

Hearing this, Russell couldn't help frowning immediately.

Looking at the logo on the huge fleet, I suddenly felt a little familiar.

This logo, he can often see on Carol's clothes.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Well, it seems that this big mom's combat uniform has been around for a while!"

He remembered that she had left the earth in this dress from the very beginning.

And now, all these years have passed.

I am afraid.……………

It smells like that!

Next, though.

Ai Cui's complexion changed again and again, and his complexion was extremely ugly.

It was cold all over, as if I had fallen into a hole in the ice!

"These Cree fleets are coming from bad people!"

And 22 and it has been planned for a long time!

Otherwise, it would be impossible to locate Nidawi directly and accurately!

But, for all of this.

He did nothing to stop it.

Originally, dwarfs were not a race good at fighting.

Even if he has the ability to forge a divine weapon, he has never thought of forging a divine weapon for himself!

Not to mention, the number of clansmen is still so rare!

If there is a little accident, maybe the clan will be exterminated directly!

outside the window.

Under the curtain of the pitch-black starry sky.

The densely packed fleet gradually enveloped the entire Nidawi.

The icy muzzle pointed straight at it, ready to go!

Looking at this scene, Thor couldn't help feeling a little chilled all over his body, and his whole body trembled.

Turning his head, he had a wry smile on his face,

"Do you think we still have a chance to ask Asgard for help now?"

"I'm afraid it's too late!" Ai Cui shook his head solemnly.

Now, the huge fleet has surrounded them.

I'm afraid it's not a distress signal.

Even if Odin reacts now, he can't save them!

Hearing this, there was a dumbfounding expression on Er's face.

Turning his head, he looked to the side, above that figure.

"Supreme Mage, it seems that this matter still needs to be entrusted to you!"

I am afraid that only this person can hope to solve the current crisis!

He is very self-aware.

Although he is well-known Thor in Asgard, he is admired by all.

However, it is not yet strong enough to fight against the fleet!

more importantly…………

to him.

How to survive in a vacuum is another problem.


Hearing this, Russell couldn't help frowning immediately.

compared to the participants.

Most of the time, he prefers to exist as a bystander!

Well, the same goes for Ancient One.

Maybe this is the sequelae after becoming the Supreme Mage!

However, turning his eyes to the huge amounts of figure, he suddenly had an idea in his heart.

"Aitri, what do you think of transferring Nidawi to the vicinity of Earth?"

"Earth?" Ai Cui was a little confused.

"That's Midgard!" Russell explained, persuasively.

"There, it is an absolutely safe area!"

"With the protection of Asgard and me, you will definitely be protected from danger!"

"If you agree, then the fleet of the Cree Empire will not be a problem!"

Hearing this, Ai Cui still didn't react.

On the other side, Thor's scalp was numb from the operation show.

In my heart, I have something to say!

This operation...

Red ~ naked conspiracy!

So open and aboveboard to poach someone?

Moved to the vicinity of the earth, aren't these dwarfs at your disposal?

Became your labor force?

And it’s the one that’s completely free!

Co-author of the dwarf family that we Asgard has kept for so long.

In the end, you wanted to kidnap like this?

"However, judging from Ai Cui's loyalty to Asgard, he shouldn't agree to Supreme Mage's 800 condition so easily, right?"

Thor thought to himself.

After all, judging from his understanding of Ai Cui.

this point above.

Should be guaranteed... right?


At the moment, Ai Cui didn't think so much about Ben.

His mind was full of ways to escape from the siege of the Kerry Empire fleet.

After reacting, he nodded quickly.

"Supreme Mage, I agree with your plan!"

"Hurry up and help us escape from this place!"

The dead horse was treated as a living horse.

Think of it as a dying attempt!

Anyway, they didn't have the slightest ability to resist in front of this huge fleet.

We might as well pin our hopes on this Supreme Mage!

Hearing this, Tolton was a little dumbfounded.

This is so...

Didn't even bargain, just agreed so simply?

What about loyalty?

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