People In Marvel, Start The Supreme Mage

Chapter 144 Play Tricks? Pay Interest First!

"Uh, what can I not come, I don't seem to have done anything to apologize to you.

Murphy Toth clapped his hands and said.

Hearing what Murphy Toss said in Dormammu, my lungs are going to explode, this guy just cheats, and he won't admit it after cheating!

Murphy Toth was still looking at Dormammu as if he didn't know anything.

But he already felt the weakness of the dark dimension now, and saw Russell's figure, so he understood it instantly.

And the unusually dazzling "sun".

Looking at this "sun", even Murphy Toss was also very strange, and the magic "seven-five-seven" force from the "sun", made Murphy Toss feel that this matter is not so simple.

In addition, Dormammu At the moment's power is constantly weakening, as if the power was drawn away, and after he came here.

The strength on the body also has a feeling of being pulled.

And that direction is the "sun". Murphy Toth definitely also saw the figure of Supreme Mage Russell.

I also understand the intention of Dormammu At the moment. Indeed, the way Dormammu is doing now is very good, and it is not bad in the face of the current situation.

But the person opposite him was none other than Russell. If it was to deal with Russell, this method was obviously not enough.

The "sun" Dormammu that Russell created alone can't handle it.

Murphy Toss looked at the "sun" and was still very worried. The Supreme Mage Russell was really different from the Ancient One back then.

Back then, Ancient One stayed in the same place almost all the time. Wherever it was like this Russell, he was there almost everywhere.

And I also like to take advantage of it very much, and you can’t say anything about taking advantage of it, and you can’t say it if you are bitter.

This feeling is what Dormammu feels the most, and now he is almost about to be squeezed dry.

The dark dimension At the moment is also very weak compared to before. Although Dormammu is trying to find a way, it doesn't seem to work.

Russell At the moment is really flattered. The power of this dark dimension is indeed huge enough that even this "sun" can't support it.

Russell also found out that Murphy Toss had entered here quietly just now, and by the looks of it, he came to see the situation of Dormammu.

But the situation here Murphy Toss is also very surprised.

He also had a new understanding of this Supreme Mage, although this Dormammu was already so careful.

It was still caught by Russell and made it into the current situation.

Now Murphy Toth is also smart to help Dormammu.

"Come on Dormammu, let me help you." Murphy Toss mobilized his strength to help Dormammu expand the dimension channel.

However, what Russell At the moment has absorbed is almost the same, but Russell does not intend to cheapen this Testophytos.

Now it's just Dormammu bleeding a lot and Murphy Toth is still twitching, which is not Russell's style.

If this kind of person doesn't teach him a lesson, he will probably make things worse next time.

This time it was because the dark elves were indeed a little weaker, so he came back.

If it was replaced with a slightly stronger enemy, maybe he would come back after finishing there.

By that time, this Dormammu may have been drilled out of that space wormhole long ago, and things will probably get out of control at that time...

If that's when Murphy Toth steps in again, that's not what Russell wants to see.

After all, Russell has never suffered a big loss since he became the Supreme Mage.

It didn't happen before, and it won't happen in the future. As the Supreme Mage, Russell himself will never allow this kind of thing to happen. 】

This is still an unwritten rule passed down from Ancient One, and Ancient One is a master who does not suffer.

Although Ancient One seldom intervenes in these matters, but whenever Ancient One intervenes, there is not a single thing that suffers.

So Russell has to teach Murphy Toth a lesson.

Thinking of this, Russell slowly pushed the "sun" towards Dormammu and Murphy Toth.

At the moment, Dormammu and Murphy, who are opening the dimensional channel, also keenly sensed Russell's movements.

"Wait, wait, Supreme Mage, wait, what are you doing!" Murphy Toss also knew Russell's intention at the moment.

Dormammu has been opening up this dimensional channel for a while, so the heavy responsibility of blocking the "sun" of 3.0 naturally falls on Faith, and Faith cannot lose his ally Dormammu yet.

Dormammu played a crucial role in the layout of Faith in the future.

Obviously, Russell also took a fancy to Moto Faith's small mind.

That's why Murphy Toss was deliberately placed together, and the result was exactly as Russell thought, Murphy Toss began to send power to the sun.

Started to push out, but very slowly, Russell's "sun" was constantly closing in on Faith and Dormammu.

Helpless, Toss can only increase his investment in the calendar area. .

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