People In Marvel, Start The Supreme Mage

Chapter 148 Conquer A Planet!

Kamar-Taj, Russell is studying his own small universe, which has been blessed by the power of Dormammu and Murphy before.

Russell's small universe has grown to a large scale, but these forces still need a little time to refine.

It will take a while to transform into the power of the small universe itself, but after that.

This small universe will definitely surprise Russell, Russell has that premonition, this small universe is definitely more than that.

Thinking of this, Russell couldn't hide the smile on Russell's face, how comfortable it was to look at this small universe.

But he suddenly remembered Quicksilver and Wanda, before he thought Pietro's Ability was a bit tasteless.

After all, this speed is not worth mentioning in front of some powerful enemies.

However, this battle has highlighted his advantages, maybe he can think of other ways to use his ability.

This is a very good road, but there must be many obstacles on this road.

Because this Pietro Awakening Ability fundamentally does not strengthen his own body, just speeding up is not enough.

Physical strength and so on and so on all need to keep up with the rhythm.

And now Pietro obviously has not reached that step, which means he still has a long way to go.

And it will be extremely difficult, no one can help him, and the only thing he can rely on is himself.

Even someone as strong as Russell can't make Pietro stronger directly.

All he can do is to give Pietro some insight.

And Wanda has a high degree of plasticity. If her Origin Magic Power is used well, it can destroy everything.

Compared with other magic powers, this Origin Magic Power is like the feeling of a father meeting his son.

Not at the same level at all, although Wanda's strength is not enough now.

But given time, the achievements will definitely not be small.

All Wanda needs now is the right guidance, which Russell will surely do well.

At least that's what Russell needs to guarantee.

But now my own small universe has begun to slowly operate.

Although Russell still needs to provide a thrust, this is much better than the beginning.

Although there is still a long way to go from success, this is a good start.

Dormammu and Murphy Toth provide little more power, but also less.

After all, the two of them can also be regarded as Dimension Mephista, and their own strength is quite good.

After absorbing a wave of their power, Russell's own power also got strengthening.

Now Russell can't directly extract the power of the small universe, until the small universe has enough power to run on its own.

That's when Russell became a whole new existence.

It's just that this process is still very long. If you want to expand your own small universe, the fastest and most effective way is to swallow a planet directly.

But Russell looked and looked and looked and looked on the star map, but couldn't find a suitable planet.

Either there are higher life forms on the planet, or the planet is not originally good. After thinking about it, Russell only came up with one solution.

That is to suck a certain planet into one's own small universe, although it sounds a bit unrealistic.

But this method seems to be the most appropriate method at present.

In this way, these planets can choose some planets with lower life forms and absorb them into their own small universe.


Then they can still carry out their evolution, originally unaffected, and Russell can mobilize these powers again.

It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone, which is much better than directly devouring this planet.

But now I haven't encountered that kind of planet that is on the verge of shattering. Devouring that kind of planet is the best choice.

It can also ensure the stability of the universe, because if the planet collapses, there will be a big bang in the universe.


It affects the stability of the surrounding universe, and then affects the stability of the entire universe.

This point was thought of by Russell early on, but there is no such planet at this stage.

However, there are quite a few planets of such low-level creatures, but Russell is still facing a problem.

It's just that if you want to suck the planet into your own small universe, you still need a strong thrust.

Or provide suction to the small universe, both are methods, but both consume a lot of energy.

However, the small universe itself can also provide part of the suction.

After much deliberation, Russell still decided to use suction.

After selecting the planet, Russell teleported directly to the periphery of the planet.

Then he began to summon his own small universe, and soon, the space around Russell began to fluctuate, even a little shattered.

But it wasn't very serious, just a little bit, and the surrounding space soon stabilized.

Russell's small universe At the moment has also begun to operate, and Russell has also used the power of Infinite Gems.

It is slowly transported to the small universe, and the suction of the small universe is also slowly increasing. .

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