People In Marvel, Start The Supreme Mage

Chapter 151 Improvement Completed!

And the strength has become so strong, to be honest, Pietro never dreamed that he would have such a day.

Seeing Wanda who was practicing to control Chaos force, Russell smiled knowingly.

This Wanda's ability to the Origin Magic Power is really not covered, it's just such a short practice,

This brings a whole new dimension to the manipulation of magic, even as Wanda wields it.

Russell can still have some insights. Looking at the Origin Magic Power, a lot of ideas flashed in Russell's mind.

But Russell thought about it, and suddenly disappeared from the spot, leaving only Wanda still comprehending his own state just now.

Russell actually teleported directly into a silent space, where there was no sound and no one would disturb him.

It is the same nature as the small black house, but it is more secretive than the small black house, and even the coordinates change in real time.

It's the same as the orientation of the previous dwarf family, except that they move the coordinates manually.

And Russell's is to automatically change the orientation, but the space is not very large.

Russell came here just to see the progress of his own small universe, after the energy given by Dormammu and Toss before.

Russell's small universe has undergone changes, it is no longer as lifeless as before, and has begun to slowly become active.

In addition to the newly inhaled planet, although it did not directly swallow the planet, after the planet entered Russell's small universe.

It is running on its own, and can provide power to the small universe itself.

After this period of reaction, the overall picture of the small universe can be explained a lot brighter.

And the previous planet At the moment has developed into higher organisms, just like the previous earth.

It's just that there are still too few things in the small universe, except for the slightly brighter areas of the planet.

Everything else was completely dark.

The power absorbed before only expanded the File size of the small universe, and no planets have yet been generated by themselves.

This is what Russell is worried about. In order for planets to appear, some collisions must occur appropriately, which requires strength.

In the final analysis, it is still a lack of power to make the entire small universe work.

The energy required is not a little bit, at least the little power contributed by Dormammu and Murphy is far from enough.

This point will not change. It will take a long time for the small universe to operate normally.


Tony was looking at the armor in his hand with joy. On the left hand of the armor, there was an extra circle of hidden missiles.

These missiles are very petite and pure black, but the aura emanating from them makes people feel a little frightened.

Tony fired a missile towards the shooting target, and the moment it touched the target.

A black hole suddenly appeared in the entire area where the shooting target was located, sucking everything around the shooting target almost in the blink of an eye.

There is no trace at all, and in the blink of an eye, the shooting target area is directly emptied.

The effect really surprised Tony.

After the dismantling test [Tony successfully disassembled the black hole grenade of the Dark Elf with the help of Wakanda's technology.

Then such a ratio was obtained after testing the ratio. This is the first time to test the finished product.

The result is that such an area is completely emptied in such a single shot.

To be honest, Tony has never seen such power. If such a missile can be successfully produced.

After these few missiles pass by in the future, I am afraid that there will be an extra space in the world.

This kind of thing absolutely cannot appear on the earth, but it can exist in other places.

It's just that these are just some models, and the real material is the black hole grenade of the dark elves.

Tony can't make black hole material by himself, and Wakanda can't now.

The only source is some black hole grenades captured from the dark elves.

But obviously these black hole grenades can't make many missiles at all.

So Tony came up with another piece of equipment, and that was another piece of equipment, the Black Hole Shield.

Simply put, it is to use this created black hole to resist attacks.

Although it sounds a bit unbelievable, but if it is used.

Black holes can indeed (Wang Hao) be used in this way, and the energy consumption will be greatly reduced.

The black hole grenade looks very powerful, but the utilization rate of this black hole grenade is really not high.

To put it bluntly, it is a bit wasteful. In the previous test, this black hole can directly make a hole out of a man.

The ground beneath has been sucked away, so there's really no need for that.

Wouldn't it be nice to have the energy to do something else?

After some rectification by Tony, the previous black hole grenade can be split into four black hole missiles.

This utilization rate can be said to be very good.

The defensive black hole was shaped like a shield by Tony, using a black hole battery to support the formation of the black hole.

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