People In Marvel, Start The Supreme Mage

Chapter 157 Even The Army Has A Good Place To Go!

"You know, Pietro needs to work on it, and Thor needs to work on it too.

"You are still too weak now, if a truly powerful enemy comes, you will only become a dragging existence.

"As my apprentice of Russell, you can't do this, you need to be stronger, and this time Odin threw Thor to the earth."

"The reason is probably to let Thor hone his skills. He will inherit Odin's position in the future, and Odin naturally cannot be sloppy.

Listening to Russell's words, Wanda watched Pietro arrive in New York and fell into deep thought.

"Okay, it's time for us to practice, let's practice the Origin Magic Power from before.

kree empire,


Ronan is discussing the next step with Thanos.

"I think we should directly look for opportunities to attack the Earth. Isn't Loki on Earth 47 right now?"

"It just so happens that he can be our insider," said Thanos, though he didn't quite trust Loki.

But in this case, Loki shouldn't be playing tricks.

Because his life is in his own hands.

As long as there is any change in Loki, as long as Thanos has a thought, he can directly kill Loki.

And when Thanos was doing this before, his movements were very secretive.

But Loki must know it himself, but he must not dare to tell Russell about it.

So Thanos is pretty sure.

It's just that the problem now is not these, but how to open the portal on the earth without anyone noticing.

Send the army over there.

If the teleportation is opened directly, the painter may directly come to another army to suppress the situation.

At that time, the Cree Empire was really finished, and the Supreme Intelligence would naturally not let this happen.

So this matter is left to Thanos, the purple sweet potato essence, to find a way. The Kerry Empire only provides troops.

They don't care about the rest, it's up to Thanos to decide.

It's just that Loki's situation is not very good, although it is not overly suspected.

But he was still under guard, and the contact with Thanos was also quietly, but he didn't know it.

Walls have ears, Russell is listening carefully to what Thanos is saying.

After Loki and Thanos communicated, the goal was roughly determined.

Russell has already explained that he is ready to use all tricks to see what tricks Loki can play.

But Russell still wants to find a way to find out Loki's handle in Thanos' hands.

It is for this reason that Loki has been pinned down by Mie.

Russell had probed Loki's body before, and there was nothing suspicious about it.

Not even a little bit of a breath.

It's all about Loki's own breath.

Russell thought about it and couldn't figure out why.

He always felt that something was wrong here, that if Thanos planted (cceb) something in Loki, it would definitely leave a breath.

And it's Thanos' own breath, but Loki doesn't have Thanos' breath on him.

Just having Loki's own aura is enough to explain the problem, that is, what method Thanos may have used to eliminate the aura.

Or maybe they used some other method to get Loki's handle.

It's just that the second possibility is not very great. Russell didn't think too much, and directly used the power of Infinite Gems to pause time.

He slowly came to Loki's side, and began to observe Loki carefully because time was a little urgent.

And Russell didn't expect Loki to be caught by Thanos at the time.

Following the previous state of thinking, Russell took advantage of the opportunity to find out about the aura, although the aura on Loki's body was very pure.

But Russell just doesn't believe him, Russell has a hunch that there must be something about Loki.

Although Russell didn't find out what it was, it felt like it was there.

Time stands still now [Russell has ample time to observe carefully.

Generally, the easiest place to invade is the head, and Russell will check from the head first.

After observing for a while, he didn't find anything wrong, Russell looked at Loki's heart again, but he seemed to find something wrong.

There seemed to be something extra in Loki's heart, and Russell didn't know exactly what it was.

But Russell knew that these things must not be good things, and he had been waiting in this place all the time.

It's clearly holding Loki's lifeblood.

Russell checked other parts by the way, and found nothing, only this lump of indirect matter near the heart.

It's just that Russell is not going to take these things out for Loki just yet.

One is that if it is taken out now, it may scare the snake, and the other reason is that Russell actually wants to make another profit.

It was too comfortable to earn the power of Dormammu and Murphy Toth before.

It's just that that kind of opportunity is not always available, but now Thanos is here to send it.

It's actually pretty good, at least not for nothing. .

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