People In Marvel, Start The Supreme Mage

Chapter 181 The Situation Is Reversed Instantly!

It was very uncomfortable to suppress Ogysis at one time.

The morale of the soldiers of the dark elves also began to waver.

Looking at the trembling space door behind him.

These dark elves and Frost Titans who were still very powerful just now seem to have lost their backbone.

On the contrary, Asgard's side became more and more courageous, and kept putting enough pressure on the enemy, so that they could not go back to rescue.

At the moment Russell's Devour has reached a peak, just the Imprisonment and Defense runes.

Although it looked unremarkable, it almost drained Russell's strength.

But now the gate of space has begun to become unstable.

The small universe is also constantly absorbing power, and Russell himself is also absorbing power along the way.

It didn't take long for Russell to get back to his best form and even get stronger.

This was something Russell hadn't thought of.

Seeing the space gate gradually becoming unstable, Russell finally breathed a sigh of relief.

His own defensive circle can resist for a while, and Thanos is still trying to break free.

But now Russell feels that this space gate can no longer be used.

To be on the safe side, Russell swallowed and mended the crack in space.

It doesn't consume much power.

"Boom, boom, boom."

At the moment has been overwhelmed by Russell's devouring.

Slowly falling down, the original appearance of the space crack is also revealed.

The Dark Elf King and Ogysis also looked in the direction of the space gate.

The space gate just now has disappeared.

In its place was a space rift. And now, this space rift is also being erased by Russell.

Seeing this, Ogysis and the Dark Elf King erupted immediately.

Just blast away Odin, Thor, and Carol beside him. Go straight to Russell.

And the soldiers of the Dark Elf and the Frost Titan At the moment were dispirited and almost wiped out by Odin's troops.

Now only a few leaders are still alive.

Everyone ran to Russell together.

Russell from At the moment is patiently erasing the space crack.

It is actually very simple to repair this space crack.

It is more difficult to find, this space crack is left over from before.

The reason may be that it was not discovered at the time.

After all, if this position is not seen by Kerry Star.

Can't see this space crack at all.

But now there is no need to worry, because Russell At the moment has already erased the space rift.

Now, neither the Frost Titan nor the Dark Elf can go back.

Seeing this, the Dark Elf King was heartbroken, but he didn't express it.

Frost titan is the same, although they are already a bare commander now.

But even if they are alone, that is not a small force.

Odin also knew this, and he didn't let all the troops follow, but let Thor and himself go to help Russell.

At the moment Russell's defensive circle was almost unable to hold up.

Thanos has also escaped and is attacking the defensive circle.

After such a long time of attack, many cracks have appeared on the magic circle.

And it's still expanding, but Russell has already swallowed it.

Now that his hands are free, he can concentrate on taking care of Thanos.

Thanos must have been involved in this matter, otherwise he would not have appeared here.

In Russell's words, he must have had his part in this operation.

And Thanos saw that Russell had stepped down from the position of the space gate.

He couldn't help but stop, and looked at Russell intently.

Now Thanos is alone in the face of Russell, the Supreme Mage.

The king of dark elves is still on his way, and Ogysis, the king of frost titan, is still farther away.

Now Thanos can only rely on himself.

He squeezed the double-edged sword in his hand and looked at Russell.

Russell walked towards Thanos slowly, talking as he walked.

"I heard that you are very swollen recently, and you have found a lot of allies. It looks like you want to do something~".

Watching Russell approaching, Thanos still felt a little guilty.

He wasn't afraid of Russell, though.

And Russell suddenly felt something was wrong, Russell's sixth sense told him.

There is danger.

Russell didn't have a hesitation, just flashed into the circle, and then appeared from the other side of the field.

I couldn't use teleportation magic before because of the huge amounts of interference of the gate of space (Nuo Wanghao).

But now the gate of space has been destroyed, so now Russell's space magic is no longer restricted.

Naturally, it can be transmitted directly.

Just as Russell appeared from this side, a black aura rose from where Russell was standing before.

By the time the black aura spread out, the king of dark elves and the king of frost titan had already stood on both sides of Thanos.

Odin, Thor, and Carol also stopped.

Looking at the three people in the distance.

They did not act rashly, and now behind them is the Cree Empire.

Although it is said that the Cree Empire has been defeated once by Odin leading troops.

But the Cree Empire was not hurt too badly. .

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