People In Marvel, Start The Supreme Mage

Chapter 197 The Backyard Is About To Catch Fire!

All have become less powerful than before, and not even as powerful as before.

Orgesis, the king of Frost Titan, did not expect this situation. Logically speaking, if the power of Murphy Toss is expelled.

The Frost Titan's own power should not be lost, but the current situation is that part of the Frost Titan's power has also been expelled.

That's why the Frost Titan's strength dropped very quickly, and its strength was quite different from before.

Seeing this situation, Ogysis was a little confused, he didn't understand why part of his original power would be expelled.

He attributed all this to Russell's magic circle, and he felt that Russell's magic circle isolated all the power.

It's just that it's too late to say anything now, Ogysis has almost no power to parry against Odin and Thor.

The Dark Elf King couldn't pull away at 377, one Carol was enough for the Dark Elf King to deal with.

Now the balance of the battle has gradually tilted towards Asgard.

The pressure on Odin and Thor has also been greatly reduced, and the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms are retreating steadily.

Ogysis, the king of Frost Titan, couldn't hold on any longer, and retreated at the right time.

The Dark Elf King also broke free from Carol's entanglement and retreated.

At the same time, Murphy Toth was on a top-secret mission, although Dormammu failed the last time.

But Murphy Toss still thinks that it was mostly Dormammu's bad luck, which was discovered by Russell.

This time Murphy Toss decided to go out in person and directly implement the plan that Dormammu failed to achieve last time.

And this time Murphy Toth feels that he has a good chance of success.

Asgard's three-nation coalition, relying on Odin and Carol alone is not enough, if Russell doesn't go there.

The possibility of Asgard's fall is very high. And at this time, I chose to quietly pass through the barrier.

There is still a certain chance of success, and even if Russell finds out, in such a short period of time.

It is also impossible for Russell to handle both places back and forth.

It has to be said that Murphy Toth's plan is very careful, and in addition, he also left a way out for himself.

If Asgard fails, the Frost Titans will still be their followers.

And if they die in battle or if their power leaves them, then this power will still carry a part of the original power of Frost Titan.

Waiting for Murphy Toth to absorb.

Either way, Murphy Toss is a solid bet.

Murphy Toss thought of this, and continued to drill the enchantment hard.

It's just that he didn't expect that Russell directly used the new magic circle to expel all the power from the Frost Titan.

Almost at the moment when the magic circle was activated, the situation on the battlefield was instantly changed.

And At the moment Russell has also noticed something strange.

A direct teleportation back to Kamar-Taj.

Once in Kamar-Taj he (cccb) felt a very familiar force.

Although this force has been suppressed, Russell can still vaguely feel this force.

Strong, and careful, the same power Russell felt on the Frost titan.

I am afraid that this enemy hidden in the depths is the one who empowered those frost titans.

Soon, Russell's figure appeared next to Murphy Toss, quietly watching Murphy Toss slowly pass through the barrier.

Due to the large size of the Murphy Toth, the gap at the end is very small.

So Murphy Toth can only squeeze through slowly like Dormammu did at the time.

Didn't notice Russell who was already standing aside.

In this way, while Murphy Toth was still complacent, Russell was ready to teach Murphy Toth a profound lesson.

Murphy Toss struggled, and inadvertently glanced at his side, but this look completely startled Murphy Toss.

In the eyes of Murphy Toss, there was a Russell next to him at some point!

But Russell didn't move, but quietly looked at Murphy Toth's appearance.

Murphy Toss also calmed down immediately. Although he was surprised, he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart.

He was still imagining that Russell hadn't felt it yet, and was still quietly moving his huge body.

Mouth is still constantly chanting.

"It's fake, it must be fake, it's true Russell should still be helping in Asgard, he won't be back so soon."

Russell listened to Murphy Toth's words with a half-smile, and said lightly.

"Your words don't seem to be right. Indeed, Russell has already returned. After speaking, he made a magic seal in his hand."

And Murphy Toth was already drilling back when he saw Russell.

It's just that the speed of drilling back is not fast, and Murphy Toth has no better way for a while.

He could only start to play dumb, pretending that the Russell in front of him was real, to buy himself time to escape.

Just heard Russell's words, Murphy Toth is still pretending.

"Who is speaking?"

As he said that, Murphy Toss looked around and continued to drill back. .

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