People In Marvel, Start The Supreme Mage

Chapter 207 The Winner Has Been Decided!

After going back and forth several times, Wanda has formed a certain habit, and often holds the Origin Magic Power in her hand.

Used to deal with emergencies.

It's just that despite this, Wanda doesn't think it's enough, because this place is indeed too dangerous.

This place is not as peaceful as it seems on the surface.

Wanda thought it was a good place at first.

But after encountering those animals, Wang Tian didn't think so.

Those animals are not at all the same as those on Earth.

They seem to have some kind of supernatural power, and once Wanda saw a snake disappear right under her nose.

This is by no means a hallucination, it simply disappeared from Wanda's sight.

When Wanda saw the snake disappear, her sense of crisis immediately became stronger.

Apparently, the snake that just disappeared was coming towards Wanda.

Wanda didn't have hesitation, just ran away.

During the run, Russell also felt something chasing her.

The speed was fast, but when Wanda turned her head to look, there was really nothing.


But your own feelings will not lie to yourself.

Wanda thought for a while, and directly pinched the Origin Magic Power behind her, lifted a piece of land and smashed it behind her.

The moment it crashed behind her, Wanda clearly heard something hit the ground.

But Wanda didn't look back, and ran out of the place just now.

After what happened just now, Wanda didn't dare to underestimate this place anymore.

It seems that Russell put her here for some reason.

Wanda herself also feels that she can really get a very good experience here.

It's just that you have to be full of energy.

Because it is too dangerous here.

Maybe there will be danger at any time, these things are really terrifying.

In fact, Russell only knew some general information about the extent of these animals in the round body.

To be honest, Russell didn't know either, and he didn't know much about the abilities of these animals.

But in general, Wanda doesn't necessarily lose. What Russell wants is to stimulate Wanda's potential.

Maximize the development of Wanda's potential.

After this period of tempering, although Wanda suffered a lot of injuries.

There are a few injuries that can even be seen deep into the bones, but the strength of Da's own body has indeed become much stronger.

The use of Origin Magic Power has also reached a new stage.

Now Wanda's control over Origin Magic Power can be said to have reached a new starting point.

Some of the things that Wanda's Origin Magic Power could not achieve before can now be achieved.

These help a lot with Wanda's power drain.

Now Wanda can take out enemies with less force.

In this way, the efficiency is greatly improved.

Dark Elf Territory.

Lord of the Dark Elves At the moment is quiet, but if Russell is here.

You must be able to see some heresy coming out.

The two souls in the body of the current dark elf king are fighting each other.

"No, this time is my home field!"

"Didn't I say last time that it's mine!"

These two souls suddenly quarreled for some reason.

(ccaa) Fighting back and forth made the Dark Elf King's body very weak.

A body was almost destroyed by them.

And At the moment Dormammu didn't know when it came quietly.

Because the king of dark elves couldn't summon Dormammu before.

Simply open the summoning channel halfway.

In this way, as long as there is any movement on Dormammu's side, the Dark Elf King's side will react immediately.

But at that time, the king of dark elves did not expect this situation today.

But this unexpected situation is really not expected by the king of dark elves.

The two souls of the Dark Elf Lord fought, and Dormammu saw some heresy.

Neither of these two souls seems to be the original soul of this body.

It's kind of interesting to see here.

"It seems that there is something else hidden in it."

Dormammu didn't expect that he would encounter such a situation one day, but his plan could just be implemented.

Dormammu mobilized his strength quietly, and said to the two soul bodies.

"Now I inject a force, who can get it depends on your own."

Saying this, Dormammu injected a force into the body of the Dark Elf Lord.

Seeing the power, these two souls rushed over to grab it immediately.

This force almost determines who is the boss of the two of them.

Because the strength of the two is very even now, no one can do anything to the other.

But if there is help from outsiders, it will be different.

So both of them fought desperately for this group of power.

The fight was inextricably linked.

Dormammu quietly watched the fight between the two, he felt that the fight between the two was very interesting.

It seems that there are still many secrets about these two people.

Finally, one of the souls seized the opportunity to snatch the power.

absorbed directly,

For a moment, the strength of the soul that grabbed the power was just a little bit stronger than the other soul.

The other side is clearly at a disadvantage.

The game is now decided. .

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