People In Marvel, Start The Supreme Mage

Chapter 219 Asgard's Countermeasures!

Have to say, very suspicious.

The casualties on both sides of the previous battle were huge, especially the Black Elves and the Frost Titans.

Almost all the people brought with them died.

When Orgesis, the king of frost titan, and the king of dark elves returned, there were almost a few remnants left.

In that case, it didn't take long before they were ready to make a comeback.

Thanos is firmly in disbelief that the two tribes have not made any small moves.

If they were really capable, they wouldn't be directly crushed by Asgard and the others on such a small and barren territory.

After staying for so many years, to tell the truth about "083", Thanos respects these two tribes in his heart.

To be able to survive in such a harsh place for such a long time, I have to say that I have great perseverance.

But it is limited to respect, Thanos does not want to participate in their affairs, and neither does the Kerry Empire.

But the current situation is that the Kerry Empire, the Frost Titans, and the Black Elves are almost like grasshoppers on the same rope.

It is impossible to completely break free and ignore them.

They are still very clear about this.

This is also the reason why the Black Elves and the Frost Titans insisted on bringing the Kree Empire into the fold.

The Kerry Empire will not refuse, nor can it refuse.

The three of them must be united.

Otherwise, it's just a mess of loose sand.

Now that the two races are ready to fight, the Cree Empire, which is a member of the alliance, is also worthy.

It's just now that the plans of the Kree Empire have just begun to be implemented.

The entire plan is now only known to the Supreme Wisdom and Thanos, and the others are just executors.

Don't know what the plan is.

Their job is to carry out orders.

Even Dormammu and Murphytoth don't know what medicine is sold in the gourd of the Kree Empire.

They naturally also know that there are suddenly a lot fewer people on Cree, but no one knows where these people are.

And it happened almost overnight.

That's right, just overnight, many armies on the Kerry planet suddenly disappeared for no reason.

This is the plan of the Supreme Intelligence and Thanos.

This hidden elite force will receive the most secret training, among them who survived.

It will be the sharpest spear of the Cree Empire.

Offense is the best defense, which is what the Supreme Intelligence and Thanos have discussed for so long.

At this stage, they can only make bad decisions and cultivate a team of elites.

Take it out at the most critical time and give the enemy a fatal blow.


on the hall,

Odin called both Thor and Loki to the front of the hall.

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, Odin was very satisfied, but Odin heard about the actions of the Kerry Empire.

Through the previous battle with the Cree Empire, Odin was also able to roughly guess what the Cree Empire meant.

This disappearing army is probably going to perform some secret mission.

In other words, treat these troops as troops of the same nature as death squads.

That is what the Supreme Intelligence and Thanos called the sharpest spear of the Kree Empire.

Now Odin has guessed the idea of ​​​​the Kree Empire.

Speaking to Thor and Loki at the same time.

"Since our old friend Kerry Empire might do this, let's do it for them too."

Said and pointed to Thor...

"Thor, I will leave this matter to you, Asgard also needs such an army to act as Asgard's sharpest spear.

"Obey father." Thor took up the task.

Indeed, if the Kree Empire really cultivated those troops secretly, then Asgard really needed such an army.

Kamar-Taj and Russell just went to the small universe to collect some of the ore Tony needs.

The previous estimates are not enough to upgrade the armor of the Iron Mage.

To be at your best, you need to work harder.

Russell knew the question anyway.

It's just that there's something wrong with Russell Cosmos.

Before Russell just felt that the replacement of the small universe was a little too fast, so he slowed down the speed of the small universe.

However, the results now show that the decline still cannot prevent biological evolution.

Just like the planet Wanda tried before, although the creatures have evolved their own abilities, they have not evolved their own second abilities.

However, they still obtained the second and third abilities after being devoured, and they will also choose whether to absorb the ability according to their own needs.

This level was somewhat out of Russell's control.

This is likely to get out of control.

Especially for existences like the magic flower before, this world has not been around for a long time, and it will evolve again.

After much deliberation, Russell still decided to interfere with the renewal of the planet.

Curb their Ability.

In this way, their fight can be smaller.

And Russell also separated the land by the way.

It's not that the interval is not very large like before, and the weather has also become worse. .

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