People In Marvel, Start The Supreme Mage

Chapter 227 Discover Something Amazing!

You must know that Ai Cui is notoriously restless, in such a comfortable place.

Russell didn't believe he'd be able to sit back and not make gear.

As soon as Ai Cui saw Russell's figure, he subconsciously greeted him immediately.

The environment here is really too comfortable for Ai Cui and his people.

They have always been very grateful to Russell, and Ai Cui actually cares most about the safety of his people.

Now his people are so comfortable.

Ai Cui was naturally happy too.

So I made a lot of equipment in my spare time, and definitely researched all the metals on this planet.

In addition, the time in this small universe passes very slowly compared to the time on the original plane.

So if calculated in this way, the time for Ai Cui to make equipment is also very fast.

But this time Russell came to have a more important thing.

Before Thor asked Ai Cui to help make a batch of Asgard's weapons, the previous set of weapons could no longer match the current soldiers 880.

So this requires a new batch.

"This one, it's easy to talk about. I just have ready-made materials on hand. Don't worry, Russell Mage, it will be soon."

After saying that, Ai Cui went to prepare weapons.

For a while, the dwarf people around gathered together, ready to forge.

Because Ai Cui actually forged weapons for Odin before, the template of Asgard's weapons has been preserved here.

Now it just happens to be used directly, and it didn't take long for the place to be in full swing.

Russell just happened to be wandering around the planet.

Before, he wondered why those animals evolved so fast.

Now Russell has come to experience the environment himself.

Although the conditions here are very similar to the earth, there is a very essential difference from the earth.

That is, the air here contains something that the earth does not have.

It is this thing that gives the animals on this planet some supernatural powers.

With this ingredient, it will also catalyze the outbreak of supernatural powers in animals, the so-called outbreak.

In fact, it is a process in which the animals have accumulated too much supernatural energy and released it on their own in order to protect themselves.

Animals, on the other hand, can sense bursts.

So some smarter animals will choose to fight during the outbreak stage.

In this way, the pace of evolution has accelerated.

Although Russell has had outside interference many times.

But because of the substance that exists in the atmosphere.

That's why Russell's human intervention didn't have much effect.

On the contrary, it directly gave birth to a group of stronger species.

This is indeed what Russell did not expect.

When Russell returned to Ai Cui, Ai Cui had already finished all the weapons that needed to be forged.

The efficiency really surprised Russell.

Before leaving, Russell did not forget to check the quality of these weapons.

Although it was used for a short time, these weapons are absolutely superior in quality.

And most of the materials used are new ores in Russell's small universe.

This kind of ore made (codi) weapon is definitely better than the previous weapon.

Definitely this is only comparable to those Common weapons.

Not sure about anything else.

Although this new ore is great for making weapons, this material is not suitable for making large-scale defensive equipment.

It can only be used as an attack equipment.

Russell was very satisfied with this batch of equipment, and then Ai Cui asked his clansman to bring another box.

And motioned them to open the box.

Wait until the box is opened in front of Russell.

Seriously, Russell was shocked.

He really didn't think that there would be such a thing in his own small universe!

I saw that the things in the box were actually small black hole grenades!

"How could you have such a thing!"

Russell was really surprised, he didn't know why Ai Cui could take out a whole box of black hole grenades.

"Hey, Russell Mage, we found this energy in a mine, because we have seen the black hole grenade of the dark elves before."

"So I did some research on this thing, but at that time I couldn't figure out where the power of this black hole came from.

"But not long ago, we found this thing in a mine."

As he spoke, Ai Cui picked up a black hole grenade from the box, and pointed to a small crystal on the black hole grenade.

"Russell Mage, look, it's this thing, it's the black hole power contained in this thing.

Looking where Ai Cui pointed, Russell saw a small crystal.

But Russell probed the small universe and found no such matter.

"Ai Cui, take me to see that mine."

"Okay Russell Mage."

Ai Cui agreed and walked towards the crowd.

Russell followed Ai Trie.

The two entered a huge amounts of mine pit one after the other.

Once inside the mine, Russell felt huge amounts of black hole energy.

Russell can guess without going down now that there must be a huge amount of black hole energy hidden below. .

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