The Kree Empire, Thanos just came out of the Supreme Intelligence.

The army of the Cree Empire has begun to gather rapidly.

At the same time, the underground warships gradually surfaced.

Thanos has also put on his own helmet, carried a double-sided sword, and walked slowly onto the battleship~.

On the other side, the portal opened, and the Frost Titans came out of the portal.

The leader is none other than Ogysis, the Frost titan-lord.

It's just that I haven't seen him for a long time, but the power emanating from the Frost Titan King Ogysis has become stronger.

The temperament exuded by the whole person has also changed, and Ogysis, which was unique to Frost Titan before, is not used now.

And not only Ogysis himself, but also other Frost Titans.

The power they use now is even stronger.

These days they have been majoring in this kind of power, before they were minoring in this kind of power, using this kind of power to strengthen their own ice attribute power.

But now their ice attribute power is only used to provide energy for this power.

Thanos didn't say anything, he just felt that the strength of this group of frost titans was much stronger.

At this time, another portal also opened.

The black elves came here fully armed, wearing the unique armor of the black elves.

Thanos looked at the black elves, their changes were not that great compared to the frost titan.

It's just that the Black Elf has only slightly changed in many places.

Dormammu is an extremely cautious man.

He knew that someone else appeared in his territory before.

But he didn't stop him, instead he let the man go.

At that time, Dormammu let the man go as if he hadn't noticed.

Only in this way can the real ones be achieved.

Dormammu has been deployed long before this.

What Pietro saw before was what the Dark Elf King wanted him to see.

So Russell was always worried about the tricks of the dark elf king.

Although he didn't foresee any terrible ending, Russell still couldn't calm down in his heart.

He always felt that things were not that simple.

The warship that Pietro detected before must have some big secret.

Now that the dark elves' team is standing beside Thanos, Thanos At the moment can actually feel the difference between the dark elves.

Although it is very secretive, it is almost impossible to find it without careful observation.

Although the dark elf is still the same as before, the strength of each soldier has been greatly improved.

In addition, Thanos also felt a power that was about to move in the soldier's body.

The impact of this power is one that Thanos is familiar with, the power of Dormammu!

Although the Dark Elf Lord said nothing, the hidden power really belongs to Dormammu!

Thanos At the moment actually didn't know that Orgysis, the king of the dark elves and the king of frost titans, had already been replaced.

At the moment Thanos and the Supreme Intelligence don't know that things are already out of their control.

began to develop in other directions.


Thor and Loki had assembled almost all the troops as fast as they could.

They've got the message.

The Cree Empire has sent troops.

Among them are shadows of dark elves and frost titans.

Carol also came to Asgard from other planets.

If nothing else, this is still the main battlefield.


Russell also got the news that the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms sent troops.

The steel mages under him have also assembled and have been waiting for instructions for a long time.

Mordo is also back from Tony.

Tony himself followed.

He still has his shield in his hand.

Although it has not been tested in actual combat, some unstable situations may occur.

But Tony believes that these are within the controllable range.

In the laboratory, Tony can actually control the black hole shield very well.

There has been considerable progress in the stability of black hole shields.

It was just a sudden news that the Japanese coalition forces were dispatched.

Tony stopped the experiment and came to Kamar-Taj.

Trident Building.


Nick Director Nick Fury just broke the news to members of the Worried Fathers Alliance.

After this period of special training, the strength of the members has improved.

Although it is not as significant as the previous improvement, it has greatly improved in teamwork.

The military also sent troops this time.

This time Nick Fury decided to let the military try first.

It has always been Nick Fury leading S.H.I.E.L.D at the forefront.

These military people waved their flags and shouted behind them.

The yin and yang provocation popped up only after the battle was over.

This time Nick Fury has made a decision, unless it's a last resort.

Only the League of Worried Fathers will play.

Let these military personnel also feel what kind of enemy they are fighting with.

dark dimension.

Dormammu and Murphy Toth have one last meeting before the fight.

Now the two of them have found the previous weak spot in space. .

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