People In Marvel, Start The Supreme Mage

Chapter 245 Like A Live Target!

Now, Dormammu and Murphy Toth are dumbfounded.

"Quick! Quick! Climb back!"

Dormammu yelled.

Right now he and Murphy Toth are living targets.

"Damn it!"

Murphy Toth exclaimed.

It's just that they seem to be trapped mice now.

Waiting for Russell's disposal.

Russell looked at the two guys, and was not polite.

The small universe was re-summoned, but this time Russell seized the opportunity.

Before Russell was enough, but this time, Russell did not intend to stay.

This Dormammu Murphy Toth was too much this time.

If they really let them come here, I'm afraid this plane will usher in a disaster.

That's not what Russell wants to see.

Now Russell can only make a quick decision and completely scare these two guys by 22.

Only in this way can they really be afraid.

Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be a comeback in the future.

Although they will definitely come back if they do this, at least it will make them have some scruples.

Not so blatantly.

Just like the previous few times, Russell's small universe is almost endless.

There is no problem at all with the strength of Dormammu and Murphy Toth.

When Murphy Toss resisted the power of the space wall just now, he almost used all his strength.

The old injury that absorbed Russell's strength last time hasn't really healed.

Now it's time for a new injury.

It really made Murphy Toth not feel so good.

Dormammu was still burrowing back, only to absorb as Russell began.

No matter how hard he drilled, it was futile, and he felt that part of his own strength had begun to slowly flow to other places.

Dormammu glanced at Murphy Toth beside him.

The latter was also looking at Dormammu, with the same gleam in their eyes.

Immediately afterwards, both of them nodded, as if they had made some kind of determination.

At the same time looking at Russell, Russell actually knew what they were thinking.

Prepared early, just waiting for these two people to enter the set.

I saw Dormammu and Murphy Toss suddenly began to resist the advance of the space wall together, and then both of them escaped from the gap.

However, although the space wall healed quickly, a small hole was specially left through this small hole, and Russell was still constantly absorbing the strength of the two of them.

Now it was the turn of Dormammu and Murphy Toth were dumbfounded.

Russell's suction power is quite terrifying, just after he got out of trouble for a while, Russell had already sucked Dormammu and Fitos and became a little weak.

The two of them are big bosses who dominate one side, but they stumbled over Russell several times.

Dormammu and Murphy Toth's hearts were filled with anger at the moment, but there was nothing they could do about it.

Although there is a small hole left in the space wall, the surrounding space walls seem to be reinforced.

It was almost dozens of times stronger than before, and this was also intentional by Russell. When he discovered that his power could enter the space wall, he prepared for this round.

He didn't expect the implementation to be so successful, this was something he hadn't thought of at all, and he had hardly seen such a situation.

Feeling the majestic power flowing from his body to the small universe, Russell seemed to be able to feel the joy of the small universe.

Similarly, he himself felt quite good about At the moment, and this "free delivery" Russell almost made a lot of money.

Now Dormammu and Murphy Toth can only find a way to plug this small hole, maybe that's the only way to stop Russell.

But Russell didn't care what they were going to do, and now he absorbed every second for blood.

Time is running out for Dormammu and Murphy Toth.

If things go on like this, the two of them will lose too much power.

Without any hesitation, Dormammu raised his hand and began to transmit power to the space wall.

Try to plug this hole with your own strength.

Murphy Toss on the side used part of his strength. Murphy Toss still remembered the 540 situation where Dormammu drew his salary from the bottom just now.

This time, he also has some reservations. For this guy Dormammu, Murphy Toss is now a hundred worries.

If it weren't for Dormammu's help to plug this small hole now, Murphy Toss really wanted to turn around and walk away.

It's just that things didn't go as smoothly as expected, there seemed to be a kind of power on the space wall besides the original power of the space wall.

This force is extremely large, and it is extremely repulsive to the power of Dormammu and Murphy.

Almost as soon as Dormammu and Murphy Toss injected power into the space wall, they were immediately squeezed out by that power.

Now Dormammu and Murphy can only use their own power again, trying to find a way to drive that power out of the space wall first.

But the premise of doing this is that a strong enough force needs to be injected into the space wall.

But if this small hole is not blocked, Russell's extraction will continue.

Doesn't stop until Dormammu and Murphytos are drained or Russell is maxed out. .

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