People In Marvel, Start The Supreme Mage

Chapter 247 It Doesn't Matter!

This time Nick Fury did not express anything throughout the whole process, and all the battles were arranged by the military itself.

Even in the end, the Alliance of Worried Fathers was dispatched at the behest of the military.

So the death of the army in this battle cannot be blamed on Nick Fury, nor can it be blamed on S.H.I.E.L.D.

The military completely shut up this time, and now they finally realized the terror of the enemy.

You can also feel what kind of enemy the League of Worried Fathers and S.H.I.E.L.D are fighting.

This time I deeply felt the pressure and Ability of S.H.I.E.L.D.

After all, there had never been such casualties when S.H.I.E.L.D was at the front.

Post-war affairs Nick Fury left it all to Tony and Wakanda.

Nick Fury believed they would be interested in Thanos' wreck.

Although Russell said before that 300 destroyed the battleship.

But it only makes the battleship lose its power, because it loses the combat ability.

Most of the rest of the battleship's equipment was barely damaged.

In Tony's words, "This stuff is very research worthy!"

In fact, Nick Fury didn't need to say it, but with Tony's character, he must have rushed in to sweep up as soon as the battle was over.

The technological level of the Cree Empire is stronger than that of Wakanda.

Many technologies are what Tony needs, and this time there are just a lot of things that can be studied.

If these things can be updated to the League of Fathers.

Then I believe that this combat power will be doubled. Although it may be difficult, it is not impossible.

Tony was still struggling to pick up the litter.

A portal suddenly appeared behind him. Tony was no stranger to the power of this portal.

Of all the people Tony knew, Russell was the only one with this habit of popping out of nowhere.

Others don't have the ability of Russell, even if ordinary people use this teleportation, they will definitely show some power fluctuations.

There is only Russell teleporting, without any signs at all, suddenly appearing from behind you, this feeling, to be honest, is really scary.

"Oh, Tony, this time these things are enough for you to study for a while."

Russell watched as Tony picked through the wreckage.

Said with a grin.

"You are right, the technology of the Kree Empire is ahead of Wakanda, if the technology inside these things can be extracted."

"It's definitely a huge amounts of boost for Wakanda, and even catching up to Asgard isn't out of the question.

Listening to Tony's words, Russell also felt that this is an opportunity to improve, if it really does what Tony said.

That must be done well.

Russell immediately temporarily blocked the entire battlefield so that he would not be disturbed later.

He turned around and went to Asgard.

Before (ccad) I trapped the king of dark elves in the mirror space.

But he also knew that the mirrored space couldn't trap the two of them for too long, and he locked them there just to buy some time.

As long as Dormammu and Murphytoth are taken care of, Ogysis, Lord of the Dark Elves and Lord of Frost Titans, is nothing to fear.

The Dark Elf King and the Frost Titan King Ogysis also understand this.

Here at Russell, they're like little soldiers.

If it weren't for Dormammu and Murphy Toth's constant efforts, they would have been finished.

That's why Russell didn't put Thor and others in the mirror space.

So when Ogysis, the king of the dark elves and the king of the frost titan, is trapped in the mirror space, try to find a way to escape.

Just after escaping, Dormammu and Tosili have failed.

They also received orders from Dormammu and Murphy Toth to find a way to leave.

In addition, the state of Thor and others is not very good.

Odin was the first to bear the brunt. Since he was injured in the previous battle, Odin's body has been deteriorating day by day.

These days it's basically Thor and Loki who run the various affairs of Asgard.

Odin has largely taken a back seat.

At this moment, Odin was returning to his apse with the support of Thor and others, and his injury almost relapsed from the previous battle.

In fact, they were holding on and did not fall down before. When Ogysis, the king of dark elves and king of frost titans, was locked into the mirror space by Russell, Odin loosened his strength and fell directly to the ground.

Now returning to his apse, Odin regained a little consciousness.

Just after regaining consciousness, he slowly opened his eyes, and saw a golden light flash in front of him, and a portal appeared out of thin air.

Russell's figure emerged from the portal.

Going straight to Odin, Russell looked at Odin and said lightly: "You should take a good rest for a while."

"I know, but the Cree Empire and the Frost Titans really make me worry.

"These are actually nothing.",

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