But after this wave of Shockwave, the ape almost fell into a weak state.

Although this Shockwave is powerful, it is obvious that the side effects are not small.

Fortunately, Shockwave also caused a lot of trouble for the giant bees.

Although the giant bees are not small in size, they still move in the form of flying.

Although the Shockwave released by the ape who had just been alone did not hurt the giant peaks.

But it did push these giant bees back.

It's just that the ape is too weak to walk now.

The current ape is actually not yet an adult, and he released it with all his strength just now.

But just this Shockwave is enough to block the giant bee for a while.

The large ape troop in front was already turning around to rescue him, who was left behind.

Not long after the ape released Shockwave, two apes appeared not far away, pulling him away from the left and the right.

This time, he also proved himself.

With the power of one person, he blocked the siege of the giant bee swarm.

Russell watched the apes gradually gather into a whole, and couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

When he looked at this planet before, there were no primate animals, so he really didn't pay attention to it for a long time.

This planet has taken another step forward, which is really fast.

It's just that Russell doesn't know if this world will produce new humans.

The appearance of human beings on earth is actually the requirement of external factors, but in this world.

Apes are already quite powerful.

There are few life-threatening situations.

Therefore, it is unknown whether human beings can appear, and no one can say for sure.

At least for now.

Even if Russell is the actual controller of this small universe, he is not very clear about the evolution direction of these creatures.

These things are actually very random.

Just like this ape, Russell had hardly thought that there would be such creatures as apes in his small universe before.

At least Russell hadn't thought of that time yet.

But now the development of the small universe has exceeded Russell's expectations.

The current small universe is in a very strange state, Russell feels that this small universe is still under his control.

But in fact, Russell has no way to interfere with the evolution process of the small universe.

In other words, it is useless after interference, and the entire evolutionary process is still carried out as before.

It made Russell feel weird.

Maybe this is the order of the universe, although I am the ruler, or controller, of the small universe.

There is still no way to influence the fate of the small universe.

That didn't matter to Russell, though.

And the presence of these creatures gives Russell more options.

As the master of the small universe, Ai Su can requisition the creatures in it at will.

Like the coyotes, the coyotes were the creatures that Russell commandeered at the time.

And this kind of requisition is completely unlimited, almost equivalent to a private team of one's own.

It is still in a state of real-time update.

Truth be told, there are hardly any microcosms like this.

Even Dormammu and the others, although they have their own dimension, they are not as powerful as Russell's small universe.

On the contrary, there are not so many creatures in their dimensional space.

And unlike Russell's, there are many planets in it, and there are even mineral resources.

If only Dormammu and others knew that Russell had such a thing.

I'm afraid they have already made up their minds.

In the space of Ai Cui.

Since helping Asgard make a batch of weapons before.

Ai Cui has been studying these ores, and he feels that these ores are not as simple as they seem on the surface.

Although these ores were very stable during smelting, they failed after several tests.

Ai Cui found that there is still a big difference between the equipment of the same material, and this difference is reflected in many places.

It's not just about the hardness of the weapon and the strength it can carry.

There are also big differences in other respects.

Adding other ores will produce a different reaction.

This is far more than the attributes attached to the ore of Common.

You know, this is not the plane of the earth that lacks everything. ,

In this space, it is almost full of supernatural power, not just attached to the space.

Even creatures originally have a lot of abilities. (No Zhao)

Just don't know why, Ai Cui and his dwarf clan can't use this kind of power.

It's just being able to use this power to smelt.

This is very strange, although the dwarf's smelting technology is indeed superb, their size also determines this giant in a certain way.

But this can only use this power to smelt materials, which is really weird.

This power is really good for smelting, and Ai Cui has also used this kind of power for smelting before.

The refined weapons actually have some power attached to them.

That is the power that Ai Cui used when smelting.

And this kind of power is attached to the weapon, as long as it is a person who can hold a weapon. .

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