People In Marvel, Start The Supreme Mage

Chapter 260 Lightning Follows The Wind

Pietro was shocked. This big bear seemed to have the ability similar to dynamic vision, and could catch his target very quickly. With the appearance of the big bear, the originally wide cave became extremely narrow, so he hid in this cave If he attacked, he would be hit by this black bear sooner or later. With such a big bear paw, hitting his immature body, he would be smashed to pieces.

Even though it was still raining heavily outside, Pietro didn't have time to think of a better way. He seized a gap in the black bear's attack and rushed out of the cave. He chased Pietro directly and rushed out of the cave.

In the heavy rain, Pietro's field of vision also became extremely narrow, and it was inconvenient to dodge when encountering branches on the ground and rough roads. He was quickly chased by the black bear. After patting 22 times, the trees in a small area were smashed into pieces by the big bear's paw, and the whole land made huge amounts of noises in response to the giant bear.

Pietro dodged a blow in the gap between the trees, and he couldn't help but feel a little scared. I can't go on like this. With this speed, I will be slapped into a sandwich by the big black bear sooner or later. I have to be faster. The fastest speed can get out of the attack range of the big black bear.

As soon as Pietro gritted his teeth, he didn't care what branches he encountered. If the current situation continues like this, he will only have a dead end. At the moment, all the cells in Pietro's body are active, regardless of whether he will be exhausted Coming, he rushed out with his fastest speed.

The moment Pietro rushed out, a white light flashed in the sky, it was a bolt of lightning, and as the white light fell, a huge amount of boom sounded in Pietro's ears, but Pietro At the moment had already taken care of There is no more thunder, and under the impetus of survival, all his thoughts now have only one word, that is, fast, it must be faster, "so fast that even light can't catch up.

Pietro didn't notice that there were no branches and trees in front of him, and the roar of the black bear behind him was getting farther and farther away. Pietro gradually found that his body was getting lighter and lighter, but there was no movement under his feet. When I stopped, I felt that my whole body became more and more relaxed.

Pietro finally woke up from the fear of being hunted down, and he realized that it wasn't that he didn't touch those branches and trees, but that all the trees and branches were destroyed where he ran. Where he ran, everything turned into pitch black, as if being struck by lightning all the way, and there were still a few sparks, burning desperately under the heavy rain.

Only then did Pietro realize that as he ran, not only the wind appeared around him, but also a large amount of electric current, and these electric currents, even if he reached out and touched them, he would not be hurt, and on his body, It is entwined with countless electric currents, and Pietro himself is like a fast and powerful lightning, showing his strength in this rainforest.

Pietro could feel that his whole body became stronger under the power of lightning, and his muscles began to grow stronger. He was no longer the Quicksilver who would only get faster, and now he was a veritable The Lightning Man is gone, and with extreme speed, Lightning becomes his power!

Pietro smiled coldly, and ran back in the direction he ran. Sure enough, he saw the black bear that was looking for him and went crazy. Amounts of the black bear was directly knocked into the air by Pietro, and a huge amount of blood hole was sunken in the abdomen, directly passing through the black bear's body. In just a moment, the black bear's life signs had disappeared.

Pietro finally stopped, he stood like a victor in the Black rainforest, White's lightning intertwined on his body, making his hair 370 stand on end, looking like an element full of energy people.

I couldn't help but kill the black bear just now with the reload, and I didn't suffer a little damage. It was the lightning that protected him when he attacked. The power of the lightning offset the mutual force between him and the black bear, making him a The only victor in this night battlefield.

The heavy rain gradually stopped, the dark clouds dispersed from the sky, and the bright moonlight shone through the layers of dark clouds and sprinkled on Pietro. Pietro opened his hands and enjoyed the baptism of the moonlight, just like a prison escape in a movie The protagonist of the movie is full of joy and gratitude like the rain in the sky.

He finally found his own way of attack, and finally found a way to make himself stronger. He was always annoyed by himself for not being able to help his sister in the war

Now he can finally stand upright in front of those alien creatures and protect his own earth with fair means. .

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