"Warren! Russell Mage!" Wolverine roared, "Beast, put me down, I'll save them!"

"You can't go! Wolverine! Dr. Reed said, you are the focus of this incident, if you die, everything will have to start from scratch! There are so many zombies, no one knows what will happen!" Beast roared " You stay up there, X-Men! Come with me and get Russell Mage back!"

Back to Russell, under the protection of Warren, he was not crushed by that giant, but Warren was directly crushed to death by a big hand. When Warren was dying, Russell gritted his teeth and swallowed the "five 63" Warren's Ability, sure enough, a pair of White's wings grew from his back, Russell soared into the sky, finally able to observe the current situation

It turned out that the big hand attacking them from below turned out to be an enlarged Ant-Man. Ant-Man At the moment was opening a pair of big eyes, and swallowed Warren, who was already muddy in his hand. To his existence, it turned out to be a green titan, and he came much faster than they imagined.

This is a bit tricky, an Ant-Man and a green titan are a bit too much pressure for Russell, but the green titan and Ant-Man don't give him time to think, one of them jumped at Russell with their mouths wide open. When he came over, Russell quickly blocked it with magic, and touched Ant-Man with Devour, but he didn't steal anything.

Russell has some headaches, this Ant-Man has no special ability at all, he relies on technology, what's the use of stealing him, and then wants to touch the green titan, but it's too late, the speed of the green titan is obviously faster, seeing Russell The spell was about to be unstoppable, and two laser beams suddenly shot out from a distance, knocking the green titan aside.

Russell turned around, and it turned out to be the X-Men's spaceship. Just now Retinazer used Ability to save him on the spaceship. Russell quickly flew to the X-Men's spaceship with his wings.

"Russell Mage! Why do you have Warren's wings, Warren people!" Beast asked anxiously.

"Warren was eaten by Ant-Man, and he handed over his Ability to me before he died." Russell said with some guilt: "I'm sorry, it was obviously you who assisted me, but in the end your people died ."

"Don't blame yourself, Russell Mage, before this, we have experienced too many life and death." Beast patted Russell on the shoulder: "Let's go back first, and deal with them after we find a countermeasure."

"No, if we go back at this time, they will directly attack the fortress, absolutely not." Russell said: "We must stop them here, although I say it is difficult, but there is not much time left for us to rest up.

"Well, the X-Men will fight with them today." Beast gritted his teeth.

That being said, the X-Men's fighting power is not strong. At the moment's X-Men, Iceman, Retinazer, and Storm are more powerful. I'm afraid that Beast will not wait to rush over. Eaten by hordes of zombies.

Before they could continue chatting, the green titan continued to pounce on them, but under the pressure of the three of Storm, the green titan was not able to pounce for the time being, and Beast quickly adjusted Flight's height to prevent being hit by the green titan.. ..

However, Ant-Man also rushed over at this time, Russell suddenly remembered something, rushed forward, blocked Ant-Man's attack with magic, and shouted at Beast: "I figured out a way, Ant-Man is not because of the zombie gene It only got bigger, but because of his battle suit, there must be a way to cancel the size, Beast, I'll cover you, you go and turn off the switch of Ant-Man's size, it should be on his arm! "

"I see!" Beast nodded, roared, and rushed towards the outside of the spaceship, about to fall into the crowd of zombies, Russell drew a teleportation array, teleporting Nozeng directly to Ant-Man's shoulder superior.

Seeing a small bug on his shoulder, Ant-Man was very angry and threw his hand at Beast. Russell quickly used a magic chain to temporarily lock Ant-Man's hand in the air, making him unable to move.

Beast jumped on his arm and smashed Ant-Man's bracelet crazily. Although Ant-Man became a zombie and got special strengthening all over his body, his clothes did not.

The fragile metal was directly shattered by the 4.2 smashed by Beast, and the huge amounts of Ant-Man shrank to the File size of a normal human at once, yelling angrily at the spaceship in the air among the zombies.

Russell used the teleportation array again to teleport Beast back into the spaceship. Before Beast raised his head and told Russell that he had succeeded, the spaceship suddenly shattered into two halves from the middle with a loud noise. -Men jumped out of the spaceship quickly, Russell used magic to catch the crowd who were about to fall into the zombie group, and their spaceship had been smashed to pieces by the green titan, and At the moment was roaring angrily at the crowd below. .

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