"Captain! Hold on, give me some time!" Russell shouted: "Give me a little more time, I can use teleportation magic, don't be bitten by him, you will die if you are bitten by him!"

"Understood!" Captain America nodded, and told Winter Soldier to distance himself from the green titan. Although the green titan at the moment still had a strong body and huge amounts of strength, without the blessing of anger, his movements Everything has become much simpler, and it was easily understood by Winter Soldier and Captain America, even with ease.

While Russell was still recovering his physical strength, dozens of zombies rushed over from Russell's body, and suddenly a flame appeared, and these weak Common zombies were instantly roasted into a pile of ashes by the high temperature.

"Russell Mage! Are you okay?" Pyro flew over, and once again used his Ability to repel the tide of corpses rushing up, and said to Russell: "Dr. Leave it to me here."

"Give me a little more time, if you don't deal with the green titan, you and I will become zombies sooner or later." Russell said angrily, "Brother Burning Man, please cover me, I will do it as soon as possible.

"I see, it's really troublesome." Pyro rolled his eyes, and instantly protected Russell with flames. Several superheroes who turned into zombies rushed over, and suddenly an icicle rose from the ground, All these zombies were buried in the ice.

"Buy time, right`"?" Iceman At the moment also slid over, following Pyroman to block the rushing zombies.

With everyone's efforts, Russell finally recovered his mana. When the green titan was about to hammer the exhausted Winter Soldier into a pulp, Russell raised his hand and cast a teleportation spell, and the green titan was instantly teleported to the unknown world. Where is the place.

"Okay, I'll leave this place to you, and I'm going back to the research institute." Russell said, then turned to Captain America and said, "Captain, I'll leave this place to you."

"Don't worry." Captain America smiled confidently, punched Winter Soldier at the side, and rushed towards the corpses together.

Russell came to the research institute. There were a few zombies here, but there were X-Men trying to resist. Russell rushed into the research institute, just in time to meet the dead family Spider-man who had just come out of the research institute.

"Russell Mage, you are here." Zombie Spider-man said happily: "The experiment has a result, the doctor told you to come over, but I have to go out to help, let's talk about the past later

Russell nodded, and rushed into the laboratory, only to find that Dr. Reed at the moment had collapsed on the ground with exhaustion, and beside him was Professor X. At the moment was treating Dr. Reed with psychotherapy. In this experiment On the table in the living room, there is a green liquid.

Under the treatment of Professor X, Dr. Reed slowly opened his eyes, smiled slightly, and said to Russell: "I have solved the secret of the slate, it is a kind of miraculous medicine, I found that it can cure the zombie virus React and purify automatically, but this slate is not complete, you may have to go to Japan.

"Let's go together!" Russell said loudly, he could feel that Dr. Reed of At the moment was about to die due to heart failure, in order to unlock the contents of the stone tablet in a short time, Russell didn't know what he did, But he can see that Dr. Reed has sacrificed his life for this only hope, and he is a veritable superhero standing at the forefront of the future of mankind.

"I will be in charge of treating Dr. Reed, I will not give up, but now you have to get out of here with the zombie Spider-man and Wolverine, the transportation has been prepared for you on the airfield, go now, don't waste time "Professor X said, "With the potion, we believe that you can testify to this world, and the fate of this world will come to you."

Russell was in a complicated mood, but he still put away the potion, turned and left the laboratory. He knew that time was urgent and it was not the time for emotional mistakes. Russell rushed out of the research institute. At the moment, the group of zombies outside was even more spectacular, almost The entire research institute is going to be flooded, and your number of X-Men is not much, it seems that many people have been sacrificed.

Wolverine also ran over, and said to Russell: "I have received (alright) the mission, let's go, this place will soon be overwhelmed, don't let everyone's sacrifice go to waste.

Russell nodded, and the two quickly boarded the spaceship. The zombie Spider-man was still struggling below. Russell directly sent him into the spaceship. The spaceship started immediately and left the fortress in an instant.

The three people on the plane were in complicated moods, and they were all a little silent, especially the zombie Spider-man. Although he would not be infected and Dr. Reed explained the situation to him, he still felt that the zombie crisis in this world had too much to do with him. Without him, at least the zombie crisis would not spread so quickly, perhaps Dr. Reed could find a solution earlier.

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