People In Marvel, Start The Supreme Mage

Chapter 288: Deadpool And The Punisher

With the help of the Observer, as long as the heroes who come to the Observer's laboratory, they will get the memory of the zombie crisis in an instant, and understand the use of weapons and mission objectives. They can also freely choose whether to participate in Russell's mission. Squad, if refused, they will be re-transported back to their previous location, and will also lose the acquired memory.

But Deadpool is obviously enjoying it, and just after being teleported here, he happily picked up the weapon. Before becoming Deadpool, he was a mercenary with very strong abilities. It can be said that he is quite clear about firearms. It seems that he He was in a good mood, chatting with Russell while picking up the weapon.

"Wow, are you the Supreme Mage? You can directly make my heart disappear. I really want to know if my healing ability can save me if my heart disappears directly. It's very interesting, isn't it?" Deadpool laughed and said, "Magic is really a magical thing. In the world before me, there was a supreme Mage, but I have nothing to do with him."

"Why don't you learn magic too? Maybe it can heal your rotten skin." Russell joked, chatting with Deadpool is a very happy thing~.

"Oh, forget it. Although I am ugly now, it can also help me distinguish whether some people are friendly to me. To be honest, people with my personality can get along with everyone, and I really can't tell the difference. Who is the enemy may only rely on my face." Deadpool shrugged, "But the X-Men group treats me well, they don't even look at my face, I like them very much.

"Did you choose to save the zombie crisis for the X-Men?" Russell asked.

"Definitely not, I'm free, how can I be trapped by that so-called emotion, although it's really good." Deadpool smiled: "In my world, the X-Men are all opening their mouths to get me Swallow a full meal, zombies don't know how to express feelings, I didn't save the world for the X-Men, I..."

Deadpool has already equipped the equipment. He chose all the equipment that is convenient for him to carry. He has an extra pistol on his waist. In addition, his two outstanding long knives are enchanted by the potion. Emit Green's strange light.

"I'm the X-Men." Deadpool said, he jumped into the teleportation circle, and waved to Russell before leaving: "Goodbye Mage, we'll talk later!"

Watching Deadpool leave, Russell also began to prepare for the next Warrior. Why did he choose Deadpool? Needless to say, although they have medicines that can fight against zombies, and before they leave, they will also deliberately take medicines to form antibodies in their bodies , will not be infected, but will still be killed by some conventional means.

The fighting power and physical strength of the zombies are much more terrifying than that of common humans, so it is necessary to find some people who can guarantee their survival to ensure the smooth progress of the zombie plan, and the potion weapons are all guns and swords, so definitely looking for Heroes who are good at weapons and swords are better.

Deadpool originally has a very strong self-healing ability, and is also an excellent killer and gun user, so he is definitely the best candidate. This kind of troubled times is also Deadpool's favorite, so Russell knows he will not refuse, but He really didn't expect Deadpool to fight as an X-Men. It seems that he also has his own reasons for fighting.

...ask for flowers‥

The next teammate definitely needs to have this kind of ability and awareness. Russell scanned the screen, finally saw the figure of that person, and immediately chose OK. After a flash of light, a full body A burly man over two meters tall appeared in the laboratory.

He was wearing a black leather jacket, and he was accompanied by a black motorcycle, which was very impressive, and he was wearing a variety of high-explosive firearms. On the vest inside his leather jacket, there was a hideous picture Skull, those who didn't know it thought it was the Terminator from the crew next door.


However, he is an alternative hero in the Marvel universe - the Punisher.

The punisher looked around indifferently, his eyes finally fixed on Russell, and asked coldly: "Are you the Supreme Mage? I just obtained a memory. Do you have a solution to the zombie crisis?"

Russell swallowed, nodded repeatedly, and pointed to the gun next to him. Although Russell had seen many villains and heroes of various colors, Uncle Punishment's aura still made Russell a little scared.

Uncle Punishment walked to the weapon and began to change equipment. Unlike Deadpool, the equipment Uncle Punishment held were all powerful weapons, just like Uncle Punishment’s usual style, as if each of his fingers represented countless Firepower, himself, is a mobile arsenal.

"I don't like superheroes. Their pretentiousness makes me sick." Uncle Punishment said indifferently: "But I hate Zombie B even more."

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