People In Marvel, Start The Supreme Mage

Chapter 291: Each Is Beautiful

The smoke gradually dissipated, and Falcon At the moment was stunned by the rocket bomb. This kind of medicine weapon will retain the impact of the original weapon, but it will not cause real damage to the human body, but the content of the medicine is relatively large. Maybe Falcon would sleep for a few extra hours.

Russell was surprised just by looking at it. The Punisher really didn't show mercy at all. He directly bombarded Falcon with rockets, probably because he was afraid that other attack methods would not have a direct impact on Hawkeye, and he might fly away with his wings. It's really not making any mistakes.

However, the Scarlet Witch was not harmed. He used his scarlet magic to block the attack. Seeing that the Punisher's attack didn't work, the Scarlet Witch opened her bloody mouth wide open. Just as she was about to taunt, the Punisher continued. Another tool was taken out, which was a sonic attack device, which released sharp sound waves. Scarlet Witch screamed and covered her ears, but she, who possessed the zombie gene, quickly calmed down from this sound wave attack, but When she opened her eyes again, a pistol was already on her forehead.


The world was quiet, the punisher rode his motorcycle, dropped a few potion weapons on the spot, and left a note, and then drove away from here.

Seeing this scene, Russell suddenly realized, no wonder the Punisher is the fastest to solve the zombie virus among these few people, he is recruiting helpers, these zombie superheroes will naturally feel guilty for everything they have done after recovering, so Will join the Punisher's plan to save the world and speed up the speed of saving the world.

After watching The Punisher, Russell called up the shots of the remaining teammates. The most normal one is probably the Anti-Venom Agent. His actions did not have any accidents. He just followed the usual actions of the Anti-Venom Agent, and the rescue speed was also very fast. Yes, when encountering something that cannot be solved, he will separate the serum in his body from himself to fight with two people. It can be said that it is easy to handle. He is the strongest symbiosis. Even if he encounters a superhero, there are not many existences that can pose a threat to him. .

And Ghost Rider is a bit different. As a member of the devil, he originally has the ability to ignite everything around him with the flames of the devil for his own use. He just rides a motorcycle around the world, and the potion In an instant, it filled every corner of the earth, and there was an overwhelming desire to fight him, but the moment he provoked his flames, he fell asleep under the effect of the potion.

And Deadpool is the slowest person among the four to save the world. After this person seems to have the ability to save the world, he is not in a hurry to do these things. When he encounters delicious food, he will sit down and eat first. When it comes to fun things, let's have fun first, it's like the last human being in the last days, playing freely in this world where only he is a normal person.

However, this is also in line with his personality. During this period, he also met some human organizations, and handed over some of his medicine weapons to them. These organizations have also started a mighty counterattack plan. Although it is still relatively slow, it is not necessary. Russell just had to worry about it, Deadpool originally's genes would not be infected by the zombie virus, so Russell didn't worry at all about whether Deadpool would overturn.

After watching the performance of several other people, Russell also began to pay attention to the preparations for his own world. Although Mariko is a girl, she has quite a lot of experience, and she quickly stopped the counterattack force. Vehicles provide weapons and pharmaceutical logistics squads. In these logistics squads, there is a medical department that is responsible for treating and restoring the body and safety of adults.

In addition, it is the return force composed of civilians. The name has to be said to have the feeling of Zhong Er. When the counter-offensive force recaptures a city, their task is to restore the modernization of the city, and at the same time to restore the modernization of those rescued by the front line. Civilian rescue can be said to be quite professional.

It seems that there is no need for Russell to do anything here, and Russell is also relieved. At this moment, a blue light suddenly flashed beside him, which turned out to be a portal. This portal is very familiar to Russell. He experimented with the observer. The teleportation array in the room was exactly the same, with doubts, Luo (Nuo Zhao) walked in, the white light was dazzling, and after opening his eyes again, he really appeared in the observer's laboratory.

The observer was sitting on a white disc, looked at Russell with a smile on his face, and said: "Thank you for everything you have done for this world, Russell Mage, I see it all, without you, I would not Know how to solve this crisis~々.

"You're not going to just say thank you for everything I've done," Russell teased.

"Then definitely not, as a hero who saved the world, I will give you corresponding rewards." The observer said with a smile: "This is what you want most."

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