People In Marvel, Start The Supreme Mage

Chapter 294 Cosmic Coordinates

"You are Russell Mage. I've always wanted to see you. I didn't expect you to come to see me on my own initiative. What a surprise." Dr. Doom's eyes were a little surprised when he saw Russell, but he quickly returned to normal .

"Dr. Dum, I've known you for a long time." Russell said, "But how do you know me? Am I so famous now? I think I'm quite low-key."

"That's true, Russell Mage, you don't seem to like to show yourself in front of ordinary people, I understand that it's your own pride, so I also respect you, Russell Mage, you have saved so many worlds" Zero Three Zero" times, but never asked for anything from this world, although we have different positions, but I am very happy to know you." Dr. Dum said.

"Thank you, Dr. Doom, we all have different pursuits. We all continue to walk on the road we insist on. I also respect you very much. I hope that the day when we have no confrontation, we can be as peaceful as today chat," Russell said.

"Hmph, I hope so, even if I confront you with Russell Mage in the future, I won't be merciless, but at least, not today." Dr. Dum said: "Okay

Tell me your purpose, you actually found Daredevil, and you found me through Daredevil, there must be something important enough. "

"It's like this, Dr. Doom." Daredevil said: "Russell Mage came to me and asked why so many superheroes are not on Earth. I don't have any say in this matter, so I think I should bring Russell Mage. It’s better to find you, so it doesn’t bother you, does it?”

"Definitely no, as I said, I'd be happy to see Russell Mage, not to mention, Daredevil, you are my friend, I will not take the initiative to know your true face, and I will not care about the choices you make on your own initiative, Because I know you won't harm me." Dr. Dum said: "It's really better for me to explain this matter.

"Although I haven't appeared on the public face these years, the file size incident on the earth has caught my eye, so I know everything you do, Russell, and at the same time, I naturally know exactly where the Avengers are going. Chu." Dr. Doom said: "Although I know where they went, I don't know the purpose of their trip this time, because they didn't make any preparations, but they rushed there directly after gathering urgently. This time, the matter is so serious that there is no time to delay it."

"Don't be a fool, doctor, I'm in a hurry." Russell Mage urged.

"They went to space and left the Milky Way. I didn't know their purpose at first, but after I stole the spaceship information, I obtained a coordinate." Dr. Dum said: "I can only tell you this, and then There are many questions, I think you will understand after you go, but how do you keep up with them."

This is indeed a problem. Although Russell can use magic to breathe in space without carrying an oxygen cylinder, and he can also fly, it is impossible to use magic to jump across light years, but spaceships that can travel in the universe, except for the Avengers. Other than that battleship, there are only rockets, but they can't go out of the Milky Way.

This is probably the most inaccessible place for magic, the universe...

Russell, who was thinking about it, suddenly came up with a solution, patted his thigh excitedly, and said, "I have a solution!"

Daredevil and Dr. Doom looked at Russell strangely, Russell smiled and said: "I know some friends in the universe, I can send a signal to them to pick me up, so that the matter can be resolved, thank you, Daredevil , Dr. Doom, I can walk the rest of the way by myself."

"You're welcome, Russell Mage, compared to what you've done, what I've done is just a trivial thing." Daredevil said.

"Presumably what happened in the universe is the direction you want to go." Dr. Dum said: "Don't worry, although I am not a decent person, I also have justice in my heart. After you leave For the time being, I will be responsible for keeping the planet safe, and you will take care of the rest."

"Thank you, Dr. Doom." Russell said gratefully. This was indeed a headache for him. If he went to space with them, he was afraid that Dormammu and the others would take advantage of the 1.3 opportunity to make trouble, and doves would occupy the magpie's nest, but since With Dr. Dum in charge, he can really feel relieved.

Dr. Dum took out a bronze badge, handed it to Russell, and said: "There is my energy in it, if there is any crisis on the earth, I will tell you through this badge, the energy in it is the same as my body The source, no matter how far light-years away, can be accurately conveyed.

"Thank you, Dr. Doom." Russell took the badge, "I will find out the truth of the matter as soon as possible, and I will come back as soon as possible, and then I will talk to Dr. Doom again."

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