People In Marvel, Start The Supreme Mage

Chapter 302: Cosmic Incarnation

In another battlefield, the gods are fighting with Thanos. Thanos is an all-knowing and omnipotent existence, so that even the gods cannot compete with him. The gods even use the planet as a weapon to smash towards Thanos. The inhabitants of the planet, without knowing what happened, were crushed in this war.

However, such an attack could not stop Thanos. Countless planets were pierced under the power of Thanos. The gods sacrificed the planets to cause energy bombardment. Love and Hate also used Bewitching on Thanos. The torrent fault and the binary opposition of the Chaos order cannot eliminate the existence of Thanos.

In this battle, all the gods have used all their strengths, all the abilities they can use, and those powers of law that can dominate the universe, here have become a tactic to deal with Thanos.

Galactus, Stranger, and Eternal even directly gave up their own entities, advanced into the existence of pure energy bodies, and launched a desperate onslaught against Thanos, but even so, they failed to shake Thanos, and they were all easily defeated by the infinite power. Break up.

Mo Faith Thor found the right time, countless hellfire wrapped Thanos' arm, Mo Faith Tor appeared suddenly, trying to snatch the Infinity Gauntlet directly from Thanos' hands, but doing so was of no avail, Thanos soon found out This traitor, he grabbed Mo Faith by the neck, and he was about to strangle Faith to death.

At this time, a black death ray suddenly hit Thanos. Thanos suffered from pain, turned around and saw that it was his beloved goddess of death who attacked him. The woman has been thinking about how to defeat Thanos and drive him off the altar.

The man who dedicated the entire universe to death was completely heartbroken. With Thanos' angry roar, everything in the universe returned to the beginning (ccde) in an instant, and the gods were blown away by several waves of energy. He was firmly imprisoned on the death temple, and he didn't even have the qualifications to move.

And at this time, behind Thanos, representing the most powerful power of God, Eternity appeared, he is the physical embodiment of the entire universe, the supreme existence among the gods, this will be the most powerful opponent Thanos will meet, It was also his last battle.

The battle between Eternity and Thanos illuminates the entire universe, and their confrontation is as dazzling as the big bang when the universe was reborn, as if the entire universe was a duel field built for the two of them, and these planets are just in the duel field. Just stars for decoration.

Eternity is the physical incarnation of cosmic space. Marvel has eternity in each individual universe, but eternity also has an ability, because eternity in each individual universe is just the cells of multiple eternities, and eternity can pass beyond the physical realm and the individual universe. Communicate with the eternity of the universe and get any information about changing pictures within that universe, even performing a fusion. Although each universe has eternity, due to duplication, the eternal Ability in each single universe is not completely consistent.

In addition, as an abstract entity, eternity has no physical properties, so what people see and hear is only the embodiment of its basic concept of existence. Attacking eternity is equivalent to fighting with one's own ideas, unless the abstract entity can contact with the abstract entity.

However, even eternity cannot fight against the all-knowing and omnipotent Thanos. At the moment Thanos has got rid of the flesh and completed a feat in the history of the universe. He has become an existence above the gods and all living beings under the court of life. Thanos usurped the seat of eternity and became the embodiment of the entire universe.

"I'm so disappointed, gods." Thanos' huge amounts of Avatar is even dozens of times that of the Temple of Death. He looked down at the gods, his eyes were like looking at ants, and he didn't seem to care about the gods at all. In his eyes, if he just moved his fingers, he could destroy all the gods in front of him.

"You blasphemous old man, you still want to be a judge of life and death to judge life! You are not worthy of talking nonsense here. Everything about you is nothing more than others giving you power beyond your original. As far as you are concerned, it is A lustful criminal!" Nebula yelled at Thanos, who had become the incarnation of the universe, on the death temple.

However, Thanos of At the moment didn't bother to have any boring bickering with common humans like Xingyun. He put huge amounts of palms on the death temple, and said coldly: "Meet the omniscient Thanos."

Thanos took his palm away, and the gods had turned into a pile of cold statues without any sign of life. The gods who ruled the universe, just under Thanos' hand, turned into a cold artwork in the universe.

Thanos finally became the most powerful person in this universe. He opened his hands wantonly, and the extension of his hands was the File size of the universe. He enjoyed the taste of this universe and the life energy from the whole universe to the fullest. . .

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