People In Marvel, Start The Supreme Mage

Chapter 42 What? A Traitor In Science? (Ask For Flower Evaluation!)


Inside the magic holy place.

A new guest has been welcomed.

Early the next morning.

Walking on the road paved with Qingshi boards, Banner looked around curiously.

With eyes full of disbelief, he looked around.

"If I hadn't witnessed it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed that such a place existed in this world!"

"Similarly, I will not believe in such unscientific things as magic!"

Everything that just happened.

Looking back now, I can still vividly remember it.

God knows what mood he was in, crossing the gate to Gold!

Excited, excited, or doubting life?

Anyway, all this is irrelevant now.

Because, everything around has fully confirmed the authenticity of the existence of magic!

huge amounts of square above.

The Mages in simple casual clothes are training.

Daily magic practice!

The moment the familiar Gold vortexes appeared in front of him.

The trace of doubt that still existed in his heart was immediately left behind by him.

The rest is only the growing excitement.

The existence of magic simply opened the door to a new world for him!

He does not desire power.

However, he was eager to find a solution to his own problems.

Since the answer cannot be found in the field of science.

So, can a solution be found in the incredible field of magic?

He thought so.

However, the look on his face showed a slight hesitation, and he didn't know how to speak.

Should he say it.

Coach, I want to learn magic?

No no no, that's too straightforward!

With his thin skin, he couldn't say such words at all.

And between hesitation.

Russell turned his head and saw through his mind at a glance.

"Doctor Banner, do you know what the essence of magic is?"

However, before Banner could respond, he answered on his own.

"The essence of magic is the accumulation and practice of knowledge!"

"From this point of view, it is no different from science."

"The thirst for knowledge is not a shameful thing. If you have any thoughts in your heart, just say it. I won't blame you!"

Tell me, what do you long for?

Russell looked over with interested eyes, wanting to get an answer from him.

If it is said that the green titan is the God of Door, guarding the home, it is his idea of ​​a joke.

Then, it is his interest to let the green titan, a monster with infinite strength, learn magic.

He wanted to see, such a big stupid one.

What kind of chemical reaction will be produced when combined with the magical ability.

To become more monsters, or...

"Sorry, I have no intention of learning magic!" Banner shook his head with a wry smile.

"People's energy is limited, I don't think I can do everything to the best!"

"I just want to find a way to solve this monster in my body!"

As he spoke, he couldn't help touching his heart.

It seems to be able to feel the existence of the monster called Hulk.

Hearing this, Russell was a little disappointed and couldn't help sighing.


But turning around, he praised without hesitation,

"Nice idea!"

People have self-knowledge.

Not everyone has such a powerful ability as Tony!

Perhaps Banner's ability in scientific research is not inferior at all.

However, it's hard to say when it comes to the field of magic.

Moreover, if ability Common is a little bit.

It is better to concentrate on scientific research if you are not good enough in magic.

Banner nodded, and asked curiously,

"Supreme Mage? Is that how you are called?"

This is what he just heard from the Mage passing by.

Although a little unclear.

But seeing the respectful and convinced attitudes of the Mages, I suddenly felt a little unusual.

Ever since, he threw out the question that he had been pursuing in his heart for many years.

"Can you help me get rid of the monster in my body? With the power of magic?"

"Definitely!" Russell nodded without hesitation.

"It's not that difficult, it's very simple!"

Hulk's IQ is like that of a child a few years old.

The joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of human beings are all reflected in him.

Moreover, it is more straightforward.

It's directly on the face.

It's just that his way of expression is a little rough!

"However, before that, I need to remind you!"

"The Hulk in you, he's not a monster, at best he's just a newborn baby!"

"He needs to be taught!"

"And it just so happens that I am a professional in this area!"

There is the experience of teaching Dormammu in it.

He knows exactly how to teach a violent child.

Turning his head, seeing Banner's undeniable gaze, Russell suddenly smiled.

"Don't rush to refute, you will understand this matter later!"

"Before you can help you solve this problem, you must first learn to control your emotions!"

"It just so happened that a scientist came to the magic holy place recently!"

"I believe there must be a lot of common topics between the two of you!"

"Scientist?" Banner was stunned.

What? ! !

A traitor in science? ?

Instead of learning good scientific formulas, come to learn magic?

So, out of curiosity, he quickly asked,

"who is he?"

"Tony Stark!"


It turned out to be him!

No wonder!


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