An hour later…

A demon bar in hell.

According to Mephisto’s calculations, this hellish city will be the next stop of the “Three Demon Sisters”.


Mephisto and Wu Sheng came here in advance and happily told all kinds of interesting stories about hell and the world.

“Hahaha, I like you getting along more and more!”

“Stop tossing around on earth, go back to hell and live.”

“As long as you are willing to come back, I will give you the position of the Lord of Hell!”

Mephisto laughed cheerfully, and the empty wine glass in front of Wu Sheng was not filled with nectar brewed with “soul”.

What happened before, he can’t remember clearly.

But his good impression of Wu Sheng became stronger and stronger!

Even want to be each other’s dogs!

This morbid madness, even Mephisto, felt the old face flush.

But he didn’t tell anyone, treating it as a little secret that only “himself” knew!

“Me too…”

“It’s really fun to chat with you.”

Wu Shengxiao’s tears overflowed, he tasted the red wine in the glass, and two alluring crimsons appeared on his pretty face.

All this was seen by another demon.

It had never seen such a beautiful human teenager, and the greed in his heart was like a flame.

The burning sensation in his heart made him stand up impatiently, wanting to take the young man for himself from the hands of his companions!

This powerful demon licked his chapped lips and walked in the direction of the bar.

He stretched out his bright red nails and tried to stroke the boy’s face.

But an invisible energy instantly occupied his brain!

The ugly face of this demon suddenly became hideous, and he let out a miserable scream, holding his head with both hands, and twisted it hard.

Directly pulled the head off the neck!

This terrified scene frightened the many demons present, and unpleasant complaints sounded in the bar!

They don’t know what’s going on.

But it is clear that this matter is inseparable from that “demon boy”!

“Found it…”

A childish female voice sounded from outside the door of the Demon Bar.

At the moment when her voice sounded, all the demons in the bar, except for Wu Sheng and Mephisto, stood up with painful expressions.

As if they had seen something terrible, they learned from their former companions and wailed and tore off their heads!

The headless corpses everywhere spilled red blood.

Three pairs of small leather shoes with round toes, stepping on sticky blood, slowly walked into the house.

The sudden situation made the “elite guard” more vigilant, but Wu Sheng raised his hand and signaled them to retreat first.

He looked ahead drunkenly and hazy.

It was three cute girls in princess dresses, they maintained their human appearance, and they all looked almost the same!

Like triplets, it’s hard to tell.


The three girls, after seeing Wu Sheng, coquettishly threw themselves into Wu Sheng’s arms and rubbed Wu Sheng’s lower abdomen affectionately with their cheeks.

“Good boy…”

Wu Sheng showed a doting smile and stroked the head of the “Three Demon Sisters”.

Their birth is inextricably linked with Wu Sheng.

Although there is no “blood relationship”, it is reasonable to call Wu Sheng “father”.

“Please let us be your strength.”

“Please use us to your heart’s content.”

“We will bring victory to you!”

The three demon sisters said with a sincere face, since their birth, the only meaning of their existence is to protect the “dominating demon” in front of them!

Become his power, protect his weak father, and become the supreme master of hell!

It’s not just them…

All demons born in the future will be like this!

And they can’t be killed, as long as humans are still afraid, demons will be resurrected indefinitely!

Their existence squeezes the living space of traditional demons, and it is precisely because of this that Mephisto sees it as trouble!

Desperately seek Wu Sheng’s help to balance these newborn demons!

“You are all my good daughters…”

Wu Sheng took the three sisters into his arms, with a spoiled smile on his face.

Different from traditional demons.

Newborn demons can live in symbiosis with “humans”.

As a “demon man”, travel through the world and hell!

The day of the “battle of man and god” is getting closer and closer.

What Wu Sheng has to do is to find a suitable host for the “Three Demon Sisters” as soon as possible!

“Mephisto, I’m leaving…”


Wu Sheng held his three well-behaved daughters and showed a reluctant expression to Mephisto on the side.

“So soon?”

“There’s a lot more fun in hell, stay for a while.”

Mephisto said with some reluctance that after receiving the ability to “dominate demons”, his mentality changed.


“I just formed a force called the Dark Elite.”

“The members are all leaders of various ‘races’, I wonder if you are interested in joining?”

Wu Sheng smiled and invited, this is also another thing for him to come to hell.


Without thinking, Mephisto agreed.

This sad old devil, one wrong step, has completely fallen into the bottomless pit.

“Very good…”

“I’ll communicate with the Magic Side.”

“In the future, as long as you are a member of the Dark Elite, you can enter and exit all dimensions.”

“In that case…”

“You can come to the “Reality Dimension” at any time to find suitable humans to sign a contract and make them become evil spirit knights.”

An expectant look appeared in Wu Sheng’s eyes.

He had already imagined what a spectacular scene the “Evil Spirit Legion” formed by tens of thousands of “Evil Spirit Knights” would be!

“It would be great if it could be achieved…”

Mephisto raised his glass expectantly to bid farewell to Wu Sheng.

He also has his own ambitions.

Take advantage of human greed to form an army of evil spirits to conquer other “hell dimensions” and become the true king of hell!

“That day won’t be far away…”

Wu Sheng showed a confident smile and opened a spatial crack leading to the “reality dimension”.

Wait until this “battle of man and god” is over…

His next goal is to replace Gu Yi’s status and become a supreme mage!

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