Fast food restaurant…

Team America looked at Thor with a serious face, and he wanted to know what he had experienced during this time!

“The girl with a double ponytail is called Gaiji, codenamed: Mechanical Warlock.”

“The gray-haired monster, it is Veronica, codenamed: Death Archer.”

“I really didn’t expect to meet them here.”

Thor’s face became ugly, knowing that his “Mjolnir” is still in Gaige’s hands!

If there is a fight, it will be a one-sided killing!

“And then?”

Team America asked suspiciously, he didn’t have much impression of these two people.

“They are from Task Force X, and each one is a monster of monsters!”

“You must be careful!”

“They may not be the strongest, but they are definitely the trickiest!”

Thor thought of his experience of being sneaked up on him, and sighed with palpitations.

“They… It must have just happened to be passing by…”

Team America sighed with a wry smile, after all, the two young women did not carry any weapons, and they also appeared in fast food restaurants, such a place where people have many eyes.

And from the conversation, it should just come out to play.

“Passing by?”

“How is it possible!”

“When I was in detention, I heard them talk.”

“That bastard Gaihime is a typical house who spends most of his time in his laboratory, mixed with steel.”

“And Veronica, I don’t know what kind of monster she is.”

“But she spends almost most of her time in the nutrition warehouse!”

“These two people get together, they must be on some mission!”

“Go and ask your chief what kind of bureau chief, has he been doing something small recently, and someone has discovered it?”

Thor got up eagerly, put his hands on the shoulders of the American team, and asked solemnly.

This group of earthlings did not know the power of “Task Force X”!

If left unchecked, something will definitely go wrong!


“S.H.I.E.L.D. is now in charge of “Alexander Pierce”…”

“Nick Fury, has been arrested for some time and has been sentenced to life imprisonment.”

“I only know a little bit of the inside story, S.H.I.E.L.D. is working on Project Insight.”

“What exactly is that plan, only Natasha knows the details.”

“Do you want me to contact her?”

As Team America spoke, he took out his mobile phone and prepared to dial Natasha’s number.

But Thor grabbed his arm and shook his head solemnly.

“When I was in detention, when the group was chatting casually, someone once mentioned that there was an inside the “umbrella company” within S.H.I.E.L.D.”

“I don’t know who she is, but one thing is certain.”

“The other party is a woman…”

“So don’t contact her anymore and ask the others?”

Thor recalled that dim time, and bits and pieces of memories came to mind.

“This is ridiculous!”

“How could Natasha be an insider? She’s a veteran agent! ”

“In your absence, she and we were born into death! How could she be a traitor? ”

“You should not fall for the enemy’s “dissociation scheme”, in short, you must tell her about this matter.”

The American team quickly retorted, but Thor held his hand, but never let go, and even his eyes were with oozing coercion.


“In fact, this plan is secretly led by Tony.”

“One thing is certain, what kind of agreement he signed with the top of the lighthouse, and he got a lot of investment.”

The American team said this, and Thor released his palm.

“Stark, a smart man, it is wise to tell him about this.”

Thor nodded seriously, he now wanted to go home.

Help S.H.I.E.L.D. deal with this crisis.

He can justifiably let the cunning group of agents help him find his way home.

Thor already had a small calculation in his mind.

The two did not linger, ordered a few burgers for Thor, and quickly left the scene.

On the other hand…

Tony answered the call from Team America.

When he heard that “Wu Sheng” had already started the operation and sent “Task Force X” to carry out the mission!

He immediately widened his eyes and walked to the railing in disbelief, overlooking the staff below.

There must be a traitor here!

Otherwise, such a secret plan, the other party would not have known!

“Task Force X…”

Princess Su Rui muttered with a shocked look, her eyes filled with deep hatred.

It was this infamous “Task Force X” that occupied her country and killed her father in front of her and her brother!


“They must be stopped, no matter what means!”

Su Rui said eagerly, the importance of the “Insight Plan” is related to the future of mankind!

For a long time, humans have ignored the “mutants” group, but after seeing the strength of “Task Force X”, they paid attention to it!

Less than ten people, you can destroy a country!

What a terrifying strength!

No one knows if the “mutants” lurking in the shadows are stronger guys!

All they can do is implement the mutant extermination plan for the happiness of all mankind!

All this is for mankind!

“You calm down first, Su Rui…”

“The other side only sent two people, which is obviously contemptuous of us.”

“For us, this is an opportunity!”

Tony is a genius, his brain is running fast, and he has a countermeasure almost immediately.

He looked at the “space carrier” below, which was being maintained, and slapped his palm the railing!

“As long as it can be delayed for three days, a ‘space carrier’ can be lifted into the sky!”

“Use the mutants of this city to threaten that man!”

“In exchange for enough time!”

“Enough time for us to mass-produce the Sentinel Robot and build the Ultron!”

Hearing Tony’s words, Princess Su Rui sighed and shook her head.

This man is easy to say, but this matter is not as simple as he imagined.

Just when Princess Su Rui wanted to continue to persuade Tony.

The man has already started to act!

“Jarvis, help me contact Chief Pierce.”

“Avengers, it’s time to assemble again!”

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