According to the coordinates provided by Gaigi, the women gathered again.

When they took the secret elevator and reached the lowest floor of the “Three Curved Wing Building”.

The “space carrier” loaded with complete firepower is already in a state of readiness to fly.

The three boarded the ship quickly.

Gaige reconnected his consciousness to the security center of S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters and gave the order for an emergency takeoff.

From overhead, there was a deafening sound.

The alloy hatch, disguised as the ground, began to slowly open.

When the sun shone on the dim “Gnaku”, the chaotic staff, who did not have time to retreat, became the target of the “steel suit” gunfire!


Under the escort of twenty “steel mechs”, the giant “space carrier” was full of firepower, and slowly flew into the air under four turbothrusters!

This battleship, designed by “Tony Stark”, directly uses artificial intelligence technology.

Through the consciousness uploaded, Gai Ji can control the entire “space carrier” by one person without the assistance of others!

But the “Gaiji” in this situation is also the most vulnerable time.


She needs the protection of “Black Rock Shooter” and “Veronica”!

Under the control of Gaige, the battleship that rose into the air began to lock on all the personnel inside the three-curved wing building through “heat source induction”.

The next moment…

The whistling bullets shot through the weak bulletproof glass and accurately killed the target!

The weapon that S.H.I.E.L.D. used to erase the “mutants”, but did not want to be occupied by the “mutants” and become an accomplice to eliminate them!


Pierce muttered in horror, and then he was shot through the chest and fell to the cold floor.

From the “Space Carrier” rising, in less than ten seconds, S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters had already suffered heavy casualties!


On the ground below, the American team grinned and got up from the ground.

In time, there was “vibranium armor”, which absorbed the momentum, but falling from such a high building still made him feel uncomfortable.

His left arm was badly wounded and he was unable to grip his shield by this time.

He raised his desperate face, looked at the “space mothership” that rose into the air, launched an attack on the three-curved wing building, and let out a hysterical roar!


His lover is still in the “Three Curved Wing Mansion” at this time!

With such dense firepower, she would never have survived!


A helicopter broke into this no-fly zone, holding the little brother holding the camera, taking the picture in front of him.

The “Planet Daily” logo on the helicopter indicates that this is a civilian aircraft!

Although he didn’t know what was happening here, the “space carrier” that was destroying the “Tricurved Wing Building” was definitely big news!

At this point…

Television stations across the country received news from the Daily Planet.

A female reporter is analyzing and judging through the live broadcast footage, and constantly praises the power of the “space carrier”.

The loaded heavy firepower can accurately snipe a thousand people in 10 seconds!

No one knows where she got the report, but on the screen behind her.

After solving the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the “Three Curved Wings Mansion”, the “Space Carrier” did not stop.

Instead, the muzzle of the gun, pointed at the helicopter!

In a terrified cry, the intruding helicopter was instantly covered by artillery fire and turned into a cloud of fireworks!

This live broadcast also ends here…

Inside the farmhouse…

Louis covered his mouth, tears streaming from his eyes.

This kind of experience of seeing with one’s own eyes, a colleague who gets along happily with himself, died tragically in front of him, is uncomfortable for anyone.

Clark, who was sitting next to him, had to say something to comfort his sad lover.

But Louis grabbed Clark’s shoulder with a pleading look on his face.

“Clark… Humanity needs you…”

“Humanity needs your protection, and only you can stop this catastrophe!”

“That battleship, which has changed direction and is flying towards the city, you heard it all.”

“Every ten seconds, snipe a thousand people, one minute is six thousand!”

Louis pleaded and said that she knew the difference of her lover and the strength of her lover a long time ago.


“If I appear as a ‘hero’, I may lose you forever…”

Clark showed a pained expression, he did not want to participate in this battle between “humans” and “mutants”.

He just wants to accompany his parents quietly, take care of his lover, and protect his unborn child.

“I don’t want to be a burden to you, Clark.”

“Go ahead…”

“Do what you think is right…”

Louis stroked his lover’s face with adoration and excitement on his face.


Clark was still a little hesitant, I don’t know why, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated!


In the dark, there are a pair of eyes…

Looking down on him, expecting him, making a decision…

“Go ahead…”

Louis is still persuading that her lover was born extraordinary and is destined to become a hero who resounded in the world.

She doesn’t want to be a burden to her lover…

“I’ll be back as soon as possible, I promise you…”

Clark looked at his lover firmly, then sat up from the sofa, discarded his coat, and walked towards the bedroom!

He once brought out a battle suit from the “Fortress of Solitude”.

I didn’t expect that after so many years, he would still have the opportunity to wear it again.



The space carrier, suddenly turned around, flew in the direction of the city!

The sudden change made the two people on the battleship show puzzled looks.

“Damn it! I’m out of control! ”

“In this damn “space carrier”, there is also an “artificial intelligence” hidden!”

“The firewall is too dense, I can’t break through “her’s” defense for the time being!”

In the amplified broadcast of the space carrier, the angry roar of Geji sounded.

“In that case, what will happen?”

Veronica asked, although she is a zombie, but a clown demon, she can be called a wise person.

After the two are superimposed, he is also a smart person!

“The program is changing, the sniper target has been modified to “ordinary people”!”

“As soon as you reach the city, you will launch an indiscriminate attack!”

“The deaths and injuries at that time will be a terrifying number!”

“The makers of this battleship are vainly trying to provoke the hatred of “humans” against “mutants”!”

Over the loudspeaker, Gaigie’s angry roar was heard.

“Black Rock, get out of here with Gaiji, I’ll destroy this battleship.”

Veronica said to the black rock on the side, she opened the “armor form”, and the split left hand turned into a charged blade.

On this planet, only “vibranium” can be used to destroy “vibranium”!

“It’s going to die…”

Hei Yan’s icy opening warned the woman beside him.

Under her perception, this “space carrier” has a certain yield of nuclear warheads stored.

If detonated…

The woman in front of her is destined to fall in the explosion.

While the two were chatting, Gai Ji on the radio had already complained angrily!

“You’re the one who should run!”

“Sisters, the situation is urgent now! I’m going to “transform”! ”

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