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Chapter 116 Curse Personality Reshaping

Chapter 116 Curse Seal·Reshaping of Personality


Ning Yuan didn't know that Sarutobi Hiruzen also had his eyes on this way to make money. After all, the original work has developed to the movie era, and there has been no ninja filming movies, right?

He forgot to count Sarutobi Hiruzen as conservative.

Of course he would not do things that no ninja had done before, but since Ning Yuan had already walked the road of singing and dancing, he was of course willing to give it a try.

It was another Monday, and Ning Yuan went to class as usual, and studied the matter of expanding the organization by the way.

To expand the organization, the normal idea is naturally to recruit people everywhere, but even if you count all the ninjas in Konoha, there are still not enough people!

And Orochimaru is still doing scientific research, and there is no one who can take the lead in personnel matters.

"Yakushi Nono?" Ning Yuan thought of someone.

The director of the orphanage has a lot of free time, and he runs all over the ninja world, but that is in the future.

Calculating the time, this person is only 15 years old now, and I don’t know if he has become the director of the orphanage.

Write down this name, Ning Yuan plans to look for him after school today.

Then, there is the second way, to solve the problem of talent shortage through technical means.

This technical means is naturally not cloning, and cloning technology cannot be developed for a while.

Ning Yuan envisioned the curse seal.

Controlling people through the curse seal is like Uchiha Madara controlling the Fourth Mizukage.

The ninja world lacks everything, but not bandits.

Instead of killing these people directly and wasting them, it is better to control them with the curse seal, and then let them work hard for the Ning organization until their death.

So, how to control them?

Ning Yuan entered the Arcane Pen Hall, while turning on the TV series "The Investiture of the Gods" for Hong to watch, and at the same time flipping through the knowledge related to brain science in his previous life.

The brain is composed of multiple parts such as the forebrain, hindbrain, and hypothalamus, and each part has different functions.

"Why are there so few?" Ning Yuan flipped through it and found that the things he had read about the brain in his previous life were really pitiful.

This is normal, after all, he studied electronics in his previous life, not brain science.

He is very familiar with the pineal gland and hypothalamus, because these two always appear in novels, and are said to be related to the third eye of the human body and superpowers.

As for the hypothalamus, it controls the secretion of many hormones, such as growth hormone.

"Prefrontal lobe!" Ning Yuan suddenly discovered a new term, and then his eyes lit up.

Knowing the prefrontal lobe is from many news reports that some people use prefrontal lobe removal surgery to treat Internet addiction or mental illness.

But after the prefrontal lobe is removed, the Internet addiction is gone, but the whole person has no desire.

Because the prefrontal lobe has the function of planning goals for people, without the prefrontal lobe, people have no goals in life.

In addition, it also has the functions of anticipation, rule learning, logical reasoning, flipped learning, and adaptability. Some studies even believe that the prefrontal lobe is related to honesty.

People with damaged prefrontal lobes are more likely to lie for personal gain.

"Planning goals, doesn't it meet my requirements? If he is given a goal of "striving for the rise of mankind for life", then even the most heinous bandits can be transformed into saints."

The goal is to control the prefrontal lobe.

The technology is also available. The curse seal can insert the seal into the human brain and change the location to the prefrontal lobe.

However, after inserting the prefrontal lobe, how to make the curse seal effective and implant the target?

Under normal circumstances, this requires a lot of experimental subjects to take a lot of time and a lot of adjustments. It is not impossible to work for one or two years, or even five or ten years.

But Ning Yuan doesn't need that long, he is cheating!

Opening the white eyes, Ning Yuan adjusted his eyes and observed himself, Yuhi Kurenai, Kakashi, and the brains of everyone in the class from multiple angles, and deeply understood the structure of the prefrontal lobe from multiple angles.

After school at noon, the two were supposed to go to the rooftop for dinner, but it may be a trend brought by the two. Now many couples like to eat on the roof.

So the two went to the grove instead. Ning Yuan caught a rabbit while eating, played with it for a while, and then threw it away.

When he returned to the classroom, a new skill was added to the system panel.

Curse Seal·Thought Seal LV1 (1/10).

He didn't know how to use the seal technique to control the frontal lobe, but brainwashing is a simple thing. You just need to repeat the same thing in a person's ear over and over again. A lie will become true after being told a thousand times.

What Ning Yuan did to the rabbit was also very simple. He first implanted the curse seal, and then changed the chakra attribute to the thunder attribute, and stimulated it when the rabbit jumped forward.

In this way, the rabbit would feel a headache every time it jumped forward, but there would be no such problem if it retreated or ran left and right.

The rabbit didn't understand why, but after a few times, it accepted the setting of "jumping forward will cause headaches".

Next, it actually stopped walking in a straight line and changed to walking sideways.

This was a very simple punishment and domestication, but it can also be said that Ning Yuan implanted a thought seal for the rabbit: walking forward will cause headaches.

Anyway, it makes sense logically.

Since it makes sense logically, the system will recognize it, and this skill will naturally be registered in the system.

What Ning Yuan needs to do next is to upgrade his skills.

As long as the skill level is raised, this curse will naturally evolve into a true ideological seal, rather than a simple punishment and domestication.


"This upgrade requires so few skills!" Ning Yuan was a little stunned.

Levels 1 to 2 only require 10 experience points, 2 to 3 require 20 points, 3 to 4 require 40 points, and 4 to 5 require 80 points!

Ning Yuan invested a total of 150 general experience points, and this curse seal was upgraded to level five and gained characteristics!

"Is it because the ideological stamp is too simple?" Although Ning Yuan was surprised, he was not surprised.

Because this is not the first time this has happened.

This was the case when he learned the art of clone, substitute, and transformation before, and then learned the art of illusion after turning on the illusion and five-sense interference.

The reason is that Ning Yuan's chakra amount and chakra control have reached the standard. Even if there is no system, learning these skills is casual. There is no reason to upgrade a super simple skill that requires a lot of experience.

Obviously, the sealing technique required for the Thought Seal is not complicated. Ning Yuan's sealing technique level is already high enough, and the designed curse seal is also sufficient. This is why the upgrade of the Thought Seal requires so little experience.

Characteristics of Curse Seal and Thought Seal: [Referring to a deer as a horse]

[Referring to a deer as a horse]: It is clearly a deer, but you still mistake it for a horse. Your ideological imprint has reached the level that it can distort common sense and three views of life. Even if you tell the other person that ice is hot and fire is like water, he will believe it.

"It's enough!" Ning Yuan nodded. The current ideological stamp is almost the same as the one in the Three-Body Problem. It can be used to brainwash bandits and bandits and establish the three views of the mind.

But this is not enough to solve the talent gap problem, because most of the bandits are illiterate, and they still speak the language of the ninja world.

If you have will but no knowledge, and you are not speaking a language that is your own, you will naturally not be able to use it.

Ning Yuan wants to get it right in one step, so that they can learn Chinese, have basic teaching abilities, and in terms of strength, they should also master basic illusions, taijutsu, ninjutsu, and three-body techniques.

They are not required to be able to fight Jonin, but they must at least have the strength of a Genin to be able to deal with local gangsters and bandits on the road.

He also lacks knowledge transfer skills.

As for this skill, what exists in the ninja world is the ninja method, and this method is in the hands of the Nine Tails.

But it is impossible for Ning Yuan to exchange memories with Jiuwei because he is a time traveler.

Then you have to change your thinking.

"I can even create a thought stamp. Is it difficult to transfer memory?"

Ning Yuan thought for a while, then tapped his head.

Memory transfer is really not difficult.

Curse Seal and Synaesthesia are used to create false memories. Isn't false memory just a kind of memory transmission?

The only problem is that this false memory is created very slowly. It can only create one hour of memory per hour, and what Ning Yuan wants is to pour ten or even twenty years of memories into it in an instant.

Ning Yuan remotely controlled the rabbit in the woods and withdrew six of the ten spells involving smell, taste, and touch, leaving only vision and hearing.

Most of human memory is constructed of vision and hearing.

As for smell and taste.

It doesn't matter, but it's hard for you to recall the taste of a meal you had ten years ago.

Then, a MV for "The Most Dazzling National Style" was transmitted by Ning Yuan.

He didn't expect this rabbit to remember much, he just hoped that the memory transfer skill would appear on the panel.


Following the clear beep of the system, Ning Yuan curled his lips.

Sure enough, it appeared!

Curse Seal·Memory Transfer!

Like the Curse Seal and the Thought Seal, the memory transfer upgrade requires very little memory.

150 points, upgrade!

Features appear!

Curse Seal·Memory Transfer Characteristics: Extreme Compression

[Extreme Compression]: A large amount of memory can be transferred in a very short time. The transfer process will not damage the brain nerves.

Ning Yuan smiled slightly. The combination of thought stamp and memory transmission can solve the problem of insufficient manpower.

Moreover, there are ten incantations in the curse seal, only four are needed for memory transmission, and the remaining six can be used to meditate on the steel seal, which is just right.

But it's still not perfect!

Ning Yuan clicked on Talent: Skill Fusion, and then selected Curse Seal·Thought Seal, and Curse Seal·Memory Transmission.

Curse Seal·Thought Seal + Curse Seal·Memory Transmission = Curse Seal·Personality Reshaping!

The latest panel, the font color corresponds to the skill quality, followed by the characteristics


The three-body art is a combination of the three-body art, and the mechanism art is a combination of carpentry and trap art. Because it is not very important, it is not included in the plot.

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