People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 128 Who in the world does not know peace?

October 31st.

It is already late autumn, and the leaves on the trees have almost fallen.

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Nothing big has happened in Konoha Village recently, but because of the change of seasons, there is an indescribable sense of desolation.

Sarutobi Hiruzen flipped through the book "Honghuang II" in his hand. At first, he just watched the excitement, but as he read it, he found something wrong.

This book seems to be more than just a story!

The power struggles, battles of wits, and alliances in it are also of considerable reference value to him.

For example, the two brothers Dijun and Taiyi, in order to unify the world, forcibly created the race of demons, and then put all the prehistoric spirits under this framework.

The advantage of doing this is that the two brothers naturally have the right to rule over other races.

The disadvantage of doing this is that it forces out the opponent of the demon race: the witch race.

While gaining something, you also have to lose something. If someone takes advantage, someone will suffer.

The same is true in Konoha. If your policy is biased towards civilian ninjas, you will offend the ninja clan. If it is biased towards the ninja clan, you will offend civilian ninjas.

Konoha's resources are limited. If the Sarutobi family eats more, other families will eat less, so Sarutobi Hiruzen and the ninja clan are destined to be unable to live in harmony.

His governing policy is very clear, suppressing the ninja clans other than the Sarutobi clan and supporting civilian ninjas.

However, "support" also requires skills. Giving resources, funds and development is also support. Just expanding the enrollment quota is also support, and assigning more tasks to civilian ninjas is also support.

Only assigning tasks, but not passing on ninjutsu, only talking about the will of fire, but no actual benefits.

Then civilian ninjas will only make more money, but they will never affect the Sarutobi clan in terms of status. It just so happens that the existence of such civilian ninjas squeezes the living space of other ninja clans.

This kind of support is what Sarutobi Hiruzen wants to see.

"Knock knock knock"

"Come in!"

The office door opened, and a tall, delicate-looking female ninja with a ponytail and a white swan mask on her face walked in.

"It's Ling!" Sarutobi Hiruzen breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the person coming.

There are not many people who can make him completely let down his guard, Sarutobi Biwako is one, and Sarutobi Ling is also one.

"Sit down!"

Sarutobi Ling nodded and sat down on the sofa beside him.

Personality reshaping will only change a person's three views, but it will not affect her own knowledge and skills.

That is: Sarutobi Ling is still the same Sarutobi Ling, but she has changed from being loyal to Sarutobi Hiruzen to being loyal to the Ning organization.

"A crazy cultivator like you is willing to leave the Anbu base!" Sarutobi Hiruzen asked, "Did something big happen?"

"Yes!" Sarutobi Ling nodded, and then handed over a document: "The Daimyo has formulated a plan to recruit garrison ninjas, and is preparing to recruit twelve jonins to form the so-called Guardian Twelve Ninjas!"

"Why do you want to form such a thing?" Sarutobi Hiruzen took the document, looked at it for a while, and asked.

"Who knows!" Sarutobi Ling shrugged.

After graduating, Asuma went to the capital to become the Guardian Twelve Ninjas, which means that the Guardian Twelve Ninjas will be there in a few years.

However, according to the efficiency of the Fire Country, it takes a long time for a plan to be formulated and implemented, and the policy of the Guardian Twelve Ninjas was indeed proposed at this time.

This plan is still in the stage of briefing, and the Daimyo wants to know Sarutobi Hiruzen's opinion.

"What do you think?" Sarutobi Hiruzen asked.

"My opinion is that the Daimyo is courting death, and I can send him off!" Sarutobi Ling said lightly.

"Ahem!" Sarutobi Hiruzen coughed violently a few times and said, "That's not the case. After all, he is the daimyo of the Land of Fire. It is reasonable for him to need some ninjas to protect himself!"

"If you want protection, just tell us Konoha. Can't we not send someone over?" Sarutobi Ling said unhappily, "I think he is afraid of our Konoha's strength and is secretly resisting here!"

"Don't say that about the daimyo!" Sarutobi Hiruzen thought so in his heart, but he was used to being a good person, so of course he wouldn't say that.

"Since he wants to form the Twelve Guardian Ninjas, let him form it. Twelve ninjas can't cause any big waves, and we can also send two ninjas from Konoha to join them!" After thinking about it, Sarutobi Hiruzen said, "You select two Chunin from the clan. I will go through the promotion ceremony and then send them over!"

He just looked at the documents and found that the Twelve Guardian Ninjas also have funds given by the daimyo. The Jonin subsidy is a lot of money, don't waste it!

If he wasn't afraid of being too greedy, he could send twelve Genin over.

"Yes!" Sarutobi Ling nodded, then stood up and left.

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head. His sister was very cute when she was a child, but

for the sake of the Sarutobi clan, she gave up love, gave up her slim figure, and chose to train herself into a muscular man

"Sister, your sacrifice is worth it. The Sarutobi clan will also stand firm in Konoha Village!"


"Aunt Ling! What's the matter?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't know that his sister had just returned to the Anbu and took the initiative to find his son, Sarutobi Shinnosuke.

"Let's have a fight!" Sarutobi Ling didn't say much nonsense and spoke directly.

"Ah?" Sarutobi Shinnosuke was stunned, and his forehead began to hurt.

Sarutobi Rei's challenge to Sarutobi Shinnosuke is actually a very logical and well-characterized thing.

Because Sarutobi is very competitive, he has never been able to defeat Sarutobi Shinnosuke.

Then doesn't she want to challenge Sarutobi Shinnosuke often?

This kind of thing has happened countless times, so Sarutobi Shinnosuke only felt strange, but didn't feel anything was wrong.

He sighed, stood up and said, "Let's go then!"

Finish playing early and rest early.

"I don't want to fight in the training ground!" Sarutobi said.

"Where can we fight if we don't fight at the training ground?" Sarutobi Shinnosuke asked.

"Death Forest!" Sarutobi Ling said: "The reason why I have been unable to beat you before is because the venue is too small and I can't perform! As long as I go to the Death Forest and have enough pulling space, I will definitely beat you. !”

"Okay, okay!" Sarutobi Shinnosuke was speechless, but there was no way to refute, because Sarutobi was not a reasonable person.

The two of them often competed, so naturally they did not need to report it to Sarutobi Hiruzen. One of them was the ANBU minister and the other was the captain of the first team. No matter who loses, it may affect their respective prestige, so it is impossible to bring outsiders with them when they compete. .

Therefore, the two of them went to the Forest of Death alone.

"This is indeed a good place to compete!" Looking at the various traces of ninjutsu crisscrossing the ground, Sarutobi Shinnosuke judged that there should be ninjas here from time to time to train or compete.

Why hadn't he discovered such a good place before? It was a large and remote place where he could unleash his ninjutsu at will without worrying about affecting others or damaging the venue.

Turning his head, Sarutobi Shinnosuke was about to discuss the rules of competition with Sarutobi Rei when he saw Sarutobi Rei reaching out his hand extremely abruptly.


The sharp kunai penetrated directly through Sarutobi Shinnosuke's waist.

Sneak attack!

Even Uchiha Shisui, who had extremely fast reaction speed and extremely fast speed, could not prevent Danzo's sneak attack, and Zhang Sanfeng could not prevent the sneak attack of Kong Xiang, who was several levels weaker than himself. It can be seen that sneak attack is indeed a special skill. The weak defeats the strong, a strategy that causes maximum damage in the shortest time.

In particular, Sarutobi Rei is the sister of Sarutobi Shinnosuke's father. The two are colleagues and are close in age, so they have a very close relationship.

Therefore, Sarutobi Shinnosuke would never have thought that his aunt would attack him unexpectedly!

"Isn't it just to win? I'll give you a few points!" Shinnosuke still thought that Sarutobi attacked just to win.

But Sarutobi Rei didn't say a word and continued to raise his hand to Kunai.

Although there is a gap in strength between the two, it is not so big that they can give in to one another.

You know, even with fists, a single kidney attack can directly destroy a person's combat effectiveness, not to mention the kunai used by Sarutobi.

The severe pain and the confusion of being attacked by a relative made it difficult for Shinnosuke to concentrate his chakra. On the contrary, Sarutobi became more aggressive after he succeeded. He first cut his hand tendons and then his hamstrings. After a few cuts, Shinnosuke was covered with blood. land.

People are alive, but their ability to resist is gone.

"This is why the traitor is the most hateful, because the damage the traitor can cause is too great!" Ning Yuan and Shuimen walked out of the forest, sighing silently in their hearts.

Many enemies have tried so hard and done so much damage to achieve results that are difficult to achieve, but traitors can easily succeed.

He began to think, what if all members of the organization were cursed?

Otherwise, what if there is a traitor in Ning's organization.

After receiving the curse seal, he was already loyal to the Ning organization, but after receiving the curse seal, he was still loyal to the Ning organization.

Anyone who has thoughts of betraying Ning's organization will be sealed away by the curse.

Moreover, curse seals can also be used to convey knowledge, information, words, and pictures.

It’s also very functional.

"Let's evolve it and make it more popular. At least add a networking function!" Ning Yuan shook his head. The current curse seal function is still a bit lacking.

Just like stealing personal information, we are not happy with older versions of computers using viruses to steal information, but newer versions of mobile phones can steal information from any APP but no one cares.

What's the difference?

The reason is that the functionality of mobile phones is so powerful that we can ignore that small shortcoming.

"Minato?" Shinnosuke actually knew Minato, and then he shouted loudly: "Go and report to the Hokage, Sarutobi is crazy!"

He thought Ningyuan and Minato were passing by.

Minato ignored him, but Sarutobi, who he called crazy, stood obediently behind Ning Yuan.

"Auntie, eh?" Sarutobi Shinnosuke finally felt something was wrong.

But, it's too late!

"Don't worry!" Ning Yuan said while planting a curse seal on Sarutobi Shinnosuke: "My medical ninjutsu is very strong. I guarantee that you won't have any injuries on your body when you leave here. But there's nothing we can do about the blood on your clothes. You handle it yourself!”

"Are you Hinata Neito?" Sarutobi Shinnosuke shouted angrily: "What are you doing? What seal are you using? Hello, leader!"

"Perfect!" Ning Yuan nodded, and then used medical ninjutsu to connect Sarutobi Shinnosuke's blood vessels, meridians, and injured kidney tissue.

After a while, Sarutobi Shinnosuke had returned to his previous vitality.

"Okay, you can discuss!" Ning Yuan said.

"Yes!" Sarutobi Shinnosuke nodded, and then looked at Sarutobi Spirit.

Sarutobi raised his hand, and the two formed the seal of opposition.

This is the correct discussion process!

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