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Chapter 130 The First Three-Year Plan

Ning Yuan didn't know that any essay he wrote could make Sarutobi Hiruzen flush with admiration. His vision had long gone beyond Konoha Village to the entire Fire Country.

This is actually a very normal thing, because most of the children of Ningyuan's generation were born in rural areas, went to high school in the county, and went to college in big cities, and then never returned to the village.

Not to mention that now that he has the opportunity to plan the entire world in front of him, who would be interested in a small village's dog-eat-dog!

Unless you pass the exam and take a poverty alleviation job, you really need to go back to the countryside.

I believe many people often have a question when watching Naruto: Why doesn't any village try to control the daimyo?

The Land of Fire and the daimyo get along well, so forget it if you don’t have this idea. Your Sunagakure Village is being managed by the daimyo of the Country of Wind and you don’t even give them any money, so why don’t you think of resisting?

Ning Yuan also had this question when he traveled to Naruto. However, as he learned more and more about the world, he gradually got the answer to this question.

There are many reasons for not controlling daimyo.

First: Unexpected.

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Just like before Cao Mao was assassinated on the street, people never thought that the emperor would be killed. Creatures like daimyo have existed in the ninja world for thousands of years. They existed before the ninja profession appeared.

After the birth of the ninja, the professional characteristics were basically inherited from the samurai. The samurai were loyal to the daimyo, so naturally no one thought of using force to resist the daimyo.

This kind of inertia of thinking is simply a natural ideological stamp, which is more effective than any slogan.

Second: It’s not necessary.

At first, Ning Yuan, like everyone else, thought that the daimyo was a being similar to an emperor, possessing huge power over the entire Fire Country, and that no one dared to resist his orders.

But if you look at the Fire Nation's military power, all of it is in the hands of the Leaf Village. This is simply unrealistic.

Power, power, power and power have always been in a harmonious and unified relationship. If you don't have power, how can you get power?

In fact, the Country of Fire is not so much a huge country, but a city-state with countless cities united. Everyone has elected a nominal boss, called a daimyo.

The city lords and mayors of each city have great powers, including but not limited to legislation, law enforcement, tax collection, construction, etc.

Just look at the mission of the Kingdom of Waves and you will know that a small village can build a cross-sea bridge by itself without the consent of the daimyo above.

The daimyo under this system is a relatively wealthy city lord, so what's the use of controlling him?

At least it is of no use to the Ninja Village. Just like Sunagakure Village, even if the Daimyo of the Land of Wind is controlled, he will still have no money.

The current situation in the ninja world is a bit like the Central Plains after Dong Zhuo's chaos during the Three Kingdoms period. The emperor Liu Xie was just a decoration. If there were not people with extraordinary power like ninjas, this land would have been destroyed by the existence of careerists. And started one war after another.

However, the daimyo is of no use to the Ninja Village, but is useful to the Ning Organization.

After all, he is also a daimyo and has nominal jurisdiction over the entire country.

As long as you get a great name, you can imitate Cao Cao and obey the emperor's orders and not be a minister.

With the name, it is not impossible to cooperate with the power of the Ning organization to replace the city lords across the country bit by bit, and then truly integrate the power of the Fire Country.

"Basically all the top leaders of our Ning organization are here for this meeting!" Mingchuan Town, in the conference room.

In addition to Ning Yuan, Yuhi Hong, Namikaze Minato, and Tsunade, there were two more people.

Pharmacist Nono U, Orochimaru.

Kurenai Yuhi and Minato Namikaze were used to such scenes, but Yakushi Nonou sat with her idol Tsunade on her left and Orochimaru on her right, making her walk on thin ice with caution, for fear of saying or doing something wrong.

"In the beginning, we were just a small organization with only two people, and now there are seven core members!" Ning Yuan said: "More than that, because of the existence of curse seal and brain control technology, our organization has also developed a large number of As for the peripheral members, as of now, many core departments such as the Anbu, Medical Department, and Intelligence Department of Konoha Village are under control, and the pharmacist Noonoyu has also gained a lot!"

After receiving Ning Yuan's look, Medicine Master Nonoyu mustered up some courage and said seriously: "In the past month, I have traveled around the Land of Fire and subdued more than 6,000 bandits and ruffians, of which 4,000 have already After arriving at Mingchuan City, there are still two thousand on the way, but this is just a drop in the bucket for the number of bandits in the entire Fire Country. According to my investigation, the number of bandits and bandits in the entire Fire Country is just a drop in the bucket. has reached as many as 300,000!”

"Tsk" Tsunade said in admiration: "Three hundred thousand bandits, how do the civilians of the Fire Country usually live!"

"Isn't this how the world has always been, before our Ning organization was born!" Orochimaru said lightly.

"That's right!" Tsunade nodded.

Now she has forgotten why she joined the Ning Organization, but as the Ning Organization gradually grows and does more and more things, she has completely recognized the existence of this organization.

At least, this was the first time she heard that the state had the obligation to protect the people. It was the state's responsibility to suppress bandits, and there was no need to pay for it.

What did the Fire Nation do in the past?

The higher ups don’t care at all!

The common people can't stand the torture of the bandits anymore, so they can raise money to hire Konoha ninjas to eliminate the bandits.


No money?

You have no money and you still kill some stupid bandits?

Even though these bandits are like chickens and dogs in the eyes of Konoha, and a single genin can wipe out a village with nearly a hundred people, Konoha Village has never had the idea of ​​​​taking the initiative to exterminate the bandits.

Until the emergence of Ning Organization.

There is a saying that if you compare with others, you will die, but if you compare with goods, you will throw them away.

In the past, Konoha Tsunade felt quite good, but now compared with the Ning Organization, it is really inferior to the Ning Organization in every aspect!

Ning Yuan saw how excited they were communicating, and sighed inwardly, as expected.

None of them cared about the existence of curse seals and brain control techniques, and they had no idea how evil it was to use curse seals to control people.

Knocking on the table, Ning Yuan said: "The current situation is that the Daimyo of the Land of Fire will form a guardian twelve ninjas. Two people will come from Konoha. I think the remaining ten will be taken care of by our Ning organization. Then we will take this opportunity to control the daimyo, and then, starting from Kyoto, we will slowly expand the scope of our control."

"What about Mingchuan City?" Tsunade asked: "This place has been under construction for several months, do you want to ignore it?"

"Of course we can't ignore it!" Ning Yuan spread out the map and said: "Look, in this country of fire, Kyoto and Mingchuan City are just to the south and north. One is the center of the north and the other is the center of the south. Then we can use the north to Kyoto is the center for expansion, and the south is expansion with Mingchuan City as the center!"

"Building bridges, building roads, prospecting, setting up factories, and popularizing education. Although we are an organization, with the position of daimyo in hand, we can already position ourselves as the rulers of the country. Therefore, the starting point of all policies is It should be to strengthen this country and enrich its citizens!”

"Therefore, I plan to formulate a three-year plan. Within three years, we will capture all the cities in the Land of Fire. We will establish a most basic industrial system and an education system throughout the country. We will build a network that connects the country. We must eliminate all bandits and bullies across the country, punish all past criminals, and most importantly, eliminate all hungry people within three years and not let anyone die again!”

"What do you think of this plan?" Ning Yuan asked.

"These" people looked at each other and felt the difficulty of this plan.

The industrial system is not bad, and the city-state system also has the advantages of the city-state system, that is, commerce in various places is basically not suppressed and is in a state of barbaric growth.

As long as they are integrated, the industrial system is almost there.

It is not difficult to popularize education. As long as we win each city, we can set up schools by leaking some money from the city owners.

It is not difficult to eliminate all the hungry people. The Fire Country is vast and sparsely populated, and the cultivated land is completely sufficient. The reason why there are still people starving to death is because there is a distribution problem.

Most of the food fell into the hands of the landlords, city owners and nobles. As long as they were dealt with, ordinary people would naturally have something to eat.

Eliminating the bandit bullies is even easier. Yakushi Nonoyu can do it alone, not to mention that their team has been growing.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that it is not impossible to achieve these things within three years?

The only problem is people. As long as there are enough people, there is really nothing that cannot be done.

"You can try it!" Orochimaru licked his tongue. When he thought of schools blooming everywhere in the future, and talented people emerging from each school one after another, and then gathering in his hands to study forbidden arts and the way to immortality, his heart was filled with excitement. There will be an uncontrollable excitement.

Tsunade also nodded. She didn't like to use her brain. She just did whatever Ning Yuan said.

"Then, let me assign tasks!" Ning Yuan said: "Yakoshi Nonoyu, you have the heaviest task. You are not only responsible for the growth of Ning's organization, I also need you to establish an intelligence organization nationwide. This organization To delve into every aspect of a city, it’s best to delve into what a city lord eats for lunch and who he sleeps with at night!”

"This is related to our organization's plan to deal with a city lord. Whether to kill or retain, we must not be careless!"

"Yes!" Pharmacist No Naiyu nodded heavily: "I will take over this task!"

"Next, Tsunade, you need to expand our Ning organization with Mingchuan Town as the center. As for the method of expansion, you can invite the city lords from other cities to have dinner or something, and then take them directly and engrave the curse seal."

"I understand!" Tsunade nodded. The opponent was just a group of ordinary people, so it was not difficult.

What's difficult is the endless government affairs, including building bridges, paving roads, education, and public security. She has to handle all aspects of the matter.

"Lord Orochimaru, are you going to Kyoto?" Ning Yuan asked.

"No problem!" Orochimaru nodded.

Although he still has a mission in Konoha, it's not a big problem. Jiraiya can draw materials from everywhere when writing a novel. Who said that scientific research doesn't require gathering materials from everywhere?

He was an expert in scientific research, so it was not easy to fool a layman like Danzo.

"Minato, the younger generation of Konoha ninjas rely on you!" Ning Yuan said: "I need you to become the star of Konoha, and then become the next Hokage!"

Ninjas are all a bunch of old bastards. Hiruzen Sarutobi was able to pull out a zombie seal against the first and second generations. God knows what other cards he has hidden.

If not necessary, a peaceful transition is best.

The difficulty of dealing with a current Hokage is completely different from that of a retiring Hokage.

"Yes!" Minato nodded heavily. Although his horizons have broadened after joining the Ning organization, the position of Hokage is still somewhat attractive.

Fortunately, he has a sunny temperament and strong strength, and the necessary conditions to become a star are complete.

"As for me and Yuhi Kurenai, in addition to making money, we will also develop members in various places!" Ning Yuan also felt that it was a waste of time to travel a long way and sing a song and leave.

Can you put a curse on the local city lord on the way!

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