People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 139: Akatsuki returns home

"Chaoyang Town, what a straight road!" When he was in the sky, he saw three straight roads extending far away from the town. When he landed, he discovered that these roads were all paved with gravel. Not only is it smooth, it's also very hard.

Maybe even an A-level ninjutsu can't be used.

This book is first published on 𝟞𝟡Book Bar→𝟞𝟡𝕤𝕙𝕦𝕩.𝕟𝕖𝕥, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

"This is called a cement road. It is paved with cement mixed with gravel!" Ning Yuan did not speak this time. It was the pharmacist No Naiyu who introduced him: "Our Ning organization started building roads connecting every village two years ago. The first phase of the project is to connect all the cities through this kind of road, and the second phase is to connect all the towns through this kind of road!”

"All the Fire Nation?" Yahiko said dumbly.

"That's not the case!" Medicine Master No Naiyu nodded matter-of-factly.

"But, building a road will cost a lot of money!" Yahiko looked shocked. He really knew this, because they also thought about finding someone to build a road connecting their territory, but then they gave up immediately after hearing the price. .

It's too expensive and the Akatsuki organization can't afford to repair it.

"It is indeed very expensive!" Pharmacist Nonoyu nodded: "But the nobles of the Fire Country are everywhere, and just copying any one will cost a lot of money. After copying all the nobles across the country, build roads. The money is there!”

"Ah?" Yahiko was confused: "Copying, copying nobles? This is not good!"

"What's wrong?" Pharmacist No Naiyu asked back: "It's okay for these nobles to make a lot of money without doing anything. They also bully the market, levy excessive taxes, oppress the people, raise prices wantonly, exploit the people, and copy their Everyone is taking advantage of them. If our organization had not had to hide ourselves, we would have beheaded them at the vegetable market! "

"Ah." Yahiko was silent. He always felt that this group of people with similar ideas to his, let's just call them companions, was a bit too radical.

But he also vaguely felt that there was nothing wrong with doing so?

After all, although the Kingdom of Rain has been cleansed by Hanzo, there are no nobles or landlords anymore, and Yahiko himself has not been whipped.

He didn't know what to say and could only continue to listen.

On the contrary, Nagato and Konan were very excited when they heard it. They were not as kind as Yahiko, killing the rich and giving to the poor, etc., they were very happy when they heard it!

"By confiscating the homes of nobles, you will have a lot of money, which can be used to recruit people to build roads. Previously, the land, shops, mines, rivers, and even the wild beasts of the Fire Country were in the hands of the nobles. The common people were called They have no place to stand, let alone food and clothing, and living is a problem. They come to build roads, and we give them money, and they can live on. Some of them are engaged in clothing, food, and real estate businesses. People can also get customers, so the entire business system is revitalized!"

“This is called work-for-relief!”

Yahiko blinked, not really understanding, but it felt so powerful.

"After these people got money and bought houses, towns were built one after another. We opened schools in the towns to popularize education. Those with chakra talents can practice chakra and learn ninjutsu, and those with scientific research talents can To engage in scientific research, even if there is only one student with chakra talent in a town a year, thousands of towns across the country can recruit thousands of them every year. In three to five years, the strength of the Fire Nation can surpass the sum of other countries. "

"At the same time, our technology is also developing. A paper factory can produce millions of detonating charms in a day, an iron factory can produce hundreds of thousands of kunai shurikens in a day, and such factories are available nationwide. There are countless homes inside.”

"This" Yahiko's eyes widened, as if he was listening to a book from heaven.

But he soon determined that this was not a heavenly book at all, but a fact!

Because right in front of him, there was a paper mill.

This paper mill is not large in scale, but you can still see large rolls of paper being produced.

If these papers are not used for printing books, but for printing detonating symbols, it is really possible to reach the level of millions of sheets a day that Ning Yuan said.

"You, what do you want to do this?" Yahiko subconsciously thought of Hanzo. How is what Ning Yuan is doing now similar to Hanzo?

They are all popularizing ninja education and mass-producing detonating charms.

Hanzo, a small country, can start a war that affects the world, but Ningyuan is backed by the Fire Country, which is more than ten times the size of the Rain Country!

"Yahiko, how do you think we can make the world peaceful?" Ning Yuan asked.

"Of course people understand each other."

"But you didn't convince me!" Ning Yuan interrupted Yahiko and pointed at Nagato and Xiaonan behind Yahiko: "You can even ask them if they understand your thoughts. If your friends can’t understand you, why do you think a stranger can understand you?”

"How could it be!" Yahiko immediately turned his head: "Nagato, do you think my philosophy is wrong?"

"Well" Nagato scratched his head: "Yahiko, of course I support you. How could the philosophy of the Akatsuki organization be wrong!"

"You hesitated, you were lying to me!" Yahiko suddenly collapsed: "In fact, you have never believed me, right?"

Nagato was speechless, but he couldn't refute it. He really didn't believe Yahiko's story.

Otherwise, why would he immediately change his route after Yahiko died?

Although he meant that Yahiko's death also proved the failure of his philosophy.

But this statement is inherently problematic. Whoever says that if a person dies, his philosophy is wrong.

Ning Yuan has many examples of people who have gone on to die for an idea and finally proved that the idea is correct.

"Nagato, how do you think peace can be achieved?" Ning Yuan asked.

"Well, I'm not sure about this either." Nagato shook his head: "I've never thought about this problem!"

This answer should be true. Before Yahiko died, he really didn't use his brain.

"Would you like to hear my opinion?" Ning Yuan asked.

"Okay!" Nagato nodded immediately.

Yahiko, on the other hand, was still immersed in the sadness that his classmates did not trust him.

But he can definitely hear it.

"There are many ways to achieve peace. The first way is what I call one super, many weak!" Ning Yuan said: "If a country is very strong, so strong that no other country combined can defeat it, then as long as this country If we don’t take the initiative, the world will always be peaceful!”

"How is this possible!" Yahiko immediately objected: "This country is so powerful, wouldn't it invade other countries?"

"So the way to achieve this situation is quite harsh!!" Ning Yuan pointed at his feet: "Only the Fire Country can do it!"

"Why?" Nagato asked.

"Because the Country of Fire is rich, with mountains, water, and plains. It lacks nothing. Unlike other countries, the Country of Wind is full of deserts, the Country of Earth is full of plateaus, the Country of Thunder is full of mountains, and the Country of Water is full of small Island, as long as the four countries have some strength, they will think of invading the Country of Fire. When they calm down their desire to invade, it will be after they take over the Country of Fire."

"Only the Fire Nation will choose not to actively invade other countries when it becomes stronger, because those countries are too bitter and cold!"

Of course, Ning Yuan is just giving an example. These countries are suffering from cold weather now, and the future is uncertain.

If some oil or rare earth mine is discovered, it depends on the speed of the Fire Nation army.

Nagato was a little confused, is that so?

He really didn't know, after all, he had never been to other countries, but Ningyuan had no reason to lie to them!

So, is this really possible?

"The second method of peace is the method Senju Hashirama tried back then, which is to distribute the tailed beasts to various villages. Everyone knows the strength of the tailed beasts. They are very powerful. Once the tailed beasts go to the battlefield, the damage caused will be Every village can't bear it, and Zhujian thinks that every village may choose to stop fighting because they can't bear the cost of war!" Ning Yuan said: "Of course, we all know that Zhujian's method failed!"

"So what Ning Organization wants to do is the first one?" Yahiko finally raised his head.

"No!" Ning Yuan shook his head: "The third one I want to choose!"

"Is there a third way?" Yahiko's eyes widened: "What is it?"

"Great unity!"

"Unification?" Yahiko was surprised.

Xiaonan also frowned.

As for Nagato, he has long hair and no change in expression.

"That's right, it's the great unification!" Ning Yuan nodded: "This is not something I just thought of, but it is a method that has been proven in history to be successful!"

"History?" Yahiko looked confused: "Has anyone in history successfully unified the world?"

"Goddess of Mao, haven't you heard of her?" Ning Yuan asked.

"Ah?" Yahiko was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

He had really heard of the Goddess of Us. This was a story that everyone in the ninja world knew. The Goddess of Us brought peace to the world, but she destroyed it with her own hands.


"Isn't this a story?" Yahiko asked.

"Of course this is not a story!" Ning Yuan pointed to his own eyes: "My eyes are proof that we, the Hyuga clan, are the direct descendants of the goddess Uno!"

With that said, Ning Yuan pointed to Nagato behind Yahiko: "And Nagato, is your surname Uzumaki?"

"Ah?" Nagato was stunned, then nodded: "How do you know?"

"Because your hair is the iconic color of the Uzumaki clan!" Ning Yuan said: "There is also a Uzumaki clan member in Konoha Village with the same hair color as you. She is also a member of our Ning organization. I have the opportunity to introduce you to her! "

"There is still a Uzumaki clan in Konoha Village?" Nagato was stunned for a moment, then became excited.

I'm not the last member of the Uzumaki clan? Do I have a tribe?

"The Uzumaki clan is also the direct descendant of the goddess Mao!" Ning Yuan continued.

"Ah?" Yahiko was stunned, and immediately turned to look at Nagato: "Nagato, you are actually a descendant of a god!"

"I, I don't know!" Nagato was a little confused. He really didn't know about this.

"Don't you realize that there is a big difference between Nagato and ordinary people?" Ning Yuan asked.

"It's true!" Yahiko nodded: "Nagato was born with all five attributes, and his talent in ninjutsu is enviable! We thought he was just an ordinary genius, but we didn't expect it."

"His talents are all brought by the Uzumaki bloodline, and the power of the Uzumaki bloodline comes from the Goddess of Mao!" Ning Yuan continued: "The era when the Goddess of Mao lived was much more chaotic than it is now. On the earth, there are not only Countless small countries, as well as various gods and ghosts, were causing trouble in the world. The goddess of Uo almost killed all the hair gods and unified all the countries together. This was the first era of great peace in the ninja world! "

"That's it!" Yahiko nodded, so unification is really an effective method?

"In addition, although Hashirama proved that the method of distributing tailed beasts is not feasible, he also proved the feasibility of unification from another angle!" Ning Yuan said: "An example is the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan, two originally hostile groups. The tribe immediately became peaceful after living in the same village!”

"The current five ninja villages can also be regarded as the five great ninja clans. As long as they are unified and live in one village, peace will naturally come!"

"After all, no matter how great the hatred between villages is, can it be greater than the hatred between the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan?"

"What is the hatred between the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan?" Yahiko asked curiously.

He's not a local, so he really doesn't know.

"Let's put it this way!" Ning Yuan thought for a while and said: "The two clans first fought against each other for a thousand years from a thousand years ago to 44 years ago, and then in the generation of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, their fathers All died together, only one of Senju Hashirama's five brothers died, and three of Uchiha Madara's four brothers died, all caused by the opposite party! Uchiha Madara's last brother, Uchiha Izuna, also died in Senju! In the hands of Hashirama’s brother!”

"Ah this." Yahiko was shocked.

This hatred is really too great!

Can this all be peaceful? It seems that this unification is really a way to achieve peace!

"My idea is very simple. First make the Kingdom of Fire stronger, and then divide the troops into four groups to attack the Kingdom of Wind, Kingdom of Earth, Kingdom of Thunder, and Kingdom of Water at the same time. The decision will be made in one battle! From then on, the ninja world will be unified!"

I didn’t mention small countries because there is no need to mention them. How can I tell about the strength of small countries?

One shadow level can fight against a country!

"Hiss" Yahiko took a breath, this idea is indeed very simple.

But the courage is amazing!

However, Yahiko felt that it was very feasible.

After all, the Fire Country is already popularizing education and is also engaged in industrial development. It is not impossible to fight against the other four countries with the power of one country!

"How? Is my method much better than yours?" Ning Yuan asked.

"But if you do this, many people will die!" Yahiko thought for a while and said hesitantly.

"If we don't do this, more people will die!" Ning Yuan said lightly: "With great unification, one generation will die. If there is no great unification, generations of people will die!"

Yahiko was silent.

He didn't know how to answer.

After all, he is only in the third grade of elementary school.

It was already difficult for him to come up with a peaceful strategy on his own, and what he came up with was still a strategy full of loopholes.

Ning Yuan's strategy is not impeccable. After all, if the unification war fails, he will become a mess.

But there is nothing wrong with the strategy of unification itself!

"Join us!" Ning Yuan patted Yahiko on the shoulder: "Our Ning organization needs like-minded people to work with me to achieve our goals!"

"I, I want to think about it again." Although Ning Yuan's method was correct, Yahiko had persisted for more than two years after all, and he couldn't do it if he was asked to just give up.

"Actually, there is another way to verify my method!" Ning Yuan laughed.

"What?" Yahiko raised his head.

"Isn't the Kingdom of Rain currently at war?" Ning Yuan said with a smile: "Can the unification of the Kingdom of Rain bring peace to the Kingdom of Rain?"

This seems to be a question, but it is actually a statement.

Because this question already has an answer. When Hanzo was here, wasn't the Kingdom of Rain peaceful?

The example of his country became the last straw that broke the balance in Yahiko's heart.

"Our Akatsuki organization is willing to join the Ning organization!" Yahiko stretched out his hand seriously: "For the sake of great unification!"

Ning Yuan nodded with relief and stretched out his hand: "For world peace!"

This route seems to have been written by me in a book before.

But at this point in time, this method is indeed the optimal route.

Next time I write about Naruto, I have to change the plot. I can't unify it, otherwise it will be too homogeneous.

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