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"Who is that person? Why does he look so strange?" Xiri Hong chased Ning Yuan and looked at the ground that had returned to calm with a curious look on her face.

"A filial son who is committed to saving his mother!" Ning Yuan replied.

"Ah?" Xiri Hong was at a loss. Was this part included in the content you just talked about?

"Let's go back!" Ning Yuan's tone sank, and it was clear that he didn't want to continue chatting.

Xiri Hong felt that the atmosphere was wrong and could only nod: "Okay!"

After sending Xiri Hong home, Ning Yuan first returned to the Hyuga family, and then with a Flying Thunder God Technique, he returned to the place where he saw Kurozetsu in the daytime.

He followed a direction and moved quickly. At first, he was just walking slowly, gradually turning into a trot, and then into a gallop. In the end, he had turned into a phantom, which was already invisible to the naked eye!

In just one hour, Ning Yuan crossed nearly 400 kilometers from the border of the Land of Fire to the border of the Land of Fields.

At a certain place in the Land of Fields, Ning Yuan suddenly stopped, and then, just like Black Zetsu sank into the soil during the day, he gradually sank into the soil.

What's more amazing is that in the process of sinking into the soil, his entire skin was also changing towards the direction of the soil. In just a moment, he had completely transformed into a native!

Chakra elementalization!

"So Madara's headquarters is not in the Land of Fire, but in the Land of Earth?" When Ning Yuan watched the anime, he thought that Madara's secret base was under the Kanna Kun Bridge, but now it seems not.

However, there is also an advantage in choosing the Land of Fields. There is no ninja village in this place, and it rarely experiences war. The people here rely on farming for a living. Under the small peasant economy, there is not much money, and they can't afford to hire ninjas to complete tasks, so there are few ninjas passing by at ordinary times.

Orochimaru may have chosen this place as his base in the future, and he may have taken a fancy to this point. It can only be said that great minds think alike.

After sinking only 40 meters, Ning Yuan felt the difference in the material under his feet.

It has changed from soil to bricks and stones.

However, this did not affect his infiltration, except that the elementalization had to be transformed from soil to stone.

Five seconds later, Ning Yuan fell from the empty ceiling and appeared in a corridor.

Looking at the furnishings around him, it felt like, how should I put it, a tomb robber.

There was an open door next to Ning Yuan. Ning Yuan sensed it first, then opened his Byakugan and found that the cave was full of ore?

"Chakra metal?" Ning Yuan was a little surprised. He hurried into the room and picked up a piece of ore to feel it.

It really was chakra metal.

This kind of thing was no longer in short supply after he took control of the entire Fire Country.

It was scarce in the Ninja World before, because this metal was only useful to Ninjas, and Ninjas did not mine, and ordinary people lacked the knowledge and demand for this metal, and would not take the initiative to mine.

After the Ning Organization took control of the Fire Country, under the official-led prospecting activities, a large number of Chakra metal mines were discovered.

But those were all changes brought about by Ning Yuan. If there was no Ning Yuan, the ore piled in this room might be the reserves of the entire Ninja World.

Ning Yuan thought about the fact that Akatsuki needed to make money later. It stands to reason that Madara should have given all the relics to Obito.

Then why didn't Obito sell these metals? At least he could give them to Akatsuki!

Oh, Obito didn't want to help the enemy, and didn't trust Akatsuki?

That's fine.

"Hey, was he discovered?" Ning Yuan was stunned, and then looked in one direction.

In the corner of the room, there was a person hiding in the ore pile, looking at him curiously.

The reason why he didn't find this person was because he was a white Zetsu, and his breath was exactly the same as that of trees.

"What are you doing here?" Ning Yuan asked.

The man didn't say anything.

Ning Yuan asked again: "Pretending to be dead?"

White Zetsu still didn't say anything.

"If you don't say anything, I'll set fire to it!" Ning Yuan said again.

"I'm just a piece of ore, why are you burning me!" White Zetsu quickly got up, and suddenly felt something was wrong: "Wait, I'm an ore, I'm not afraid of fire, then you burn it!"

Ning Yuan was speechless, it turned out to be a psychopath.

He thought that the White Zetsu who liked to feel the poop was an exception, but now it seems that he is not.

"Buzz" A strong wind came from behind him, Ning Yuan turned his head to avoid it, and then jumped back, his feet stuck to the ceiling.

Looking up, it was another White Zetsu.

White Zetsu does not share vision like the Samsara Eye, but has a communication method unique to plants, so even if Ning Yuan encountered a mental patient, he knew that he had been discovered.

But he was not panicked at all, and did not launch a counterattack, but just relied on his agile body to avoid the attack of this White Zetsu.

The combat power of White Zetsu is only about the level of Chunin, and he does not know ninjutsu. His most troublesome ability is that he can change into the appearance of others. This move is amazing in large-scale combat.

But now Ning Yuan is alone, and this move is useless.

Ning Yuan dodged and ran, and moved more than ten meters in a few seconds.

Then this White Zetsu began to worry, and the offensive became more and more fierce, and several White Zetsu appeared from nowhere and joined the siege together.

Even so, Ning Yuan was still like a flexible monkey, able to escape from various attacks and continue to move forward.

Until he reached the end of the corridor and saw a huge door.

This door was also open. Oh no, it should be said that there was only a door frame, but no door.

Inside the door was a square as big as a basketball court. At the end of the square was a chair with a gray-haired old man sitting on it.

Behind the old man, there was a strange tube inserted, which spread to the wall behind him, and no one knew where it led to.

"Is it you, Ning Yuan?" A black shadow suddenly emerged from the darkness beside the old man, and asked in horror: "How could you follow me here? You left traces on me?"

The old man also raised his head and looked at Ning Yuan.

He was stunned when he found that it was a child of only seven or eight years old.

He was very clear about the ability of Black Zetsu, which was quite hidden and difficult to track.

But this child could actually follow all the way here?

"Baiyan, from the Hyuga family? Or a branch family!" Madara asked calmly: "Your name is Hyuga Ningyuan?"

"Yes!" Ning Yuan nodded.

"How did you get here?" Madara asked, "As far as I know, the Byakugan shouldn't be able to do this!"

"My Byakugan is a little special!" Ning Yuan said, "Just like the Uchiha clan's Sharingan can evolve into the Samsara Eye, the Hyuga clan's Byakugan can also evolve. The evolved eyes are called the Samsara Eye, which is the same level as the Samsara Eye!"

He pointed to his eyes: "Although my eyes have not yet evolved completely, they have already shown many magical powers, such as tracking the traces of this Mr. Ajutsu!"

"Samsara Eye, Samsara Eye?" Madara was stunned and asked curiously, "How do you know this? Even if your Hyuga clan has relevant records, you can't see it as a branch family!"

As expected of Madara, he is different from Black Zetsu.

When Ning Yuan mentioned the Goddess of Mao, Black Zetsu did not show any doubts. When Ning Yuan mentioned the Samsara Eye, Madara immediately felt something was wrong.

If a head of the Hyuga family knows this, it is understandable. The Hyuga clan has been passed down for thousands of years.

But the one in front of him is just a branch family!

"My eyes told me!" Ning Yuan pointed to his eyes and said, "Since my eyes began to awaken, I can see some fragments of the past from time to time. Memories, I can see a white-eyed, white-haired, very beautiful woman being sealed by the moon, I can see an old man dividing a huge monster into nine small ones."

"Is there such a thing?" Before Madara spoke, Hei Zetsu couldn't help it. Although I didn't follow the Hyuga, I have never heard of such a thing!

"There is such a thing!" Ning Yuan nodded: "I think this is a kind of genetic memory, which is no different from the bloodline limits of other families, except that other families awaken abilities. When we awaken, in addition to gaining abilities, we can also gain some memories!"

"As for why this is the case, I think it may be because my ancestors are too powerful!"

Anyway, from ancient times to the present, I am the only one who has evolved the white eyes. Isn't it up to me to make it up?

Hei Zetsu blinked and believed it a little.

Because he knew that in terms of blood relationship, the Hyuga clan was actually closer to the mother. If the Hyuga clan could gain memories when their blood returned to their ancestors, it would not be surprising at all.

Because the mother is really powerful!

This also solved his doubts, why this child worships his mother so much.

Because he saw it with his own eyes in his inherited memory!

"Is that so!" Madara was also very curious, because when he awakened the Samsara Eye, there was no memory attached.

However, when awakening the Mangekyō and Samsara Eye, they will automatically know the ability of both eyes. Isn't this a kind of memory inheritance?

It can be seen that the Uchiha clan also has the so-called genetic memory, but the Uchiha clan worships power too much, so only the memory related to power is left, and other irrelevant ones are not left?

"It seems that you are still a genius!" Madara exclaimed: "But don't you think your curiosity is too heavy? You break into other people's territory for no reason. Aren't you afraid of death?"

"Of course I am afraid of death, but I am very strong, and ordinary people can't kill me!" Ning Yuan laughed: "Curiosity without strength is called the way to death. Having strength and being full of curiosity is called a pure heart!"

"Interesting!" Madara easily understood the meaning of a pure heart, because he also watched the prehistoric.

He really didn't mean to kill Ning Yuan. His dream was world peace, not killing innocent people.

After all, Ning Yuan didn't show any opposition to his plan.

Instead, he thought about taking in a disciple.

After all, he was already very old, and after his death, he would need someone to assist Nagato to complete his plan.

At first, his plan was to find someone in the Uchiha clan. He knew very well what kind of power an Uchiha who got love and lost love could burst out.

As for Hyuga, he never took it seriously.

But the Hyuga in front of him gave him other ideas.

Madara didn't believe that the reincarnation eye and the samsara eye were at the same level. He tended to think that Ning Yuan was bragging.

But even if they were not at the same level, the reincarnation eye and the Mangekyō were at the same level.

After all, Madara also knew the difficulty of awakening the Mangekyō. What if he didn't find a suitable one before he died?

Two birds in the bush are worth a bird in the hand!

Thinking of this, Madara's face straightened up: "You said you are very strong, how strong are you, can you beat a jonin?"

"Jounin?!" Ning Yuan shook his head: "I haven't fought him, but I've seen Jounin fights, and I feel like they're very average, I can beat them easily!"

"Really!" Madara shook his head, then raised his hand to form a seal, and a clone condensed from his side.

"Let me test you, how about that!"


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