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Chapter 157 Scorpion tries to stop the war

As the Wind Country began preparations for war, Ning Yuan, who was in class, immediately received the news.

It wasn't that he had planted spies in the Sand Village, but that the imports of paper escape, steel, and grain from the Sand Village and the Wind Country suddenly soared.

After nearly a year of trade, Ning's merchants had already had an accurate understanding of the consumption of various resources in the Sand Village, and the materials transported there were just the right amount.

There were no earthquakes or volcanic eruptions at this time, so why did they suddenly import a large amount of grain?

It can only be used for preparations for war!


"The war has been advanced by three years. Can Scorpion still kill the Third Kazekage?" Ning Yuan was paying attention to the war, and was curious whether Scorpion could repeat the feat of the original work.

It shouldn't be possible, after all, Scorpion is only 12 years old this year, and Scorpion will be 15 years old three years later.

Scorpion is a genius, and it's reasonable for him to have the strength of a Kage at the age of 15.

Now, he is at most a Jonin.

But it's hard to say. If you can't kill him head-on, you can still sneak attack him or poison him.

As long as the Third Kazekage is not prepared for Scorpion, it's still possible to succeed.

Come on, little Scorpion!

However, Ning Yuan himself doesn't want the Third Kazekage to be killed by Scorpion's sneak attack, because the Third Kazekage's technique is very large and looks very fierce.

But he controls Iron Sand, which is completely countered by Lightning Release.

Whether he meets him or Minato, he will only be beaten and then his reputation will be brushed.

Such a good NPC for brushing reputation died silently, which is a bit of a pity.

But it's just a pity.

Luo Sha controls Gold Sand, and the scene is no worse than this Third Kazekage. It's also a good choice for brushing reputation. If the Third Kazekage dies, there is still the Fourth Generation, it's the same.

By the way, what is the Third Kazekage called?

When Ning Yuan cheered for Scorpion, Scorpion also smelled the breath of war.

"Is there going to be a war?" Scorpion looked at the ninjas running from the Kazekage office building to various places in the village, and he keenly noticed something was wrong.

Although he was still young during the last war, he was a genius with an excellent memory, so he remembered this scene.

It was also such a ninja who knocked on the door of his own home, and then his parents left him.

A few months later, the news of his parents' death came.

Scorpion did not hate Konoha White Fang who killed his parents, because he clearly knew that it was not someone who killed his parents, but the war!

It was the person who started the war!

Last time he was too young, his words had no weight, and no one cared about him at all.

But now, he has not only become a Chunin, but also a genius puppeteer who is already quite famous in the Sand Village.


Scorpion put down the parts in his hand, got up, and came to the Kazekage office building alone.

"Red Sand Scorpion, please see Lord Kazekage!"

"Do you have something important to do?" The ninja at the door asked, "Lord Kazekage has a lot of things to do today. If it's not something important, let's find another time!"

"It's very important, it concerns the life and death of countless people!" Scorpion said seriously.

"Oh?" The ninja was stunned at first, and then became excited.

Of course he knew who the person in front of him was, a genius ninja, a young talent who invented many puppets at a young age.

Could it be that he invented a very powerful puppet?

"I'll inform you!" said the ninja, and then trotted into the office.

After a while, he came to the door again: "Lord Kazekage agreed to see you!"

The furnishings of the Kazekage's office are very similar to those of the Hokage's office building, and even the windows are the same size.

It's just that the Hokage's windows are clean and bright, but the Kazekage's windows are covered with thick sand and soil, and he never thought of finding someone to clean them.

Hesha sat behind his desk processing documents. Because of the war, he needed to coordinate everything, so he was very busy now.

He was born in the Warring States Period and grew up in the new era, so he has many characteristics of old-era ninjas, such as stubbornness and meticulousness.

Seeing Scorpion coming in, Hesha didn't even raise his head and asked casually: "What matter can be related to the lives of countless people?"

"War, isn't it?" Scorpion frowned and asked: "Is our village going to start a war again?"

"What are you talking about? Does our village often start wars?" Hesha said unhappily.

"Didn't we take the initiative to start the last war?" Scorpion said unhappily: "The Rain Country is not connected to our territory, why should we send people to the Rain Country to participate in the war!"

"I don't want to discuss this with you!" Hesha said coldly.

In fact, it is true that they can't argue.

In the last war, they actually wanted to see if there was any benefit. If the three countries of Fire, Earth and Thunder wanted to divide the Rain Country, they could at least get a little soup if they participated in the war, right?

But they and Konoha were on the same road to the Land of Rain. Konoha was afraid that the Sand Village would block their way back, so it sent Hatake Sakumo to defend in the rear.

As a result, a defensive battle was turned into an annihilation battle by Hatake Sakumo.

Since then, the feud between Konoha and the Sand Village has been formed.

This battle was a typical case of stealing but losing the rice. Others were concerned about his face as the Third Kazekage, so no one said anything about it.

Only this Scorpion, relying on his elder grandmother and parents who died in the war, kept mentioning it, which made him lose face.

But this child was very smart, and he couldn't win over him with reason!

"We have already lost once, why can't we learn from this?" Scorpion asked pleadingly, "I have already lost my parents, I don't want to see other children lose their parents too!"

"Scorpion, things between countries are not as simple as you think!" Hesha said coldly, "Besides, you are a ninja, and ninjas must obey the orders of their superiors. Since the war has been decided, what you should do is not come to me and say discouraging words, but go back to study puppets and help the Sand Village win this war!"

"You!" Scorpion roared angrily, "My puppets are an art created to protect the village and my family. "The art of killing is not to be used as an executioner on the battlefield!"

"Naive!" Hesha sneered: "As long as the puppet is born, it is destined to be used on the battlefield. If you don't use it to kill the enemy, how can you protect the village and your family?"

"As long as we don't take the initiative to attack, the enemy will not appear in the desert at all!" Xie said: "There is nothing in our desert, why would there be enemies? Are they here to eat sand?"

"Bang!" Hesha slammed the table heavily: "Xie, pay attention to your identity!"


"Go down!"


"Go down!"

Xie gritted his teeth and could only turn around and leave.

But after taking only two steps, he suddenly turned back: "Is this war really inevitable?"

"The puppets have already started, and they can't be stopped!" Hesha sighed and said earnestly: "Scorpion, you are a genius, a genius who can surpass all the puppet masters of the past. I hope you don't think about these insignificant things all day long. All you have to do is to improve, invent puppets, and then contribute your strength to the village!!"

It is obvious that Hesha is not good at persuasion. His words can't convince Scorpion, but instead arouse the rebellious psychology of the 12-year-old boy.

You always say that you contribute your strength to the village. My parents did so, and then what?

They died!

The death was meaningless and worthless!

Even if they were buried in the monument to the heroes, so what?

If they were alive, they could obviously make greater contributions to the village!

Didn't a puppet master say that it was because there were too few people in the Sand Village that they had to develop puppetry.

Then why should such precious people be wasted on the battlefield in vain?

It seems that only talking can't change his mind at all.

The only way is death!

Once the puppet starts moving, it can't stop?

No, as long as the person controlling the puppet dies, the puppet will naturally stop!

With a long sigh of relief, Scorpion's eyes became much firmer.

He pushed open the door of the office and walked out in style.

"Have you thought it through?" Hesha glanced at Scorpion's back as he left, then shook his head and didn't care.

He had too many things to do and didn't have time to waste on a little Chunin.

Even if this Chunin was a genius.

"The last war between Sand Village and Konoha was not long ago, but that war took place in the Land of Rain, and this time the battlefield is in the Land of Rivers. Although I am familiar with this place, I haven't seen it for a few years. I don't know if there are any changes. I have to explore it." Looking through the map, Hesha had an idea in his mind, and then wrote it down on the paper next to him.

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