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Chapter 167: Differences in Ideology and Villagers

Chapter 167: Differences in Concepts · Villagers

The Sand Village did not play tricks anymore and retreated all the way to the border of the River Country, giving up several Konoha patrol points that had been occupied.

When Chiyo arrived at an occupied town in the River Country, she counted the losses, and then, as an old man, she had an urge to cry.

80 jonins, 46 died, and there were no injured.

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9 elite jonins, 7 died!

The remaining two, one is called Luo Sha and the other is called Jialuo.

She no longer hates Luo Sha for taking Jialuo away, but feels that this person knows the times and has the opportunity.

If he hadn't taken Jialuo away, I'm afraid it wouldn't be 7 people who died, but nine!

What hurt Chiyo the most was the death of Ye Cang!

Ye Cang is a Scorch Release Ninja!

And he is still young and in the marriage and childbearing period!

If she could get married and have children, it would not be a problem to raise a bloodline family in the Sand Village!

Chiyo didn't know that Ye Cang was too fierce later and became a hero, so that no one was worthy of her.

"Damn Minato!" Chiyo gritted her teeth in anger, but she thought about it and couldn't think of any way to restrain Minato except to smear poison on her family.

Even the method of smearing poison on the body didn't work, because the wind blade in Minato's hand was 50 centimeters long!

No, I have to develop a new poison, colorless and odorless, and the kind that can spread!

"Elder, Konoha ninjas are here again, just outside the city!"

"What do you mean!" Chiyo got up angrily and came to the city wall, and saw a group of Konoha ninjas had already set up tents outside, and the leader was none other than Minato.

In fact, the leader was Jiraiya, but now Chiyo's attention was all on Minato.

What three ninjas, I don't know!

"Minato, what do you mean? We have already withdrawn from the territory of the Land of Fire. Why are you still chasing us?" Chiyo asked sternly.

"What do you think?" Minato asked back.

Chiyo was silent.

The Land of Rivers is the isolation zone between the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind. Neither country can station troops in such a place.

Chiyo wanted to be clever, but Minato didn't fall for it!

She could only grit her teeth and nodded: "Okay, let's continue to retreat!"

This time, she really wanted to break her teeth!

Because the city behind was the city she chose to fight Konoha, the Sand Village spent a lot of resources to restore, build, and reinforce the city.

Who knew that her large army could be beaten back by one person in one day?

And this city has not been repaired yet, it is not worth much use at all!

In other words, not only did all the resources invested in the early stage go down the drain, but the city might also be cheap for Konoha.

People died, money was gone, what did the Sand Village get in this war!

"Retreat!" Chiyo waved her hand and turned away.

She didn't want to look at Minato any more, even though he was a handsome guy!

Next to Minato, Jiraiya looked confused: "Can the war be fought like this?"

Without a single soldier, only one strong man is needed to force a village to retreat?

"Why not?" Minato asked back: "Didn't the first generation and Uchiha Madara fight like this?"

Jiraiya was speechless, you still want to be compared with the God of Ninja!

But after thinking about it, if it is the son of prophecy who can change the world, it is normal to be on par with the God of Ninja in strength?

So Minato can reach that height?

That's really

Besides being excited, Jiraiya was inexplicably sad.

On Minato's growth path, he seemed to have nothing else except providing a Flying Thunder God Scroll.

Minato learned all the ninjutsu from Kushina, including the Senju Collection and the Uzumaki clan's sealing technique.

Taijutsu, as early as when Minato met Jiraiya, had already formed its own system.

As for the telepathy technique, he wanted Minato to sign a contract, but was rejected by Minato.

But then again, only he knew how much help he had given Minato, and outsiders didn't know.

Having such a disciple was enough for him to be proud of for the rest of his life!

"How should we fight next?" Jiraiya asked.

He didn't even realize that he had been following Minato's advice.

This is the law of the ninja world, the strong are respected.

"First, take back all the cities in the River Country, then build fortresses on the border and send people to garrison!" Minato said, "After that, send the battle report back to the village and see how the Hokage decides!"

"But the River Country is a neutral country, and we can't station troops there!" Jiraiya said.

"But the Sand Village didn't submit a letter of defeat, nor did it sign a peace agreement with us, which means we are still in a state of war. Since it is a state of war, there is no such thing as a neutral country. There is only a war zone here!" Minato said coldly.

"This" Jiraiya was silent, as if it made sense.

Let's do it!

He sorted out the battle report. Actually, there was nothing much to sort out. Except for the first battle, everyone still felt a sense of participation. The rest was all Minato's highlight.

"Take a look, is there anything wrong with what was written!" Jiraiya sorted out the battle report and handed it to Minato.

"Do we also need to report the militia in Xitang Town?" Minato asked after looking at the battle report.

"Of course we should report it!" Jiraiya said, "We are the only military organization in the Land of Fire, so the militia in Xitang Town is an illegal organization!"

"What will the village do?" Minato asked.

"We will strictly order Xitang Town to disband the militia, or ask the daimyo to order the disbandment of the militia, but it should be the latter!" Jiraiya said: "You see there is a militia in Xitang Town, and maybe other villages also have it, so the daimyo needs to give a unified order !”

"But isn't the existence of militia a good thing for towns?" Minato asked: "They can maintain law and order, and they can also eliminate bandits and drive away wild boars."

"If there are bandits or wild boars, they can invite Konoha ninjas!" Jiraiya said: "The next C-level mission will be fine!"

"A C-level mission costs hundreds of thousands taels!" Minato said.

"But if it's a village, the money isn't much!" Jiraiya said.

"What if the bandits are rampant and directly massacre the village? Because the village has no militia, it is too late to come to Konoha to issue the mission?" Minato asked: "Such examples are not uncommon!"

After all, if you don't massacre the village, the villagers will find ninjas to massacre you.

If you slaughter a village, ninjas may come to your door, but at least the news will spread slower.

Of course, the bandits may not be able to think that far ahead or have that pattern, but after all, there are such examples.

Jiraiya was silent. He couldn't refute this because he had indeed taken over such a task.

"But if these towns all form militias, we in Konoha will have no mission!" Jiraiya asked: "If there is no mission, how will everyone survive?"

"Every ninja is the backbone of the family. They have parents, grandparents, a wife and children to support. A C-level mission may be their monthly expenses!"

"Then we can only sit back and watch the villagers being massacred by bandits?" Minato asked in return.

Jiraiya was silent again, and after a long time he murmured: "But this is how ninjas have always survived!"

"This has always been the case, right?" Minato asked.

Jiraiya was silent.

"Have you not noticed that times have changed?" Minato continued: "In the past, ninja families were scattered throughout the Land of Fire, so they could easily wipe out bandits and bandits, but now all ninjas are concentrated in In a village, it takes several days to find people from remote areas. Inconvenient transportation will cause information lag, and the price of information lag is that the village will be slaughtered."

"So the method of hiring ninjas for missions was still available during the Warring States Period, but in the Ninja Village Era, this system is no longer applicable!"

"Really?" Jiraiya scratched his head: "Although what you said makes sense, there must be something wrong!"

"What's wrong?" Minato asked.

"I don't know!" Jiraiya shook his head: "But I know that the first, second, third, and Orochimaru Tsunade are all extremely smart people. No one thinks there is anything wrong with this system. Why do you think so? Have a problem?"

Minato was silent.

"There must be something good that you didn't see!"

Minato was speechless.

Patting Minato's shoulder, Jiraiya said sadly: "Actually, I'm just like you. When I was young, I couldn't get used to this and that. But over time, I gradually got used to it. You're just still young, etc. You’ll understand when you’re older!”

Minato might understand why Ningyuan didn't invite Jiraiya.

He seems to have avant-garde ideas and writes novels, but in fact he is an old stubborn with old-fashioned ideas.

He adheres to a very selfish law in his heart.

Not to benefit oneself, but to benefit the village.

In short, Jiraiya valued the village very seriously, even more than his teacher, Orochimaru, Tsunade, and even his own life.

In order to protect the interests of the village, Jiraiya would do anything, and would even threaten Tsunade.

And this selfishness also spread to Naruto.

If you take a closer look, you will find that these two people have one thing in common. They talk to themselves without caring about what others think or whether what they say is right or not.

Anyway, everything I said is right and everything you said is wrong.

If I can't quarrel with you, then let's have a fight first, and then talk away after the physical persuasion is over.

As for the various questions you raised?

Sorry, I can't solve it. I only know that people should understand each other.

The various ideas you came up with?

Sorry, I can't understand. I only know that people should understand each other.

Ning Yuan didn't know whether this kind of brain circuit was insufficiently structured or a kind of subtle brainwashing.

Nagato's parents were killed, his brothers were killed, and his village was slaughtered, but he still had to forgive others.

Sasuke's whole family was killed, and he was left with only one arm, but it was not the village's fault, but Sasuke's fault. You, Sasuke, have to reflect on it and see if the village will forgive you!

Cheap or not!

Anyway, Ning Yuan couldn't understand this kind of brain circuit.

If someone offends him, he will only respond by killing their entire family.

As for forgiveness? Let God forgive him. My task is to send him to see God.

I am talking about God Haotian, Ning Yuan is not religious.

Minato couldn't think that far, and he didn't know that he would have a son named Naruto.

After just a few simple words with Jiraiya, he completely understood the differences between the organizational philosophy and Jiraiya's philosophy.

If he points it out and Jiraiya is willing to learn to correct it, then no problem, everyone will be comrades from now on.

But it was obvious that Jiraiya had no intention of correcting himself and even tried to correct Minato.

Minato sighed and thought of what Ning Yuan said.

If we have different ideologies, we cannot work together.

So, teacher, will we become enemies in the future?

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