People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 169 Akatsuki and the Militia

Danzo opened the door of the Hokage's office without saying hello.

When he came in, he had a look on his face that everyone could see: "I'm unhappy!"

Who has offended him again?

"What happened? Have you received the battle report from the front line?" Sarutobi Hiruzen asked.

"The support troops will set out today, right? How come they have already met?" Danzo was a little surprised.

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded with satisfaction. It seems that Danzo has not received the battle report yet, which means that there are no Danzo people in the vanguard.

I have to write down the names of these people later so that I can reuse them in the future.

"There is no rush for the battle report, it's all a small matter!" Sarutobi Hiruzen knocked on the table: "Sit down, and then tell me about your business!"

"What can I do?" Danzo answered subconsciously.

"Danzo, I suggest you better tell me clearly, don't wait until things go wrong before I know it!" Sarutobi Hiruzen said sternly: "After all, I am the Hokage!"

"Asshole!" Danzo gritted his teeth immediately, bastard, you have suppressed me for so many years with just one sentence?

"Hmph, what a big deal, it's just that another force has risen in the Land of Rain!" Danzo said lightly.

"The Land of Rain?" Sarutobi Hiruzen subconsciously smoked a cigarette: "What's the situation in the Land of Rain now, is Hanzo no longer in charge? Or is he dead?"

"Hanzo is still alive, but he is no longer in charge." Danzo said: "The newly rising force is called Akatsuki Organization, which was founded two years ago. Two months ago, it was a small organization with only 1,500 people. Now the number of core members is close to 20,000, and it has occupied six towns."

"20,000!" Sarutobi Hiruzen narrowed his eyes.

Although this number is large, it doesn't scare Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Because each village has a different definition of ninja.

For example, the current standard of Konoha Village is that you can become a regular ninja by knowing the Three Body Techniques, so the number of regular ninjas is only 5,000 to 6,000.

If some standards are relaxed, such as knowing only one Three Body Technique is also considered a ninja, then the number of regular ninjas can surge to tens of thousands.

If the policy is relaxed, for example, if a person has chakra in his body, he can be considered a ninja, the number of ninjas in the army can increase to 20,000 to 30,000.

This is how the 100,000 ninjas during the Fourth World War came about. The standard of ninjas was directly lowered, and a large number of people with chakra in their bodies were recruited. After a short training, they were considered ninjas after being given a forehead protector.

What is the standard for the Rain Country?

There is no standard, and there is no requirement for chakra.

As long as you can pick up a knife and fight, you are a ninja.

Anyway, ninjutsu can kill people, and knives can kill people, so what is the difference?

The reason for the formulation of this policy was that the Rain Country conquered the Iron Country.

There are so many warriors in the Iron Country, so they can't just not treat them, so there is such a rule.

As a result, other countries attacked the Iron Country not long after it was taken over, and the connection between the Rain Country and the Iron Country was cut off.

This policy did not affect the Iron Country, but affected the Rain Country itself.

Among the 20,000 people in the Akatsuki organization, it would be good if there were 10,000 people with chakra, and there might be less than 1,000 people who can do a three-body technique.

As for quantity without quality, there is no need to worry about it.

What Sarutobi Hiruzen cares about is that if the power can be expanded tenfold in two months, then what about another two months, a year, or even two years? Can the Rain Country be unified?

"What is your idea?" Sarutobi Hiruzen asked: "Unite with the Rain Country to suppress the Akatsuki organization?"

After all, Danzo knew that Hanzo was no longer in charge, so he must have made contact.

"That's exactly what I think!" Danzo nodded: "A Hanzo who has seen the power of a big country and lost his fighting spirit is more beneficial to us!"

"If this Akatsuki organization full of expansionist desires comes to power, he may unify the Rain Country on the first day and launch the Third Ninja World War on the second day!"

Danzo didn't know that the Third Ninja World War had already begun.

No one thought that the war between the Fire Country and the Wind Country was the prelude to the Third Ninja World War. Many people thought it was just a conflict between two villages.

"Then you can just advise Hanzo!" Sarutobi Hiruzen asked.

Even if he lost his fighting spirit, most of the power of the Rain Country was still in the hands of the Hidden Rain Village. As long as Hanzo wanted, he could wipe out all organizations.

"That's the problem!" Danzo said, "Hanzo doesn't want to attack Akatsuki, because it was created by a few teenagers, and Hanzo believes that these young people are the future of the Hidden Rain Village!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was speechless. What future? Aren't you afraid that these people will grow up and take your position as village chief?

This kind of orphan is like this, without any sense of crisis.

"Keep in touch and slowly convince them!" Sarutobi Hiruzen said, "For the time being, our forces are not suitable for deployment!"

"What happened?" Danzo asked.

A mere Wind Country is not worth Konoha's contraction of strength.

"You will know after you take a look!" Sarutobi Hiruzen handed over the second half of the battle report.

The content of Minato's cutting melons and vegetables was omitted, so that when Danzo got the vague content, he might misjudge Minato's strength and then attack Minato.

Winning is the best, but not winning doesn't matter, just to test Minato's strength.

If Minato comes to the door, he can also throw Danzo out to take the blame.

Kill three birds with one stone, perfect!

"Xitang Town formed a militia and used bows and arrows to repel the attack of the puppet troops of Sand Village?" Looking at the description in the battle report, Danzo widened his eyes: "There are more than 5,000 militia troops? They also kill wild boars and fight bandits themselves?"

Wild boars will proliferate if they are not taken care of. Both China and the United States are deeply troubled by the problem of wild boar proliferation. Even military phased radars are used to prevent wild boars.

The key is that wild boars are thick-skinned and live in groups. If there is no gun, ordinary farmers really have no way to deal with them.

The Fire Country also has the problem of wild boar proliferation, and driving wild boars away has become a mainstream task type for Konoha ninjas.

The key is that this task makes a lot of money, is safe, and you can bring wild boar meat back after it is done, so there is no ninja who doesn't like this task.

Now, the wild boars are solved by the villagers themselves. How can this be?

Like Jiraiya and Sarutobi Hiruzen, as a traditional ninja, Danzo's first thought is that doing so may affect the interests of ninjas.

The money that should have belonged to me is not being earned now, isn't that a loss?

If all the towns in the world do the same as you, how can our ninja village survive?

"Danzo, listen to the order!"


Although he quarreled with Sarutobi Hiruzen on weekdays, he still had to obey orders in formal occasions.

After all, Sarutobi Hiruzen is the Hokage.

"Send your roots to investigate nationwide to see how many towns have formed their own militias!" Sarutobi Hiruzen said: "Don't act rashly after the investigation. When the results are summarized to me, I will discuss with the daimyo and deal with it in a unified manner!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't know whether this was a personal behavior of Xitang Town or other towns.

If there is only one Xitang Town, then there is nothing to say, just send a ninja in to disarm.

But if other towns also have it, it may not be a problem of these towns. It is very likely that the leader behind it is actually the daimyo himself.

If this is the case, Sarutobi Hiruzen will have to consider changing a daimyo.

After sending Danzo away, Sarutobi Hiruzen started smoking again.

For a while, the Hokage's office was filled with smoke.

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought of a question. Every year, every month, and even every day, there are so many ninjas going out to perform missions. They travel between towns. How come they didn't find out that these towns were training militias?

Or did they find out but didn't report it?

"These ninjas have poor political vigilance!" Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head. He couldn't blame these ninjas. They didn't receive any education in this area since they were young. They probably wouldn't think much when they saw the militias.

Jiraiya was a big help!

Militia, Akatsuki, and Uchiha Obito, how could he graduate early?

The war was not urgent at this time, so there was no reason to let a group of students graduate early.

Let's wait and see, there's no rush.

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