People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 179 Sarutobi Hiruzen is depressed

Ning Yuan stayed in the Rain Country for a month and a half.

Although there was talent support from the Fire Country during this month and a half, the establishment of various departments, the selection of talents, and the use of the curse seal and personality reshaping technique still consumed a lot of time.

The main reason is the lack of talent. If it were modern China, let alone conquering a Hidden Rain Village, even if it conquered another China, it would not worry about the problem of no one to manage it. College students can take up their posts after a little training.

But what about the Fire Country and the Rain Country?

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There is not a single college student!

Of course, there must be people with college knowledge, such as those scientists and engineers who invented and improved computers, and their scientific research level may not be lower than that of Orochimaru.

But they have the knowledge level of college students, graduate students, doctors, and even professors and academicians, but they may not have the three views that Ning Yuan needs. It would be good if they take office and do not enrich themselves and exploit the people.

The coup in the Rain Country has been going on for almost two months, but the neighboring Land of Earth and Lightning Country have not felt anything at all.

The reason is very simple. First, the intelligence blockade work on the Hidden Rain Village is good. Second, the attention of the Land of Earth and the Land of Lightning is not on the Land of Rain.

There is also a third reason, that is, the big countries do not want to provoke the Land of Rain.

Hanzo thought he failed in the Second World War. In fact, although he failed, he did show the prestige of the Land of Rain and his deterrence.

So that unless it is necessary, the ninjas of the major ninja villages will not take the initiative to enter the Land of Rain, and naturally they will not be able to find any news.

In the original work, Pain has killed Hanzo for more than ten years, and Konoha Village still knows nothing about it. This is the embodiment of this situation.

The Land of Earth and the Land of Lightning did not receive the news, but Sarutobi Hiruzen did.

He felt something was wrong on the fourth day.

Because he suddenly lost contact with Sarutobi Shinnosuke.

That's right, they would communicate through the summoning beast every night.

It wasn't to communicate about the father-son relationship, but to report on Shimura Danzo's situation.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke followed Danzo to carry out the mission, one to grab the credit, and the other to monitor Danzo to prevent him from making merit.

However, it was time to report, but no news was received.

Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately realized that something might have happened.

After get off work, he did not work overtime, but hurried back to the family and called the elders of the Sarutobi clan.

"Did the clan members who followed Shinnosuke to the expedition send any information back?" Sarutobi Hiruzen asked.

"No!" The elders also looked anxious.

That's 80 clan members, all of them are senior ninjas!

All lost contact within one day, what does this mean?

"Neither Hanzo nor Danzo have the strength to destroy them. Even if they destroy some of them, there will always be someone who escapes and spreads the news!" Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned and said coldly: "If this happens, it must be that Danzo and Hanzo joined forces and launched a surprise attack on my people!"

In addition to the surprise attack, he really couldn't think of how to annihilate 81 jonin.

That's a jonin!

You know, it's not easy to annihilate a 4-man ninja team with 1 up and 3 down on weekdays!

How could he know that Ningyuan had a reincarnation eye that directly made all the Konoha ninjas lose their minds!

"That's the pillar of my Sarutobi clan. How can I explain this to their families!" The clan elder was worried and about to cry.

To be a jonin, you must be either a genius or a gifted person.

Not only do these people have to be fed and well-dressed by their families on weekdays, but they must also marry the best women first to keep their genes.

Therefore, 77 of these 81 people are married, 42 have children, and 22 have more than one child.

These women and children sent their husbands/fathers to the battlefield with the intention of making achievements, but they were all lost in just a few days?

"Don't worry!" Sarutobi Hiruzen said coldly: "Disappearance does not necessarily mean death, it may also be other accidents!"

For example, they were all captured alive?

He wanted to calm down, but after wandering around the house for a long time, he found that he could not calm down at all!

In his heart, the family is first, the village is second, and he would not be so heartbroken if the village lost a battle!

Not to mention that among these 81 jonin, there is also his favorite eldest son!

After wandering for a long time, he returned to the Hokage office building.

"Which jonin in the village is free now?" Sarutobi Hiruzen flipped out the task list and looked at it one by one.

Now is a war period. Some jonin have gone to the front line, and some have been on missions before and have not had time to come back when the war broke out.

Some have just returned to the village and are idle.

"Akimichi Rei, Yamanaka Inoichi, Nara Mitsukoshi!" Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes lit up, and he suddenly found a team of jonin!

They were from the Ino-Shika-Cho clan!

"Go and ask them to come over!" Sarutobi Hiruzen ordered.

Not long after, Akimichi Rei, Yamanaka Inoichi, and Nara Mitsukoshi appeared in the Hokage's office.

"Urgent mission!" Sarutobi Hiruzen handed over a task list: "Go and find out what happened in the Land of Rain!"


Ninja is a profession that does not require thinking. The three of them took the task list without any questions, and then left the Hokage's office building.

Then, they never came back.

Sarutobi Hiruzen regretted it because he was too anxious when announcing the mission and did not agree on a time.

If it took a year to collect this information, wouldn't he have to wait a year?

Sarutobi Hiruzen knew that these three people must have a way to contact their families. As long as he visited the Inar, Deer, and Butterfly clan, he would definitely be able to contact them.

But this idea lingered in Sarutobi Hiruzen's mind for a moment before giving up.

The Nara clan is so smart that he can tell something is wrong just by asking someone else.

Although the Nara clan has always been very loyal, they are loyal to the position of Hokage, not to someone in the position.

He could not reveal his weakness unless necessary.

As for whether these three people may have detected the news and reported it to their families?

This is unlikely. The Ninja clan and the Hokage still have a tacit understanding.

Now that your people have been handed over and become registered ninjas, you must listen to the Hokage honestly.

It's normal for a person to care about the Hokage and his family, but if he even tells the village's secrets to his family, that's a recipe for death.

After waiting for a month and still not receiving any news from the three of them, Sarutobi Hiruzen finally couldn't sit still.

He chose another jounin.

Aburame Zhuo.

The Aburame clan's sense of existence is already weak, and they can also use bugs to detect. Sending such people to detect information will not lack safety and concealment.

In order to prevent the situation of losing contact after going there again, Sarutobi Hiruzen asked Abura Taku to return to the Land of Fire every three days to report what he saw and heard.

If it is really impossible to arrange the time, you can move it one day in advance or postpone it by one day.

Of course, the best way is to report the discovery on the same day, but Aburame Taku and Sarutobi Hiruzen don't have a common psychic beast, so that's simply not possible.

Aburame Zhuo set off immediately after receiving the mission. She arrived at the border of the Kingdom of Fire the next afternoon and entered the Kingdom of Rain on the third day.

According to the agreement, he should return to the Land of Fire on the sixth day and deliver the news to the ninjas of the Sarutobi clan on the border of the Land of Fire.

But on the sixth day, the ninjas of the Sarutobi clan on the front line said that no one came to send information at all.

If something unexpected happens, it can be postponed for a day.

On the seventh day, Sarutobi on the front line still said that no one came to send information.

Article 8, Day 9.

Sarutobi Hiruzen finally confirmed that Aburame Taku probably, maybe, maybe, also lost contact!

"So, what happened in the Kingdom of Rain that even Aburame Taku couldn't escape?" Hiruzen Sarutobi frowned. Although Aburame Taku was only a jounin, his methods were weird. Even with all his strength, he couldn't even escape. He must be able to keep it, but he disappeared into the Kingdom of Rain so silently.

Hanzo himself patrolling the border? ?

"In one and a half months, four jounin were lost, and they were still jounin of the ninja clan!" Looking at these four names, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked ugly.

Even if we fight for two months, we may not be able to kill four jounin!

Moreover, the jounin of the ninja clan is different from the ordinary jounin. Although there is no saying that the jounin of the ninja clan must escape one-on-one, the general concept is that the ninja clan ninja is stronger than the ordinary ninja.

Because the ninja clan did not cooperate with Naruto, even he had very few ninja clan jounin.

He simply cannot afford this rate of loss!

Konoha and Sunagakure Village have been at war for more than three months, but Konoha has not lost a single jounin, and there is clearly no war behind them, but he has lost four jounin in a month and a half. How can this be compared with those clan leaders? Explain?

Logically speaking, with such huge losses, itโ€™s almost time to stop.

After all, there is no war between Konoha and Rain Country. If you secretly send people to other people's territory, you can only blame yourself if you die.

But Hiruzen Sarutobi was unwilling to give in. How could he endure such a thing!

Those were 81 jounin, and they just disappeared without any reason?

Oh, it's not unclear, at least he has confirmed that Hanzo and Danzo are not cooperating, and Danzo himself is dead.

Because Danzo set a seal for his subordinates to eliminate the curse of tongue, and on the day Sarutobi Shinnosuke disappeared, the seal for the curse of tongue that wiped out all the ninjas in the root disappeared.

But Danzo and that kind of root ninja, how can they compare to a hair of his own son?

"It must be Hanzo!" Sarutobi Hiruzen thought for a long time. Since Danzo is also dead, it can only be Hanzo's hand.

After all, the Land of Rain is Hanzo's territory. If an ambush is set up somewhere, such as a large number of detonating talismans, and then suddenly detonated, there is a possibility of surrounding and annihilating all jounin.

As for why the cooperation that was originally promised turned into a trap, isn't this normal? The ninja world is a world of intrigue!

"You bastard Danzo, it's okay to be stupid, and you also killed my son!" Although the death of his old classmate made Sarutobi Hiruzen very sad, compared with his own son, Danzo was not worthy. Itโ€™s a hair!

"And Hanzo, even if you didn't know it at the time, Shinnosuke would never hide his identity if he wanted to take action. How dare you take action knowing that he is my son? You clearly don't take my leaf village seriously. A few years after the defeat, he became arrogant again? "

After thinking for a long time, Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly said sternly: "Initiate a village-wide summons to summon all the jounin in the village, the heads of the major ninja clans, and the Hokage's office building for a meeting!"

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